Achievements and other such things

So, I’ve decided to open a new thread for sharing achievements(and other accomplishments), since I noticed the old thread was functionality dead. Do tell me in DMs if this thread seems unnecessary and you wish to have it closed-speaking of which, please no one comment on this thread yet, I remember being in a forum using this exact formet and in that one you couldn’t delete a thread if someone commented on it. Any how, I wish to share what will hopefully be the first achievement here:

After around 4 days of dedicated grinding, I have finally achieved a maxed out KT! Indid, with this, the only advanced skills that I haven’t raised to the max are AoTrS, zeefaring, shapeling arts and mithridacy-and two zeefaring and mithridacy will only take me a couple days to achieve a maxed rank in together!

I know this isn’t particularly impressive to most of the forum veterans here, as I’m pretty sure you’ll already have all your advanced skills in the base sevens, but it’s a rather large milestone for me so I thought I’ll share.


I just became an Extraordinary Mind. I didn’t realize I had the resources to do this until a month or so ago, and I’ve been putting it off because 1) I didn’t want another unusable card spawning in my opportunity deck (Advertisements on a New Venture), and 2) I was too broke of anything I didn’t want to keep to sell for the Smock. In the end I begrudgingly sold off my terrifying accumulation of Deep Amber from damp bags of the stuff from Rubbery Men.


Congratulations! :tada:

There’s a very easy solution for this: just keep it in your hand until you have the resources to play one of the options on it. That way it can’t appear in your hand again.

Do you have a tier three profession yet? If you do, going to the “your activities” tab(it’s near your lodgings tab)and doing your professional activities is a very good money maker: you convert the value of currency the activities give you to rustygold/something else and than sell that off in the bazzar for a very consistent payout-that’s how I grinded for my POSI specialization. Also, can I know what that profession is? If you don’t have a tier three profession yet, I suggest you get on that real quick, it’s very very important in the mid(and I assume late)game.

Have fun with your new position and the rest of the game! Good luck!

Ta-da! My First vial of bazzar tears! Master blood is next! :drop_of_blood: :upside_down_face:

And now I have a 7 in(nearly)them all! Only one left is AotRS, and that shouldn’t be very hard at all to level, even if rather repetitive(it would Probably take several irl days but oh well).


I just finished the Railroad! I remember lamenting about how long it would take due to time-gated board meetings but the weeks seemed to fly by. Now I am a very proud director of the completed GHR, with stations spanning from London’s backyard all the way to Marigold at Hell’s front door.

I think between the railway, having established the Tracklayer’s City, completing my Ambition, and campaigning against myself in Parabola, I can comfortably say I am now in the Endgame. I am experiencing a lot of things right now.


Dude, congratulations! :tada: And have fun at the end game.

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Thank you :D I’m very excited for what lies ahead

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