Weekly Questions, Beginning 29/08/2016

If you were kicked out of the university you will need 500 of each to get back in(there isn’t much to do there when you return though)

250 each if you want to make your own library as well.

If you have a specific fated story you may…combine some beasts for a very special companion too.

Other than these 3, there isn’t much else todo here other than enjoy the story.

If you were kicked out of the university you will need 500 of each to get back in(there isn’t much to do there when you return though)

250 each if you want to make your own library as well.

If you have a specific fated story you may…combine some beasts for a very special companion too.

Other than these 3, there isn’t much else todo here other than enjoy the story.[/quote]
Incidentally, I do have that specific story, but that will have to wait when I come back. Thank you for other info!

Is there a better way to grind Connected: Bohemians besides “Public lecture” in FQ? I started the grinding for opening a Salon and i’ve already had everything besides it. Gain is great but amount of Suspicion i’d need to clean myself of whilst gaining 40 lvls of Connected is clearly undesirable.

-all Connections will shift to the Favors/Renown system
Well, from what i see now it’s just another grind&convert stat which i rarely use. Yes-yes, one can get easy Supplies Crates but otherwise i don’t find it much useful and reliable since it depends on opportunity cards which are quite random. More than that, i’ve only recently found out that some conversions of Elder items require spending a Tomb-Colonist favour and it actually stopped me. Well, you see, spending some 10-20CP out of 30-40 lvls of Connected is one thing, and easy one, because sources of gaining it back are common, however spending a single favour for a 50:10 conversion is a waste.

&quotPublish poetry in praise of the dutchess&quot under entry to the duchess’s salon gives bohemian cp.
edited by suinicide on 9/3/2016

That’s a great one, thanks.

[quote=sosisqua]Is there a better way to grind Connected: Bohemians besides &quotPublic lecture&quot in FQ? I started the grinding for opening a Salon and i’ve already had everything besides it. Gain is great but amount of Suspicion i’d need to clean myself of whilst gaining 40 lvls of Connected is clearly undesirable.

-all Connections will shift to the Favors/Renown system
Well, from what i see now it’s just another grind&convert stat which i rarely use. Yes-yes, one can get easy Supplies Crates but otherwise i don’t find it much useful and reliable since it depends on opportunity cards which are quite random. More than that, i’ve only recently found out that some conversions of Elder items require spending a Tomb-Colonist favour and it actually stopped me. Well, you see, spending some 10-20CP out of 30-40 lvls of Connected is one thing, and easy one, because sources of gaining it back are common, however spending a single favour for a 50:10 conversion is a waste.[/quote]
I agree with the latter. In the case of the former… I like how conflict cards are actually profitable now, though. before, they were a penalty, often. many would offer less than .5 epa, with no other benefits. one particularly nasty one, one that’s still around, provides 2 cp wounds and no profit besides 15 net cp gain. [and cp was almost never good for anything besides bragging above 50. The cash ins either were way too slow, or too small scale. 2.4 echoes for 120 cp an an action priced cp at less than a pence each, meaning i was watching useless numbers go up. Sure, the flit had an exception card, but key words there: the flit, card. excluding GG->church, for the handful of second chances, and docks vs. urchins, for more docks connections…every conflict card was on my ignore list.]

That said, yes, favor-upconversions are painful. it would be neat if they’d let us upconvert for free past certain [high] renown levels or double the rewards on successes like they did for criminals for the other factions. [you can now get two searing enigmas when getting puzzle-damask now, all luck rewards doubled in magnitude for criminals IIRC.]

Now, a new small question. Correspondence Plaques. Best way to grind for a PoSI with a ship?

As always, it depends on what you mean by &quotbest&quot

The most echo-efficient, but very slow is via the Affair of the Box. This profitable carousel gives you 6 Correspondence Plaques for every 14 actions, but each of those 14 actions has an average EPA of ~1.64.

The fastest way to get specifically lots of Correspondence Plaques is probably via Thefts of a Particular Character in the Flit - steal Journals of Infamy and side-convert to Correspondence Plaques (50:51). If you have a Gang of Hoodlums and a high enough Shadowy, each theft (25 x Journals) takes 10 actions on average, so 21 actions in total to get 51 x Correspondence Plaques.

edited by dov on 9/4/2016

In addition, if you’re in a rush, and have a decent stockpile of primordeal schrieks, maniac’s prayers, and tomb-colonist favors, calling in tomb-colonist favors is 210 shreiks each time, or up to 1450. The payoff is the worst of all cash in options, but it’s still 4.2 - 1 action echoes per favor, which is faster than the alternative grinds- assuming you have either the resources to upcraft or a decent initial stockpile of those things.

Actually, i had quite enough of Maniac Prayers. Thank you both, Londoners!
Game never cease to surprise me. I’m playing since last December, but only not i have found out about side-converting items.

I’ve been trying to raise my Renown: Criminals to 50, but though I’m at 200 Shadowy base and have good gear (+52) I’m stuck at Renown 34. Am I going to be stuck waiting for a Shadowy Mood a couple dozen times even if I shell out for all the Fate-locked items and changing to a Shadowy Destiny?

Or other renown items, I believe the rubberyman one gave a new highest item. (Though that wasn’t shadowy, so whenever more items come out) Either way, waiting.
edited by suinicide on 9/5/2016

The Shadowy requirement for increasing Renown is (6 x Renown). With a Shadowy of 252 (with gear) you should be able to raise Renown up to 43. (i.e. the option should still be unlocked for you at Renown 42). No reason to be stuck at 34.

Did I miss an announcement/rumor about the Revolutionaries trade-in? Probably it won’t be much, but it’s my first!

I am waiting for that one, too, but so far, nothing had come up! I remember seeing the topic on forums for the previous one, so they will probably put one for Revolutionaries, too

http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Ambition:_Nemesis if that helps. And you can google the titles if you want to see the whole thing.
edited by suinicide on 9/5/2016

I think I may have missed something. I have the exceptional story completion items from the Young Stags forward, but I think I missed some sort of “end of season” turn in? Is this a thing, or was that just a rumor?

It exists. I thinks there’s sometimes a problem with them after a couple weeks, so maybe email them about it.
edited by suinicide on 9/5/2016

It takes so looooooong to lower Revolutionary connections by calling in Favours in the Flit. I set them as my Closest to in order to score all the Proscribed Materials, and I’m now kinda regretting that. I suppose there isn’t any way to speed this up?

(Meanwhile, my laid-back alt has casually ground out three Eyeless Skulls in half a day of grinding. The RNG likes my alt, it does.)

Add in grinding favours: rubberymen, get 6, and then constantly side against the revolutionaries. Or if you don’t care about profit, grind up turncoat.
edited by suinicide on 9/5/2016