Weekly Questions, Beginning 7/11/2016

I will soon be ready to become an Extraordinary Mind (which you wouldn’t believe from the silly questions I sometimes ask here, but there you have it). Now, I understand that my Watchful will be set to 215 (provided that I have Notability 15). And I should think that a Nadir visit would lower it again. My question is, will I be able to raise it back up to 215, or should I henceforth avoid the Nadir like the plague?
edited by Arandia on 11/12/2016

[quote=Arandia]I will soon be ready to become an Extraordinary Mind (which you wouldn’t believe from the silly questions I sometimes ask here, but there you have it). Now, I understand that my Watchful will be set to 215 (provided that I have Notability 15). And I should think that a Nadir visit would lower it again. My question is, will I be able to raise it back up to 215, or should I henceforth avoid the Nadir like the plague?
edited by Arandia on 11/12/2016[/quote]

You will only be able to raise it back to 215 again by using notability, so just avoid the Nadir.

Where can I find Foxfire Candles in quantity?

I like to cash in Church connections for this, at the Shuttered Palace.

Unfinished business in veilgarden is probably the best for this, and it’s not very good, sadly…
edited by The Master on 11/12/2016

I like to cash in Church connections for this, at the Shuttered Palace.[/quote]

Thing is, as I’m needing to Candles for Tomb Colonies: Reknown, Church connections are valuable for Scandal decreases there.

I like to cash in Church connections for this, at the Shuttered Palace.[/quote]

Thing is, as I’m needing to Candles for Tomb Colonies: Reknown, Church connections are valuable for Scandal decreases there.[/quote]

Use the Church vs. Bohemian conflict card and seduce the leader of the Bohemians. You’ll get 60 foxfire candles each time, plus additional Church connections. It’s not grindable, but it’s a good background method.

There’s also the card associated with the Clay Sedan chair. Using it for a little sport gives 180 foxfire candles, although it also increases Heartless and decreases Magnanimous.

Like I said, neither of these are grindable sources, but if you take the opportunities as they come, you can build up a reliable stockpile

Two questions: what’s the difference between a training profession and a profession? My qualities are too high to get any real benefit from training profession and the only profession I’m being offered is Trickster.
Second question: is a patron required to increase making waves?
Okay, okay, I’m shy about asking someone to be my patron.

Training Professions are the only ones that increase your stats. Apart from that they function largely the same - once a week you get an Earnest of Payment to cash in for items, and a Professional Perk to acquire Trade Secrets (or other things, but Trade Secrets are the best use). You find other Professions on their faction’s card, and you need to have a certain amount of Connected/Favours to unlock them. The pay is better, and you even get a unique piece of equipment associated with that particular Profession. Do note you’ll lose said equipment when you resign or advance.

The primary use of patrons is to trade Free Evenings for a level in the stat your patron specializes in. It’s just a little boost in your skills each week, not anything absolutely necessary. Making Waves is best gained elsewhere.

What is the quickest way to grind favors(renown) of tomb-colonist? Currently I have renown 7.

Repeatedly getting exiled.

And what is the quickest way of getting exiled that does not rely on social actions? (And the plant is fully grown so no head harvesting)

Yes, forgot to thank you about the information!
Now, I read somewhere that there’s a social action which will grant 3 Confident Smiles, but is this available after I tell Mr. Chimes about myself?

Yes, forgot to thank you about the information!
Now, I read somewhere that there’s a social action which will grant 3 Confident Smiles, but is this available after I tell Mr. Chimes about myself?[/quote]

Yes it is.

And what is the quickest way of getting exiled that does not rely on social actions? (And the plant is fully grown so no head harvesting)[/quote]

If you still have court access you can go there directly by using the ‘throw the villain out of the window’ option in the Barbed Wit’s storyline - it’s possible to do this repeatedly with a bit of juggling. You can also stage a semi-nude ballet, although I’m not sure how that works out in terms of actions.

Alternatively, use a modish bonnet and scarlet stockings to take you to 3, then either quaff hot wine at the carnival, or using cards: pose nude for the forger (a visit), go to a scandalous party (tower of eyes) or play a rather decadent evening. There’s also drinking bottled oblivion, but that’s not exactly stat friendly. Beyond that, fail some persuasive challenges with the help of a rattus faber.

You can get your plant back down by losing some contests, but getting it back up after farming all the heads you want may not be worth it.

And what is the quickest way of getting exiled that does not rely on social actions? (And the plant is fully grown so no head harvesting)[/quote]

If you don’t have court access and are stat capped, try the methods mentioned in this thread: