Weekly Questions, Beginning 27/05/2016

In my hearts desire, I have to wait for an optioncard with a hotelmanager. I have been waiting for a week now with lots of nightmares hunting me. Is there any other requirement that I have to deal with before i can meet some gentlemen?
[color=#33ff00]Edit: I should have been a little more patient, The gentlemen just arrived [/color];)
edited by billum on 5/29/2016

I did play an option on the Unfinished business card and lost Seduction: Artist’s Model quality. Now I’m left with An Admirer of Beauty - Beautiful Company and Seduction: Artist’s Model 2. Now I’ll just wait and see if the options change on the Unfinished business card or a new one pops.
Meh, even if I said I won’t engage in love affairs with NPCs, she did manage to seduce me! :D
EDIT: The Artist’s Model card unlocks when you do NOT have Seduction: Artist’s Model quality even if the card’s unlock text mentions this: &quotYou unlocked this by not having any Seduction: a Rising Artist’s Model&quot.
Now, back to grinding! :D
edited by Skinnyman on 5/29/2016[/quote]

I don’t know anything about the seduction quality but im pretty sure there is no way to remove &quotan admirer of beauty&quot, it will just stay there forever, haunting you and reminding you of your choice, looks at the quality and cries.
edited by The Master on 5/29/2016

[quote=Skinnyman]EDIT: The Artist’s Model card unlocks when you do NOT have Seduction: Artist’s Model quality even if the card’s unlock text mentions this: &quotYou unlocked this by not having any Seduction: a Rising Artist’s Model&quot.
Now, back to grinding! :D
edited by Skinnyman on 5/29/2016[/quote]
Glad it worked – I vaguely remembered that it was a separate fling from your first interactions with her. [li]

What benefit, if any, is there to Renown with various factions? It seems to be a millstone more then anything else.

Criminals and the docks unlock something at 25, and with the rubbery update they started adding in unique items for certain levels. But thats only rubbery right now.

Above 5- which is where it stops being a millstone- there are no more penalties for renown. between 0 and 5, yes, renown only reduces the number of favors you can get in the carnival- but once you move past that, there are rewards, both real and ones with sarcasm quotes, for faction renown. In addition, past those five levels of renown, there are no rewards for having low renown.

Criminals: Currently provides a way to overcap steadfast at cost of heartless and favors once you reach renown 15 and favors 7. in addition, hitting renown 20 adds a card that gives either 4.4 echoes in prisoner’s honey for 1 criminal favor or gives a criminal favor, your pick.

Docks: provides a way to overcap subtle at cost of forceful, and at Renown:20 a source, for 2000 prisoner’s honey and 10 echoes, of either A) 1 whirring contraptions, or, more rarely, B) 300 phosphorescent scarabs.

Rubbery men: This is where the meat is, and it’s likely to be retroactively applied in a similar way to previous and future renowns. Three unique items, which i shall not name. the first one, availible at renown 10 and favors 3, is just unique and interesting, but the second, renown 25 and favors 5, is the best persuasive companion in slot- not counting the profession equips or fate equips- and the third, at renown 40 and favors 7 [but fatelocked, in this instance], which is best non-profession item in slot for persuasive weapon. It’s also added to extant and popular fate content [flute street], rather than requiring a payment of fate on its own. If this is done for previous factions, getting the best gear setups in the game will require renown.
edited by Grenem on 5/30/2016

In addition, Renown: Tomb-Colonies 10 is required to make the acquaintance of the Mercies.

Also, Renown: Tomb-Colonies 15 opens another option the their dog card which grant 5 THiO.

Under ‘Making your Name: the Contract’, I’m told to ‘Hunt a Worryingly Large Rat to unlock new stories’. I have hunted two rats and have not unlocked any new stories. Should I continue grinding here? My Dangerous quality is high enough to where I will never fail.

Probably not. When I go to the Dept. of Menace Eradication, I get the following choice : ‘Make your name! Contract: a Worryingly Large Rat’. (I did check my Lodgings, just in case. Nothing there. Should this happen at one specific Lodging? I have keys for the Flophouse and the Rooms above a Bookstore.)

Let me try a different question. How do I earn the first point in ‘A Name Scrawled in Blood’?
edited by onomatomania on 5/31/2016

One thing that could be tripping your progress is if, at the end, you search the lair for treasure instead of bringing proof of the rat’s death to the dept.

That was it! I can finally do more that two things on Watchmaker’s Hill. Thank you.

Has anyone done the Favor for 5 fate action on any favor-converted connection item? if so, can you PM me the results, as well as whether it was lucky or unlucky? thanks!

What is the most profitably grind for each of the 4 main stats?

I need to work on my weaker stats, but I don’t want my finances to deteriorate during that time.

My question first, then i’ll partially answer yours:

Now, my question: Can anyone confirm the theory that the 7 favors renown 15 action is, in fact, going to give 28 cp, or do we just know that it gives more than 21?

[quote=th8827]What is the most profitably grind for each of the 4 main stats?

I need to work on my weaker stats, but I don’t want my finances to deteriorate during that time.[/quote]
I don’t know if you mind it being card triggered, but if you don’t- a good run on a polite invitation used to give 1.71 epa, pre-transition, though you could only cash it in in chunks of 60 echoes. even the slowest rate with no failures (in other words, +2 cp Talk of the town an action) is 1.4 epa- and with the right card draws- or even just tactical decisions- you can do better. (the slow action at any given time is 1.6 epa- but the leaving action has no cash payout, just CP and MW.)

The dance, if you don’t do the one from the elder continent, may give a docks favor- worth >3.01 echoes if used optimally, or, if used less so, 2.88. However, it’s a pretty low rate, i’ve been to at least 15 parties and only gotten two.

If you’re after rubbery men favors, there’s a card for a favor @ time = 2 (and half an echo in amber, making it 3 echoes for one action, if you can’t get more value out of a favor than 2.5 echoes), and another one that gives a favor about half the time @ time = 5 (and half an echo in clues, for a total average epa of 1.75 if you can’t get more value out of a favor than that). Both don’t give talk of the town.

another interesting one is the jovial contrarian @2, which offers 68 cp society and 1 Talk of the town, but costs you the option to take the rubbery man’s favor- which is arguably better, though this could be preferable if you’re reliably burning through society on society vs. tomb colonies, as that makes it about 4.2 echoes.

the conclusion storylet gives 20! points MW and 30 cp society connection- currently worth 25 echoes for 500 cp on the tomb colonists vs. society conflict, or in other words about 1.5 echoes worth of cp society, if you draw the card to cash in- not counted, because i’m not sure if you’ll draw it enough to actually burn through society favors. This doesn’t happen if you cash in talk of the town- instead you just get the loop payout and 40 cp MW.

If you want to bribe your way into hell’s good graces, you can trade a bottle of the 2.5 echo wine for ~75 cp hell @ time = 6, or bring an infernal contract for 24 cp, @ time = 1, though it does mean you pass up a 1.6 epa action.

Arriving fashionably late, if you pull it off, will remove the possibility for the option that gives a rubbery favor half the time, and the option to bribe your way into hell’s good graces with wine, but will kick the epa of the grind as a whole up to 1.6 epa (by being worth 3.2 echoes itself, skewing the stastics upwards, not by actually improving all the actions), and sometimes give you another bonus point on top of that- (making it 4 echoes.)

Other cards that’ll improve the grind are &quotthe jovial contrarian&quot @ time = 4 - which will also increase the epa by speeding up the grind, making it effectively 1.866 epa, but will make you miss out on the dock’s favor chance. (that said, it does it by being an action worth 3.2 echoes. the other options still are only 1.6 epa. [and the final payout is still being treated as 0 epa.]) probably still worth it. &quotThe turkish girl&quot @ time = 3, which will mean you miss out on the chance for a docks favor, but grant an additional point of talk of the town, which makes that action worth an extra 0.8 echoes, and the brass ambassador @ time = 5, which will mean you miss out on the chance for a rubbery favor but gain an extra 0.8 echoes- making it 2.4 echoes- more valuable unless you have a higher value for your favors than 2.5 echoes.

TL;DR The polite invitation can compete with the best grinds, and offer better cards still, but it gets really complex to calculate the epa. with no cards in the equation, the epa is 1.6 per loop, though. (it’s also one of the best ways to get rubbery favors, semi-ironically.)
edited by Grenem on 6/2/2016

28 cp sounds right. I started at 31 renown for rubbery men, and it looked 2 or 3 cp away from the next level after I turned my favours into renown.

Okay, updating my favors grinding guide accordingly. Thanks!.

(also th8827, a simpler, though unsustainable, grind is &quotattend and be erudite&quot at the duchess’ salon. every time you draw the society vs. tomb colonies, you can cash in for 25.6 echoes and 1 point someone is coming, plus a bundle of oddities in some sort of low range. if we treat the card as being worth itself and 25 echoes, it’s a 16.5 epa grind. if you don’t, it’s probably about 1.58 epa and 0.06 SOIC per action grind, plus a little from the bundle of oddities. If you’re going to do that, grind up to 50, then grind 10 more levels, then cash in, then grind up 10 levels. unfortunately, this means it’ll be in bursts of 15 or 16 actions before waiting for the next card, which makes it a pretty bad grind.
edited by Grenem on 6/2/2016

Well… I am doing the Polite Invitation for Rubbery/Dock favors, but what I’m really looking for are regular, storylet-based grinds for stats that have good payouts as a side effect.

In a pinch, there are options for every given stat somewhere in a Dramatic Tension carousel. Wilmot’s End has two carousels, one of which is Shadowy/Dangerous, the other Watchful/Persuasive, and the War of Assassins has a variety of options. You can turn in the DT at your lodgings for Collections of Curiosity and trade them to Tomb Colonists, although that grind isn’t what it once was.

Shadowy benefits from having two particularly good grinds: Affair of the Box and Heists at B&F’s.

If you’re at the end of the persuasive storylines and are willing to go to Zee, I believe Port Carnelian provides decent epa and a variety of high level Persuasive and Watchful actions.

I’m still in the Empress’ Court, because I don’t want to get locked out…

Maybe I should move on, though…[li]
edited by th8827 on 6/3/2016