Weekly Questions, Beginning 23/01/2017

Hey Fallen Londoners! Here’s this week’s thread for quick question/answer-type scenarios. Godspeed!

I have some criminal favours burning a hole in my pocket that I’d like to spend. There are some Call in Favours storylets in the Shuttered Palace and the Forgotten Quarters for other factions (including some on the renown system). Is there any similar option not on an opportunity card (so not Implausible Penance nor Trading in Favours in the Flit) where I can spend some criminal? The RNG never seems to send those cards my way when I need them, so I’d like some on-demand options now that I’ve hit 40 renown. I suspect I’m overlooking something obvious somewhere… Thanks!

You can run an expedition in the Forgotten Quarter to find a Thief’s Cache.

The Crime or Punishment conflict card (at 5 favor) is the best turnin though. Implausible Penance is probably second after that. Favors in the Flit sucks (at least for criminals; you should be using revolutionaries for that one).
edited by Kaijyuu on 1/23/2017

Thanks, Kaijyuu! Thieves’ Cache could work I suppose, though I’m still grinding renown on Docks and would hate to sacrifice the Docks favours for expedition supplies…but I could probably spare a few now and then. Though I’d need on average two Docks for every Criminal. I usually run Blue Shrine expeditions for the higher payoffs, but perhaps Thieves’ would be more profitable in the long haul. As for Crime or Punishment, that depends on RNG like the other opps cards, which I was hoping to avoid. (Interestingly, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it – my Constables has always been low as I’ve always hated the Urchins hit when raising it, but I think that has been removed with the switch to renown for Urchins. Maybe I can get Constables up to 50 finally!)
edited by Shaerys on 1/23/2017

As another option, try a “Merry Sort of Crime”, which you should have available: it unlocks at Criminals Renown 20. It’s payout is 2.2 Echoes. You’re right though, I don’t think I know a Criminals Favour use which is a storylet.

4.4 echoes, in fact. And the payout is in honey, which there isn’t a great source for otherwise, at least not at a decent EPA.

Ah! Thanks for that. I always reflexively hit Dirigible Theft on that card, which is partly why my favours have been accumulating so quickly. I think between switching that for the cash-out, using the other opp cards, and the occasional Thieves’ expedition, I should be good to go, despite the dearth of storylets.

I swear I should just change my signature to mistakes made often wait for corrections! I had forgotten that it’s that valuable.

Oh, and if you have both the henchman and the accomplice their conflict card is quite profitable.
edited by Parelle on 1/24/2017
edited by Parelle on 1/24/2017

So my alt is at Ambition: Light Fingers! 53… Do I understand it right that I need to get kicked out of the University to proceed? (the “Unwelcome at the University: A Respectable Academic” requirement)

No, you don’t. One of my characters is at Light Fingers 55 and he didn’t even start the University storyline.

A question of my own: is there any storylet that gives wounds even on success? I only remember about drinking laudanum, but maybe there is a more profitable way.

Petting a starveling cat gives a point of both Wounds and Nightmares.

No, you don’t. One of my characters is at Light Fingers 55 and he didn’t even start the University storyline.[/quote]
What if I am &quotwelcome&quot at the University now? (I am a Guest Lecturer at the moment.) I am worried that Dr. Vaughan will hate any academic… and I really would like to stay in the University. If it’s impossible, I’d rather wait with proceeding with my Ambition.

I’m pretty sure I know the answer but…

Once you contract the STI… Er… STruggling artIst… there’s no way to get his City Vices card out of your deck. You’re infected for life (barring any changes in the future)?

Petting a starveling cat gives a point of both Wounds and Nightmares.[/quote]

@Valiant - And if you need a cat, I’ve got one I can send you.

I think you will be fine. My char has &quotFeaturing in the Tales of the University 5 - A Guest Lecture&quot at the moment, and he got to ambition 55 just fine.

Oh, thank you, I totally forgot about that lovely creature.

Thanks for the offer but I got two of them :)

I think you will be fine. My char has &quotFeaturing in the Tales of the University 5 - A Guest Lecture&quot at the moment, and he got to ambition 55 just fine.[/quote]
Great, thanks!

[quote=beeawwb]I’m pretty sure I know the answer but…

Once you contract the STI… Er… STruggling artIst… there’s no way to get his City Vices card out of your deck. You’re infected for life (barring any changes in the future)?[/quote]
Moving to any Remote Address removes all City Vices cards from your deck.

Would anyone care to snub me?

Because it’s only a few weeks before I go North.

Hi, can someone explain what exactly I am supposed to do in the cave of Nadir?

Draw cards, try out their options for valuable rewards (and weird, deep lore.) Leave before your skull eclipses your eyeballs.

(Don’t get over 10 irrigo; it’ll hurt. I got 11 once, and man… the stat loss)
Other than that, it’s one of the most (potentially) profitable places in the game. It’s good to enter with plenty of second chances, as there’s a card where you can trade 3 of one kind to get various 64e items. You can get some other unique items there.
Actually, there’s a wiki article that is far more useful than me.
edited by Pumpkinhead on 1/26/2017