Weekly Questions, Beginning 23/01/2017

I’m pretty sure success on the luck check wipes the whole menace, so its not a bad choice.

Oh. Thank you. I was pretty cautious about that option, so I didn’t try enough times to ever get a success.

Hello, fellow Londoners. I just romped my way through the mind of a Dead God, thereby losing all my stormy-eyed. Given that I will need to go back for the Urchin reward, how do I gain the first point of stormy-eyed now? I have been advised about a card but so fra all relevant dream cards only raise my What the Thunder Said quality. Thank you!

You get Stormy Eyed at a high level of What the Thunder Said (18, iirc). This also nukes the entirety of your Thunder dream quality.

Oh… thank you!

[quote=Frenzgyn][quote=Kaijyuu]Sigh. It seems my basic grind was nerfed (gettting Hunt is On in the labyrinth and catching goats), so I’m in need of another one.

Any good repeatable grind out there with >= 1.70 EPA? For reference, the Affair of the Box is 1.64 EPA. War of Assassins is similar though I’m already drowning in collections.[/quote]
Heist doens’t seem so profitable anymore, in the last ten i didn’t get a single Seargin Enigma, don’t know if the drop rate changed.
Heists are still very profitable specially if you have 5C lodgings, 10 Dreaded and an alliance with a certain rat. Did the math on the results I had with 4C lodgings and Gang for casing and the results are pretty great! SE drop is somewhere to 10%, but don’t forget to convert those TLS specially if you have extra Bohemians connection. The CC from success can be converted to jewels for more EPA and there’s always the great rare success. In the long run, these two extra conversions add about 5-10% extra EPA depending on RNG. Thing is you can get somewhere between on 1.8-2 EPA from them.
Here’s a discussion I had on reddit regarding the loooong chain of actions to turn Shepherd into a profitable grind. Remember that I draw many cards per day which makes this grind a fast one as well. If you’re interested in connection gain scroll up a bit (there’s a table there).
Last thing are the cards: An evening’s zailing which made me stop from progressing to the Labyrinth and I’m pretty sure this card is more than standard when talking about it’s frequency! Now for the rest: call in favours in the Flit, A Visit and pick the Wry Functionary no matter if you’re already at level 9 (those CC can be converted into more profit), goat card, Newshound, Mechanics of progress (1.644 EPA once your modified watchful is 150 and converting CCs; the more watchful, the more Es from it), committed to the Celebrated Artist’s Model (prefer her for the MW boost), Music-Hall Singer help+ask for help (MW+decent EPA), One’s Public, Bazaar card, Clay Sedan Chair, Respectable Landau (1.65+20CP of Soc), The Young Stags’ Club (think it has a success around 95%) and Forger card and convert those 1k bottles for more E using the presumptuous little opportunity card.
We also have the Nadir which has a great EPA, but kills your stats. Excluding when I sleep, I consume all my APs and the only issue is with Dangerous as there aren’t great grinds for it.
An evening’s zailing, Mayor, faction and connection pet cards and London Airs 96+ (get it from grinding Souls/Contracts) enable you to do a lot of expeditions which have a great EPA! I’m at 2.732 from 117 expeditions (47 thieves and 70 blue).