All our Electorates are terrible people.

Spoil-sport. I will sic Jasper and Frank on you :(

I fully agree with OP’s sentiment. Because of this, I have created a topic for the richer members of the electoral community to participate in the art of bribery, via Serpentine Arrangements. Thank you for your attention.

Here’s an old description of the Dauntless Temperance Campaigner. She sounds interesting and in most of her appearances is VERY LOUD. Just perfect

It’s probably just irritation speaking, due to how grindy the duels are.

I’ve always wondered this myself. I mean, sure he’s a creep, but he doesn’t seem much worse than all the other creeps in the game

  • Defaces Cathedrals
  • Doesn’t Have The Decency To Stay Dead For Even A Week
  • Pretty sure he’s like Passionario, but for the Presbyterate.

[quote=Bertrand Leonidas Poole]* Defaces Cathedrals

  • Doesn’t Have The Decency To Stay Dead For Even A Week
  • Pretty sure he’s like Passionario, but for the Presbyterate.[/quote]
  1. I’m pretty sure that’s on the same level as jaywalking as far as villainous things in Fallen London go.
  2. That describes most of us
  3. Can’t we wait for him to actually do something Passionario-esque before we hate him for it? :P

I support the election of a random rubbery man next year, just imagine how confused it would be! Territhree!
On a more serious note, I do thing the Jovial Contrarian would be a good candidate, even if February has the reins. He’s one of the few Anarchists who are both aware of the end goals of the Anarchists and don’t agree with said end goals, so in my book he’s golden.
edited by Infinity Simulacrum on 7/11/2016

Personally, I’d like to nominate the Good Doctor Carrywell for candidacy in next year’s election. London needs a ruthless and pragmatic leader (that is to say, a conniving one) in these dangerous times. Someone with real (that is to say, imaginary) political experience. Someone who can guide with a strong, authoritative hand (that is to say, one which slays as easily as cholera). And there is no better choice (indeed, perhaps no choice at all). ^_~[li]

Who is Carrywell?[/li]

A rubbery candidate has the same problems as a Clay candidate :P But maybe the rubberies could support a human candidate for office with amber, mime, and music. The Contrarian has the support of the Tomb Colonists after all. Historically ethnic groups that face discrimination and social exclusion band together in bloc voting in order to support candidates willing to improve their lives.

[quote=Anne Auclair]Who is Carrywell?
She’s a character that appears in Ambition: Nemesis.

She’s a doctor at the Grand Sanatorium, a place where the mentally ill tomb colonists are sent for &quotresearch&quot and to be studied. Using that very loosely. Also seems to have a rather obvious tie to the Great Game, considering most of her &quotpatients&quot are either former spies or prisoners in a way. That was my interpretation of it at least.

Could be interesting to have Carrywell as a candidate just to expand more of that story. I feel like Ambition: Nemesis barely scratched the surface on what she’s capable of doing.

[quote=Amelia Syrus][quote=Anne Auclair]Who is Carrywell?
She’s a character that appears in Ambition: Nemesis.

She’s a doctor at the Grand Sanatorium, a place where the mentally ill tomb colonists are sent for &quotresearch&quot and to be studied. Using that very loosely. Also seems to have a rather obvious tie to the Great Game, considering most of her &quotpatients&quot are either former spies or prisoners in a way. That was my interpretation of it at least.

Could be interesting to have Carrywell as a candidate just to expand more of that story. I feel like Ambition: Nemesis barely scratched the surface on what she’s capable of doing.[/quote]
She’s not really a Londoner though…and being Mayor would take her away from her present projects.

Carrywell is not a tomb colonist yet she’s in the colonies. I guess??? Besides I’m not sure if she would be willing to toss her hat for a campaign or not.

I don’t know if there is anything outside of the Dangerous storyline. But from that alone…

He’s a cannibal who eats those that truly die in Black Ribbon fights and a cheating @sshole that rides in on a horse with a lance when you challenge him. Besides that, he invites you to dinner, seems to be doing nothing suspicious when you spy on him, and is an overall pleasant character. I don’t even know if cannibal is really a point against him when there’s an exclusive club that invites cannibalism anyway.

he seems like the perfect voice of society if you ignore the bandages.
edited by Amelia Syrus on 7/11/2016

Carrywell is not a tomb colonist yet she’s in the colonies. I guess??? Besides I’m not sure if she would be willing to toss her hat for a campaign or not.[/quote]
All the current candidates were very public figures even before they ran for office. Jenny, the Bishop, and the Contrarian were well known to the public and a big part of high society. They also had social bases - Jenny has her Bohemians, Bishop the Church, Contrarian the Revolutionaries. So, the best future candidates would be public figures as well with deep connections to one or more groups.

Or just characters that aren’t exclusive to fate locked content. I would say ambitions too but I think about 2 of the 3 candidates have more content in at least 1 ambition.

Carrywell would be an ideal candidate! She’s a scientist and a surgeon of great prowess and acclaim, she’s worked on the cutting edge in the study of frost-moths and red honey and all that fascinating esoterica, she runs a state-of-the-art medical facility, and she’s got a certain kind of… political experience. Perhaps certain Londoners know her better than they think, is all I’m saying. Well, maybe a little more than that. How high was your Having Recurring Dreams: A Game of Chess quality when you visited her?

Or just characters that aren’t exclusive to fate locked content. I would say ambitions too but I think about 2 of the 3 candidates have more content in at least 1 ambition.[/quote]
Tristram Bagley might be a good candidate, in a monster raving loonie fashion.

Vaguely terrible people is not interesting![/quote]

But the election will flesh them out. That’s interesting.

Then again, I might be full of crap since I find the most interesting candidate of the three we have now to be the Bishop, and he’s the least terrible :P[/quote]
Least terrible? public shaming of people who sold their souls? Sure, his support base could be called the least terrible, but his personal actions compared to the contrarians’ are unfavorable in his favor, in my opinion. The only reason the contrarian is terrible is the revolution is trying to make him into their puppet, and he’s doing a good job of resisting- including, admittedly, channeling the revolution’s funds straight into his rivals’ campaigns… so maybe i should be going &quotdon’t vote for the contrarian&quot. it’s clearly something he’s plotting on doing.
edited by Grenem on 7/11/2016

I had a feeling I was missing some information about Carrywell. Thank you.

And I unfortunately had A Game of Chess at 1 when I saw her. Ugh I wish I knew that before.

edited by Amelia Syrus on 7/11/2016