Acknowledgeable Achievements and Accoutrements

Greetings, Fallen Londoners!

A discussion stemmed in the “Such a dreadful bore” thread (click here) raised my curiosity about what Nigel Overstreet called singular items and achievements: something somebody has and no one else (or at most, VERY few ones) have. Be it a particularly high Quirk, an impressive hoard of goods or a singular, rare object of achievement; to cut a long story short, anything that would be proudly displayed in your Scrapbook or on your Mantelpiece.

Do you have one? What is it?

(On my part, I’m still a relativley green player, so probably my more remarkable achievement was hoarding 19.052 Cryptic Secrets - if not because the Cryptic Secret icon was my first avatar on both Twitter and the forums. But I usually display my Stone Tentacle-Key instead - the second one, actually - because I find it more interesting).

I have 363 Ridiculous Hats. I’m not sure this is something to be proud of.

Only two and a quarter more and you’ll have a Ridiculous Hat for every day of the year! Of course that’s something to be proud of.

I had considered working on my Subtle once I had achieved some of my other goals, but it took a hit recently due to some necessary uses of force, and I’ve only just started the quest to become a PoSI, so it will have to wait.

The one thing I’ve gone out of my way for is a complete set of Neathymon (all at once). I doubt that’s terribly uncommon, but it does take some extra effort.

Well, it is only luck, but I have a haunted-looking dog. Luck or not, I’m quite proud of the fellow. He does sit on my mantle.

My dog is of course scared witless by my adorable grubby kitten. I shudder to think what he will feel if my household ever contains a starveling cat.

As I’m not likely to gain any more through storylets, I’m now sort of tempted to buy the last two hats :)

And you get to sit back and look at your pets and go, “Mine! All mine!”

And say “I choose you Corresponding Ocelot!” to get into the right spirit of things.

I have two Night-Whispers. And five Dark-dewed Cherries. I’m not sure if that’s a lot or not though.

I have Empire’s Kingmaker 48. That might not be all that unusual, I supppose, but I think that’s the highest it gets.

I have Making Waves (Admired) 55, but likewise don’t know if that’s high compared to others.

At Unaccountably Peckish 24, I’m the most starveling man I know. There’s probably at least one other Neath-dweller even crazier than I am, though.

Not that I’ve made any actual progress seeking the Name. But I’ve definitely got the peculiar and disturbing hunger.

I’ve got a couple useless qualities I’ve decided to grind anyway. I have “Scholar of the Correspondence” at 10, which seems to be the cap for every method to raise it. Also, since they silently added titles to the various Accomplishments, I’ve decided to grind a few that beforehand I had just left at 1. Currently I’m working on Master Thief (It’s up to 4) and I’m wondering if it does indeed cap eventually. I also plan on doing Fearsome Duelist someday. Sadly, I cannot raise “a Procurer of Savage Beasts” anymore, as that locks when you unlock the labyrinth of tigers.

I may be the highest ranked connected Hell at 324. I don’t know to be honest I just assume that’s the highest.

As mentioned in the other thread, nothing can be allowed to stand between me and my goals - my Ruthless is 104. Closing in on 105!

I also have an army of 141 Lucky Weasels, which might be a little unusual.

That seems like a safe assumption. I think that’s the highest connection I’ve ever seen for any connection at all, in fact. Every devil probably knows your name at this point.

That seems like a safe assumption. I think that’s the highest connection I’ve ever seen for any connection at all, in fact. Every devil probably knows your name at this point.[/quote]

Pretty sure at least one person got up to 450 in Society.

That said…damn. Where can you grind that much Connected: Hell?

That seems like a safe assumption. I think that’s the highest connection I’ve ever seen for any connection at all, in fact. Every devil probably knows your name at this point.[/quote]

Pretty sure at least one person got up to 450 in Society.

That said…damn. Where can you grind that much Connected: Hell?[/quote]

Hell’s Fence gives you infinite connected. It’s all a matter of perseverance.

P.S. I’m not stopping till I get my stat to 666. There better be a new title by then.
edited by Cubethulhu on 5/15/2012

[quote=Branden Linton]I may be the highest ranked connected Hell at 324. .
P.S. I’m not stopping till I get my stat to 666. There better be a new title by then.[/quote]
What title do you have now?

As for myself, I’m not sure how many other people bothered to publish enough newspapers to get Defender of Truth 10. I am a Scholar of the Correspondence 15, which seemed like a huge number at the time, but now I’m not so sure.
For hoarding, I have never sold any diamonds, since they were one of the first goods obtainable in the game but not purchasable at the Bazaar, and I wasn’t sure if I might need them someday. Even after they became available in the Side Streets I never got out of the habit of hoarding them. I have amassed 1698 of them. They are shiny and enhance my nest.
edited by hwango on 5/15/2012

[quote=hwango][quote=Branden Linton]I may be the highest ranked connected Hell at 324. .
P.S. I’m not stopping till I get my stat to 666. There better be a new title by then.[/quote]
What title do you have now?

As for myself, I’m not sure how many other people bothered to publish enough newspapers to get Defender of Truth 10. I am a Scholar of the Correspondence 15, which seemed like a huge number at the time, but now I’m not so sure.
For hoarding, I have never sold any diamonds, since they were one of the first goods obtainable in the game but not purchasable at the Bazaar, and I wasn’t sure if I might need them someday. Even after they became available in the Side Streets I never got out of the habit of hoarding them. I have amassed 1698 of them. They are shiny and enhance my nest.
edited by hwango on 5/15/2012[/quote]

…So there actually is a way of raising Scholar of the Correspondence over 10! How did you get the last 5 points?

I collect business cards from the Implacable Detective, although not very quickly I’m afraid. Only 32 so far. I suppose my head-canon is that Early likes to harass the old bird with vaguely ominous romantic gifts and ceaseless taunting.