Weekly Questions, Beginning 23/01/2017

[quote=DonaghyLogan]I have a question regarding quirks: How can I raise my Magnanimous above 7?[/quote]Apart from one-time stories like the various ‘A Name…’ parts etc., seasonal content and the Iron Republic? There are a couple Dream cards (which are rare). Also, the Winsome Orphan has an option on his card. Also, ‘Something Moves’ in the Cave of the Nadir. If you’re looking for an easily-ish repeatable way, that might be the ‘Give a Gift’ card - it has various options (Jewels, Rats, Second Chances) which do this and can be force-drawn for 1 point of Fate in your Lodgings if you don’t want to wait for it showing up.

I’m pretty sure this list is by no means exhaustive - just a head start, and the first couple things that came to my mind. I probably also missed something more ‘profitable’. Might be an idea to scour the Wiki for that… but be warned. There are a lot of pages on this topic. :D

Doesn’t one of the Renown turn-ins raise Magnanimous? If so, that would be capped at 15.

Some minutes ago I was raising “The hunt is on” in the third coil and at 8, I lose the “Third Coil” options, after a forced “Onward”. Raised it to 9 through docks, nothing changed.

I have grinded this thousands of time, delaying the access to fourth coil.

What’s happening? Has anything changed in the last hours?

[quote=Frenzgyn]Some minutes ago I was raising &quotThe hunt is on&quot in the third coil and at 8, I lose the &quotThird Coil&quot options, after a forced &quotOnward&quot. Raised it to 9 through docks, nothing changed.

I have grinded this thousands of time, delaying the access to fourth coil.

What’s happening? Has anything changed in the last hours?[/quote]
Indeed, the Third Coil now seems to be locked with The Hunt is On! 8. You can go there again after spending/losing your THiO.

I’ve observed the same. Did they lock the option on “The Hunt is On 8”

I was wondering the benefits of becoming married. I have searched the wiki without finding much. Is it worth the hassle?

Hello again charlottealyse!

The benefits are +1 Watchful, Shadowy, Dangerous, and Persuasive, as well as +1 Committed. (You can see this on my profile.) A downside is that you get locked out of later stories that could grant you a NPC (I believe they’re called Constant Companions, though I’m not sure) in that slot. I’ve found my marriage to be very helpful tactically and for RP reasons.

Does anyone who has another sort of Committed figure care to weigh in on the benefits thereof?

Edit: I got married to Holmesian very early on in my gameplay, before it was relegated to a Feast of the Rose-only activity, so the hassle was pretty negligible, even for a pair of beginners. We went for a very simple wedding, low-cost and discreet. I’m not sure how much effort it takes now!

Edit #2 (I keep forgetting things!): You can’t unequip your marriage, so if you do decide to tie the knot, it’ll always be visible on your profile and always give you the aforementioned stat boosts. I’m not sure how easy it is (or if it’s even possible) to get a divorce, so consider your choice carefully! Especially if the person you intend to marry is a real person, and not an alt.
edited by DonaghyLogan on 1/28/2017
edited by DonaghyLogan on 1/28/2017

Sigh. It seems my basic grind was nerfed (gettting Hunt is On in the labyrinth and catching goats), so I’m in need of another one.

Any good repeatable grind out there with >= 1.70 EPA? For reference, the Affair of the Box is 1.64 EPA. War of Assassins is similar though I’m already drowning in collections.

[quote=Kaijyuu]Sigh. It seems my basic grind was nerfed (gettting Hunt is On in the labyrinth and catching goats), so I’m in need of another one.

Any good repeatable grind out there with >= 1.70 EPA? For reference, the Affair of the Box is 1.64 EPA. War of Assassins is similar though I’m already drowning in collections.[/quote]
Soul trade, perhaps. Otherwise, not unless you like luck-based non-london grinds.

Port carnelian, then, might be sufficient. Heists, perhaps.

Expeditions with docks favors don’t count because pretty much anything involving favors from cards tends towards 2+ epa, but this does manage that for anyone with 2 or 3 supply watchful

[quote=Kaijyuu]Sigh. It seems my basic grind was nerfed (gettting Hunt is On in the labyrinth and catching goats), so I’m in need of another one.

Any good repeatable grind out there with >= 1.70 EPA? For reference, the Affair of the Box is 1.64 EPA. War of Assassins is similar though I’m already drowning in collections.[/quote]

Same Here. Damn, seem we’ve been sabotaged &quotagain&quot by Failbetter (for better fails in grinding).

I am trying bringing Hunt is On on 8 and then killing a Marsh Wold (80% Success) in 13 actions, but don’t seem as profitable as Hunting the Goat Demon.

Heist doens’t seem so profitable anymore, in the last ten i didn’t get a single Seargin Enigma, don’t know if the drop rate changed.

Using Sould trade, where did you get the Souls? I usually farm them in Spite, plus some opportunity cards (Implausible Penance and the Lodging one), but it seems a bit too variable for my taste.

[quote=Frenzgyn][quote=Kaijyuu]Sigh. It seems my basic grind was nerfed (gettting Hunt is On in the labyrinth and catching goats), so I’m in need of another one.

Any good repeatable grind out there with >= 1.70 EPA? For reference, the Affair of the Box is 1.64 EPA. War of Assassins is similar though I’m already drowning in collections.[/quote]

Same Here. Damn, seem we’ve been sabotaged &quotagain&quot by Failbetter (for better fails in grinding).

I am trying bringing Hunt is On on 8 and then killing a Marsh Wold (80% Success) in 13 actions, but don’t seem as profitable as Hunting the Goat Demon.

Heist doens’t seem so profitable anymore, in the last ten i didn’t get a single Seargin Enigma, don’t know if the drop rate changed.

Using Sould trade, where did you get the Souls? I usually farm them in Spite, plus some opportunity cards (Implausible Penance and the Lodging one), but it seems a bit too variable for my taste.[/quote]

Do we know this is a nerf and not a bug?

Well, i assumed it’s a nerf to avoid the grind and force players to finish the Labyrinth Story… i would be happy to know it’s a bug. Do you think i should report it?

Well, i assumed it’s a nerf to avoid the grind and force players to finish the Labyrinth Story… i would be happy to know it’s a bug. Do you think i should report it?[/quote]

Since it was noticed on the weekend, when FBG usually isn’t working, I’d say yes.

Reported. Let’s wait.

Late in the game, there’s not as much to aim for except for long term grinds. The highest marriage level conveys both some levels of Notablity and a unique item unobtainable elsewhere - and piles of delightful text. I enjoyed the process - even as much as I wish they’d have any content (whatsoever!) Once you’re married!

All that said, it’s currently in haitus since last year.

I doubt it’s accidental. To be perfectly honest, the grind was obviously unintentional and people being encouraged to not finish storylines is generally a bad thing. It was totally reasonable for them to nerf it… I just wish there were a better way to raise dangerous because it looks like it’s going to atrophy for me.

Heists are plausible, despite their nerf. I’ll look into recent statistics.

Re: hunting marsh wolves. Pretty bad (1.54 EPA according to my calculations) though still good enough to do if you specifically want rostygold or shrieks, which are hard to come by generally.
edited by Kaijyuu on 1/29/2017

[quote=Kaijyuu]I doubt it’s accidental. To be perfectly honest, the grind was obviously unintentional and people being encouraged to not finish storylines is generally a bad thing. It was totally reasonable for them to nerf it… I just wish there were a better way to raise dangerous because it looks like it’s going to atrophy for me.

Heists are plausible, despite their nerf. I’ll look into recent statistics.

Re: hunting marsh wolves. Pretty bad (1.54 EPA according to my calculations) though still good enough to do if you specifically want rostygold or shrieks, which are hard to come by generally.
edited by Kaijyuu on 1/29/2017[/quote]

It was obviously unintentional, but the labyrinth story was also unfinished. If this was on purpose, I am interpreting this as there being a labyrinth update in the works, and they didn’t want people to skip it for a grind. (Of course in the works does not mean soon) (Or, of course, they’re just tidying the place up and I’m reading too much into it, like I tend to do)
edited by suinicide on 1/29/2017

I have a couple of Whirring Contraptions I built for the Newspaper storyline.

Then I played the Newspaper storyline and decided it wasn’t much fun.

What do I do with two more contraptions before going North?

[quote=Kaijyuu]Re: hunting marsh wolves. Pretty bad (1.54 EPA according to my calculations) though still good enough to do if you specifically want rostygold or shrieks, which are hard to come by generally.
edited by Kaijyuu on 1/29/2017[/quote]
Scratch this: 1.73 EPA for killing the marsh wolf, 1.54 for trying to capture it.

I’ve got my grind even if the nerf stays :) (though still losing out on ~.10 EPA sucks)
edited by Kaijyuu on 1/29/2017

So, I opened up Mahogany Hall, and look! Plagued by a Popular Song suddenly becomes a thing!
Is there any way to reduce it without losing your weasels? So far, I’ve only found one storylet, and it’s a luck check that &quotcan go eiter way&quot and only makes things worse on failure. Well, there’s also Time, the Healer, but it’s not like I only get 1 CP a week of it.
Or should I just sell my weasels and look at this Menace as just a slower version of Scandal?
edited by Melitaele on 1/29/2017