Achievements and other such things


And I think it’s even been under a year since I started playing! I started playing around the start of last year’s estival so it’s close! but not quite a year (I think, let me check actually) Yep! Just checked and my first account was made 30th of july last year and the account I completed the ambition of (my main) was made september 21st!!!


Congratulations, dude! And my my, that is quite the short time with which to finish an ambition! It’s a little embarrassing, actually, since I keep putting mine off. Oh well, glad for you!

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… I started my ambition in late August 2023 and finished it at the start of February 2024… I don’t think they’re supposed to take THAT long, right?

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Mine took over 10 years to complete!

Granted, that’s partly because the devs hadn’t completed it yet.


oh, no, they’re not supposed to, but, as i said, i Procrastinate ALOT :sweat_smile:


It really depends on how one sets their priorities. I had a huge lull, because engaging in other parts of the game was much more interesting than grinding for knifegate. I wish the moneysinking grinds in the ambitions were replaced with grinding for assets that are relevant for other parts of the game as well, like the T5 lodging requirement for HD. Or that one could grind vanity qualities along grinding for the ambition. It does not seem to slot in well with other things competing with ones action allotment nowadays. If I played a new character casually, I would be more motivated to engage with Evolution, the Railway and what we have of Horizon, instead of grinding thousands of Echoes. I was mostly done with my railway when I finally sat down to grind for blades to advance Nemesis. And I doubt I am the only one. It’s weird, that one can nowadays be a railway magnate and unraveled the threads of ones destiny before becoming a true denizen of the neath. Not that I wish for dependencies there. Just to reevaluate how the different things slot into the game as a whole.


Oh interesting!!

I think I started my ambition right after Fruits of the Zee 2023, I took breaks for every festival, I completed evolution alongside my ambition (finished it about 2 weeks before I finished my ambition), I waited to do the Railway because of, you know, the tie ins with some ambition rewards, but everything else was well underway by the time I finished it. Huh. Maybe I just am either very efficient or use more of my actions per day than some people? Idk interesting thoughts!

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Hello, yes, may I ask what qualifies for a T5 lodgings? Does the non-upgraded Reservation at the Royal Bethlehem count? What of it’s upgraded version? Thank all who answer in advance.

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I think ‘T5’ simply means ‘5 cards in deck’. So, a non-upgraded Beth is a T4, and the upgraded is T5.


Ah, I see… Writes down "upgrade royal beth in my to do list thank you, alyria.

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Don’t know what counts for achievements these days, but I hit 40 000+ potential Stuivers and winding down my Roof economy preparations. Hopefully we will see new chapter tomorrow and I could go shopping for new goodies.


Anything you wanna boast about, basically.



I genuinely cannot comprehend how I should react to this


Oh you’ve been playing for a long time, aha? I honestly can’t imagine grinding for one cider, let alone three! Definitely one of the most impressive achievements in this thread.

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That is one heck of a lot of Cider!

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I thought we were admiring the amount of tiger/horse juggling we are looking at.

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That’s also mind-bogglingly impressive!

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Got myself a new ship! I will miss my zee-clipper, but it was worth it, I’m sure. It’s now time to put this new ship to the test against the snares-i trust she will pull through.


Congratulations. That’s a wonderful swimming mountain of steel and artillery. I am sure you will use it to further peace and harmony across the zee.