A Game Of Chance (Read First Post)

I got 2 venge-rat corpses and 7 ostentatious diamonds; thank you![/quote]
I likewise got two venge-rat corpses, along with a baptised rattus faber corpse, an extraordinary implication, and some abominable salts. I’m sure I can find some good use for them.[/li]

I would be interested in this… game, and have enough Echoes to give a few gifts myself.

I got 2 venge-rat corpses and 7 ostentatious diamonds; thank you![/quote]
I likewise got two venge-rat corpses, along with a baptised rattus faber corpse, an extraordinary implication, and some abominable salts. I’m sure I can find some good use for them.[/li][/quote]

No offence, but I am never accepting a healing invitation from you.

Kylestien, your gift of gems is en-route now.

I received a London Street Sign and a Proscribed Material from Corvidae, thank you!

I’m not sure what it is, but your getting something, Catcliffe.

Muscaria Brandy! Thanks very much.

Thank you, Ms Catcliffe. I received those documents you wanted me to look over. The information contained within them will be most helpful. (5 Compromising Documents recieved.)

Hey, I finally drew the card! Gift en route :-).

This looks very interesting, count me in! Treichie, you should have something on it’s way to you.


Zero: I sent someone a thing! Now it’s time for me to go on that little vacation I’ve been planning.

Soran: I’m not sure I’d call a trip to the Iron Republic a &quotvacation.&quot

Zero: I’m going to Hunter’s Keep first! I mean, that place is pretty, right?

Soran: … I suppose-

Zero: But that’s enough about my trip! You haven’t been sending gifts lately, have you? And don’t say it’s because you’ve been &quotbusy&quot! We both know better than that.

Soran: …

Zero: Promise you’ll send something while I’m away, won’t you?

Soran: … Sigh If you insist.

Thanks Zero! And it’s… Proscibed Materiel and Street signs! Yay!

Soran: I received a rather sizable package of Surface Silk Scraps recently. Not an unpleasant gift, humble as it may be.

Cairn: Heh. Maybe you can use those to tie our compatriot back together once he gets back from his &quotvacation.&quot

Soran: Hush. Anyway, as I promised earlier, I’ve sent off a gift of my own. My dear raven Latet should be delivering it shortly.

Yaseanne, watch your mailbox :-)

A collection of Proscribed Materials, thank you! :)

Thanks, Yaseanne, for the London street signs and the proscribed materials!

I would be delighted to partake in this sharing of good fortune. To that end, Norskimo, you should shortly receive a present.
edited by Lady Eris on 1/26/2015

Soran, the wonderful package of street signs and proscribed materials was very much appreciated! Do thank Latet for me, please. And would you be so kind as to apologize for the behavior of my kitten, Nightfall? She apparently wanted to give poor Latet a hug. With her teeth.

And thank you, my Lady Eris, for the delightful box of wine I received last night! I must confess the box is noticeably lighter than when first delivered, but rest assured it was put to good use.

Asclepius, there is a package en route to you now. I seem to have sent it last night while enjoying Lady Eris’ gifts, so I haven’t the foggiest idea what is coming. Enjoy!

edited by norskimo on 1/27/2015

Corvidae sent me a most intriguing parcel of street signs and some most entertaining literature. My thanks, indeed!

After not drawing this card for weeks I’ve now drawn it twice in as many days. Enjoy!