Achievements and other such things

It’s fine, mate :grin:


Bagger me, it’s this simple? Nice!

What a coincidence, almost all of my favours are at 7 at the moment! Well, I’ll need to take a break from the IT research to do this, but maybe the change of scenery would be good for me?

Well if it is I would also like to get that since I’m on the airrag-tears-blood grind.

Thank you for your advice, friend! It’s highly appreciated!

It is not in fact Airag, the last item you can get from the Tigers, specifically the Minister of State Affairs, is five Favours in High Places. I wouldn’t recommend it myself as those are pretty easy to get, but it might come in handy!

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Ah, well, not useful for me at all I’m afraid (monster-hunter work). Thanks for clarifying, john_schmit.

anidiot, This process of favours → tribute → enigmas has one “catch”. You have to set up the CotWE to give you enigmas. To do this, you need to have a lot of tribute but I do not remember the exact amount (maybe 245). You sail to the CotWE and “buy” access with this amount of tribute to the tiger minister that gives you enigmas. I do not remember which one this is but you can find this out on the Wiki. So the first batch of 240-160 tribute just gets you access to the desired minister. Subsequent trips get you the enigmas. Oh yeah… perhaps a 2nd “catch”. Turning in 20 tribute at the CotWE for an enigma (or any of the other 62 echo items) costs 4 actions.


Ah, I see. Thank you for expanding on the topic, vinish.

I have at last attained an Overgoat! I was looking at my assets after getting a great deal of value from the Rat Market Jubilee, and I realized I could buy an Overgoat without too much trouble! Next stop, Übergoat! Though I should perhaps let my money rest for a while, as nearly twelve thousand echoes is a great deal to spend in one place.


…I wrote three plays and got the Empress to giggle! I’m barely into middle game I think, lol. Still, it’s very enjoyable! Even if I can’t see them on the Possessions tab, plus, I just did the Gift storyline and OH MY GOD, THAT WAS SOME AMAZING HORROR. It really adds some dark shadows to being at the Court of the Traitor Empress (Victoria, right?).


Oh, I remember the first time this happened to me(if we’re thinking about the same thing)! It’s quite nice.


Yes, I’m carving out my name! I just keep refusing the dude who wants me to write the opera, lol. I want to write all the things first. This should indicate the quality of my “gameplay,” double lol. I’m into it for the little vignettes, the cut scenes I guess? Collected together they would all make a thick book! I’d buy it.

I had been all “traitor shadow empress high court intrigue, right yeah,” but I stidued /the blade/ VicLit in school so i was like…wait, these people sound familiar. And then things took a deliciously terrible turn.


Also this is a great idea! I’m glad it popped up again, I missed it before.

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Vignettes are exactly what you should play FL for! And without spoiling too much, you should feel free to write that Opera before seeing every single thing you can write at Court. You will eventually be able to write even more types of plays and such after your Opera, which actually contributes to something that I think you might like, from the impression I’ve gathered.



All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well



(says a mere fool, doing a backflip and spinning around in place, counterclockwise, at a pace of 76 rpm, for no particular reason.)

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Are you new here to the Neath, perhaps? Just getting started?

If you are so, then the first thing I’m gonna have to tell you is, those dainty red slippers you got plastered all over your avatar? They are disturbingly close to, well…

Let’s just say, considering just how much you’ve already flaunted yourself in the forums, that you might want to take those off before you win a free day pass to the Tomb-Colonies.

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It has been done.


And not only by you!


Anyone who has completed the Bag a Legend has also completed an Impossible Theorem as it is required for this ambition.

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I know, I know, it’s simply a way to announce my own completion of the project.

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Technically one could acquire a red and gold room on Christmas and bypass that requirement. That requires some timing and/or patience though.

Congratulations! Or “conBATulations”?