Worst luck and/or misclicks you've had?

If your Renown: Constables is 15 or above, you can use an Antique Constable’s Badge to raise Subtle up to level 15. It does cause a loss of Forceful though, so perhaps not the best option if you want your other quirks left alone.


That’s useful to know! Well, I need to grind my Renown for Constables up first, because I’ve been focusing down on my character’s three factions first. Thanks for the heads up - I’m not worried about Forceful at all, really, I just want to up my character’s subtle quirk again.


It didn’t. It does nothing, and you made the click, even if it was a misclick. But the fidgeting writer storyline is pretty early on and outclassed pretty quickly, so I’m assuming you’re newer POSI, right?

If so, as much as the MYN content is grindy as hell it wouldn’t take you TOO long to just make a new account and level it! So at a minimum there’s an actionable solution if it really bothers you a lot for some reason!

If not… well, it currently does nothing, so I wouldn’t worry about it. It hasn’t changed anything about your experience, so no agency shifting at all, much less theft :> Hope that sets your mind at ease a little friend!


Do you mind me spoiling something rather big involving the Hellfarer quality? If you do, don’t keep reading, but I think it might assuage some of your worries.

The Fidgeting Writer isn’t actually the only source of Hellfarer. There’s a fate-locked story involving the Bishop of Southwark where he reveals his plans to invade Hell. If you side with him or Hell, then you get Hellfarer. So, you could look at the quality in a different way. It doesn’t really mean that your final destiny culminates in Hell, you could also interpret it as meaning that you will somehow be involved in Southwark’s invasion, which isnt necessarily a culmination of your journey.


Actually to play off this even more: this comes up in the Great Hellbound Railway plot too. The stat isn’t used but it certainly could be a cutesy little cheeky not FBG put into the game knowing they’d eventually have a late game storyline involving going to Hell and back.

What is foretold in London is not always the future. Some people believe there are augeries that Paris will be the next City, and rather soon. Or at least they used to. In any event, if one plays their cards right, London can be around for a very long time.


This is all true too! Plus, even the Destiny you choose for yourself (either during a festival or in Irem) are subvertible, and it’s even explicitly stated when you gain the destiny. Having your future foretold is only a hard lock in exactly one case that I can think of, which is when you take that choice during the Irem webs.


In some cases your Destiny is also submersible


On my third attempt at a Distinction of Pages run, I finally managed to put together a team that a) legally qualifies b) is capable of winning even a single round. It was great! It had the Fool of Audacities and a single Page! I love Mr Cheese!

After my third victory I fumbled the button and disbanded my team instead of taking a break.

I am now about to start my fifth attempt at assembling a valid Pages team.


oof thats brutal. Good luck!

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-needs to zail to godfall and then to gilders moren for reasons
-somehow forgets about godfall and zails directly to gilders moren, ariving with troubled waters 4
-suddenly remembers godfall
-immedietly leaves current port and zails there, ariving with troubled waters 5
-wastes more then 20 actions on this whole unnessery trip, needs to zail back to london to remove tw, might sink on the way back.

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In the future? Court of the Wakeful Eye is closer to Godfall and clears Troubled Waters when docking there. Probably would have taken 4 actions to get there and dock, then another 10 to get to Gaider’s Mourn again.

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…i actually didnt zail to back to london yet(i hed the actions but was tired from studying 9-18 that day)so thanks, buddy! will do that!


Now this might not seem like bad luck at first-however, I was one luck roll away from getting rid of devilish advances, so this was rather annoying.


Ahhhh-guys, mildly urgent question: since I don’t have my soul anymore, what happens if my wounds reach 8/I drown? Do I stay permanently dead?? Do I go to hell?? I don’t care if it’s spoilers, I would very much like to know this!

Silly goose, why would you go to Hell? You don’t have anything they want … now.

Seriously, there are very few ways to be entirely eliminated from the game (FBG wants you to be around after all), so I wouldn’t worry about it.

Too much.

But I’ve never expired in your particular situation.

More seriously, I’m exceedingly confident the game will not definitely kill you without substantial warning and opportunities to avert that fate.


yeah, the devils have no interest in you anymore and the boatman doesn’t care for your soul anyway - you’ll still be able to go on prolonged boat rides.

I think the most prominent events where the absence of your soul might be recognized are happening at the university …

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the bit of you which us awake and aware on the slow boat is not the bit of you the bees are most interested in collecting. Which is to say, you’ll be fine!


Thanks goodness!

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Thanks you’ll, I got real worried for a second.