Weekly Questions, Beginning 25/04/2016

Society, probably. Farmable through the court, a bunch of different cards, and a certain storylet that also gives bohemian and revolutionaries.

I’ve been grinding the others through that one. I really don’t like society, though. do you know any other storylets that offer 10+ cp an action for a specific faction?

Selling information in the flit works out to 8 actions for 90 cp of Hell or Constables if you have a Gang of Hoodlums. That’s the best I know of that’s not super slow or card based.

Are there any reliable ways to turn Echoes into connections quickly, or do you need to just grind up storylets?

Also, thanks gilphon, now i know what i’ll be doing with the majority of my next 1316 actions.
edited by Grenem on 5/6/2016