Event is finished, eggs Are Not. You can scamper off.
Each egg takes a 24 hours to hatch after all the preparations, plan accordingly.
We get 3 more Ha’Pennies this year, but scarlet eggs now require 1 coin each to buy.
Yes, we can buy augizmo with leftovers now.
You get unique items from the eggs.
Hatching is simple:
Get eggs - purchase them on universal storylet. There are 3 kinds of eggs. Percipient and Aged cost a tiny fee, Scarlet costs Ha’Penny this year. Guess, next year, Aged will be fate-locked too.
Treat eggs - when you have any eggs, you have another storylet. There are 2 different treatments. You can work only on one egg at a time, but hold multiple untreated.
Augment your egg - you can get up to 2 augmentations in different locations for a small fee, and another one from augizmo. You pet will evolve like a pokemon before hatching, depending on the number of augmentations (counting from zero - just fully treated). All augmentations are interchangeable, only the total number (0-3) counts for the level of the pet. Wrong augmentation fail without cost and give you Speculation.
3.1. Sartorial Augmentation (tailoring) at Ladybones COSTS 3 HA’PENNIES, but gives you a clothing instead.
3.2. Or you can send a fully treated but not augmented egg to your friend to let them get a pet from a separate pool for 1 Ha’Penny each time.
- Hatch your egg - once it’s fully treated and possibly augmented you should start hatching it. Hatching lasts 24 hours or costs 1 Ha’Penny or 10 fate and gives you a pet.
Everything related is placed in the "Whitsun" category in your inventory - eggs and, most importanly, augmentations you’ve already applied to the current egg.
You can spend your eggs elsewhere instead of hatching it.
- Crack un-augmented egg to get some random stuff.
- Sell your eggs to De Gustibus in Ladybones. Untreated sell cheap, augmented are better.
- Research your eggs in your laboratory.
- Take your treated un-augmented egg to Tailor in Ladybones and turn it into a garment instead. That’s called Sartorial Augmentation. Item depends on egg and treatment. IT COSTS 3 HA’PENNIES.
- Send you treated un-augmented egg to a friend for 1 HA’PENNY. They’ll get a mini-pet, you’ll get a fuzzy feeling (with no gameplay effects).
- Take your untreated egg to Sinning Jenny’s school for minor rewards (and a rare pet).
- Sell your untreated eggs at the Bone Market.
Ha’Pennies are bought with Fate. No additional cash-free sources known besides introductory gift. We get 3 per year.
Buy experimental augmenter (augizmo) for 5 Ha’Pennies on storylet for egg treating. It’s a permanent item. It also unlocks a project in your laboratory.
Permanently hire the Numismatrix for you lab for 3 Ha’Pennies.
Buy scarlet eggs - this year they cost 1 Ha’Penny per egg. REPEAT: RED eggs REQUIRE Ha’Pennies.
Send your eggs to friends for 1 Ha’Penny to give them a mini-pet.
Turn your eggs into clothes with the help of a tailor at Ladybones for 3 Ha’Penny per egg.
Owning a newspaper adds an option for a special edition - instead of copy requirements you need 10 "Speculation about Whitsun".
Publishing get you Vital Intelligence, Cellar of Wine, 4 Blackmail Material, 20 CP Making Waves and nearly wipes your Speculation. You get a Fragment of Tragedy Procedures on rare success.
You get “Speculation" from chatting with Effervescent Charcutier (dude that introduces you into event), trying to give a wrong egg to an augmenter or tailor in London or researching eggs in your Lab. It’s CP based.
This is the only thing you can do without any eggs.
De Gustibus
It’s open for the duration of the event. Sits at Ladybones.
You can sell your eggs here.
You can also sell several random items unrelated to event itself. This includes very rare and valuable deals (Master’s blood).
Monster Nurturer
You get this for each hatched egg. Mostly it’s for bragging rights, but can be used on the card for joining Sophia’s club (you’ll still need resources to actually join).
On this guide
I claim no authorship rights on this guide - any part or the whole can be reproduced and/or modified without permission from me.
edited by Aro Saren on 5/24/2021
edited by Aro Saren on 5/27/2021