A Game Of Chance (Read First Post)

It is the season of giving after all.


Many thanks to Zero Hunt for the small parcel of surface silk scraps. A pleasant reminder of my surface days. Happy to pass on a surprise next.

Did … did someone send me a Christmas card from the Bazaar???

Edit: Having checked around, a friend was responsible, not this thread. Whew. That would have been tough to live up to.
edited by Asclepius Unbound on 12/21/2014

Zero: How lovely! I’m so glad that box ended up being something pleasant and not, say, a Starveling Cat. Boy would that have been embarrassing! So what about you two lovebirds? Didn’t you get some things since we last chimed in here?

Soran: … Mr. Hunt… I do value you as a friend, so I’m generally willing to allow you a great deal a leeway where it comes to the things that evidently pass for &quotjokes&quot in your mind, but if you place much value in the aesthetics of your countenance, I would recommend recanting that &quotlovebirds&quot comment. Immediately.

Zero: Grins, nervously Right. Recanting. It won’t happen again, I promise!

Soran: Good. And to answer the question; yes, I received yet another package of London Street Signs and Proscribed Material. A bit old-hat by now, perhaps, but still very much welcome.

Cairn: That’s funny; I believe my gift contained the exact same thing. What a curious coincidence…

edited by Soran on 12/22/2014

Now this sounds like a fun little adventure. I’ll just leave this right here and see what comes of it.

Yes, well. I hope this fit of generosity passes soon. Perhaps it is the eggnog. Still, I find myself so inclined, and I try to indulge the odd impulse.

Thank you Aximillio, for the surprise package with 18 Correspondence Plaques :)
Expect a little thank you, shortly.

This sounds like fun. Count me in.

Received a box from Holly: Something Forbidden (555): 1 London Street Sign and 1 Proscribed Material.
I guess I won’t have to rob the Bazaar for them, then =)

I’d love to play, and I seem to have drawn the relevant card now too so someone will have a gift incoming shortly!

Received a box from Marcus of the Mangrove College: Something troublesome (148): 1 Compromising Document. The troubles of the rich lave the souls of the unrich, as the description says =)

From Ember, slightly odiferous: venge-rat corpses and diamonds! How…festive :).

I received your package of London Street signs! How scandalous! Thank you!

From Ryone Suliemannt: Something keening… (32) - 57 Primordial Shrieks. Those will probably be spent on increasing my SotC, thanks =)

I would be interested in receiving packages. I have already sent one out.

I got 2 venge-rat corpses and 7 ostentatious diamonds; thank you!

Three boxes from August Brown, ashdenej and Reteq:

  1. Something troublesome (108) - 4 Compromising documents
  2. Something sweet (12) - 10 drops of honey
  3. Something lethal (203) - 1 muscaria brandy

Thank you very much =)
edited by Aximillio on 1/7/2015

Hmm. Intriguing. I am, as always, delighted to participate in a good game. Also, I have no shortage of money at the moment, so I might as well take advantage of that.
-Delphinus LaRue


[quote=delphinus]Hmm. Intriguing. I am, as always, delighted to participate in a good game. Also, I have no shortage of money at the moment, so I might as well take advantage of that.
-Delphinus LaRue


I got a touching love story and a stolen correspondence - much appreciated!


I’d like to sign up. I’ll have trouble getting the card, so keep that in mind.