Weekly Questions, Beginning 19/09/2016

Post in this thread and an eligible prior Kickstarter backer will be along shortly to send you an invitation. The invitation will open up a new storylet for you in the Forgotten Quarter. You’ll expend your invitation getting into the Temple club but you can stay as long as you like. You’ll need another invitation to get back in in the future.

I’m about 80% sure that’s right, but it’s been quite some time. Anybody care to correct?

What’s the EPA of writing poems/novels in court?

I’ve recently been able to get to Hedonist 12 (after way too many embraces on the empress’ throne); I’m now strangely drawn to kiss my Counterfeit Head of John the Baptist. As far as I can see, I should like to kiss it something like 8 or 9 times.

Do I have to take the hit and visit the Tomb Colonies after every hit, or can I do something to make the kiss have less tedious consequences?

[quote=Odexios]I’ve recently been able to get to Hedonist 12 (after way too many embraces on the empress’ throne); I’m now strangely drawn to kiss my Counterfeit Head of John the Baptist. As far as I can see, I should like to kiss it something like 8 or 9 times.

Do I have to take the hit and visit the Tomb Colonies after every hit, or can I do something to make the kiss have less tedious consequences?[/quote]

Buy some Nikolas & Sons instant ablution absolution, kiss it’s lips, go to your &quotmyself&quot tab and drink some of it if you still can, only drink enough to get you to like 7 scandal and then reduce it in normal ways because the scandal reduction on this is pretty low.

That might work, thanks; by the way, am I right in assuming that social actions are the best way to reduce scandal?

That might work, thanks; by the way, am I right in assuming that social actions are the best way to reduce scandal?[/quote]

Yes, that is the best way of reducing scandal(and usually the best way to reduce most menaces).

I don’t think the head maxes out your scandal, it just sends you to the colonies, so that might not work.

Edit: nope, nvm, I was wrong.
edited by suinicide on 9/22/2016
edited by suinicide on 9/22/2016

I checked the wiki and it said the head doesn’t send you there instantly, only gives you enough change points to send you to the colonies.

Please don’t drink the Instant Ablution Solution. It’s a household cleaning product, not a beverage.

Please don’t drink the Instant Ablution Solution. It’s a household cleaning product, not a beverage.[/quote]

I think it may be too late for the poor fella…lucky me my criminal record was always too high to try it.

Is there a reason to favour one 4-card lodging over another? I have enough Ancient Mysteries to get one now.

Yes. The Royal Beth opp card is profitable if you’re a high-shadowy spirifer and the Bazaar’s is profitable if you’re high persuasive. The Brass Embassy opp card isn’t good for much other than acquiring a couple of companions for fate.

Now you tell me.

The beth is the cheapest to upgrade at christmas, IIRC, and the bazaar is the hardest, but the bazaar offers an actually good card, (hard persuasive challenge with a 2 echo and 4 scrap payout on success.) while the beth’s card is only good if [fate-locked].

Well first, you’ll spend 1 action to select a poem or a novel.

Since you can’t Indulge yourself with the lead when writing poems and novels, you’ll have to Cloister yourself and work or similar (there are several equivalents if you prefer the flavor).

The rare success on the Inspired options at court is believed to be 10%, which means that each action is expected to give you (10*.9+20*.1)=11cp of Inspired.

You need to hit 34 Inspired, which is 595 CP (yikes!). So we expect that you’ll be slaving away for 595/11=54.09 actions on average.

Then you’ll need 1 action to finish your masterpiece and present it to the court.

At that point, you’ll earn 60E in goods, 25 CP of Bohemians rep (roughly .5E in value), and… something else. Let’s assume you’ve chosen to write a Patriotic Adventure since Docks Favours are pretty good either turned in directly or used to fuel Forgotten Quarter Expeditions. There are a LOT of variables which determine the exact EPA of FQ Expeditions themselves and I need to limit my scope here, so let’s just say you turn them in directly and note that using them in the FQ will improve this EPA.

So you’ve gotten 1-3 Docks Favours (2 on average), which will take 1 action each to earn 4.2E in Glim when you turn them in at Wolfstack.

Next, you’ll start the cycle over. Every 4 cycles, you’ll be Called to the office and need to Refuse the Veteran Privy Counselor. So that represents 2/4=.5 extra actions per cycle.

So summing up, we have 1 action to choose your work + 54.09 actions to become sufficiently inspired + 1 action to finish your masterpiece + 2 actions to turn in your Docks favours + .5 actions of telling the VPC to go soak his head = 58.59 actions on average to earn 60 +.5 + 8.4 = 68.9 echoes. Our resulting rate of earnings is 68.9/58.59=1.18EPA.

Thanks for the detailed analysis! A shame it’s so low. I was tempted to grind echoes while building a massive library of my works, but it’s so much worse than box grinding.

for all the detail, wiwo missed some things. You can speed up the process with http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Composition:_the_high_path

at that level, you gain 20 per action. [and lose .5 echoes prisoner’s honey] this makes hitting the finish point a mere 30 actions [but it’ll cost you 15 echoes in prisoner’s honey, and you’ll need prisoner’s honey.]

this makes a cycle cost 34.5 actions and 15 echoes, for a net profit of 45 echoes and two docks favors. assuming each dock favor is a simple 1-action for 4.2 echoes, this makes the grind cost 53.4/36.5 = 1.46 epa.

Of course, this grind is only viable until your prisoner’s honey runs out… which might be like saying until the sky turns either blue or black, or until you see a cloud.

But it’s a better number.

[1] Other good options that burn various resources are listed here, on this handy compilation page if you have any you want to burn: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Shaping_a_Masterpiece_for_the_Empress
edited by Grenem on 9/23/2016

Bloody Airag, a kefir bottle which costs 5 wine cellars! When was the last time you’ve seen wine exchange card? I haven’t seen mine for 6 weeks. FBG really needs to re-evaluate cards rarity

I feel you. Only got my Tears yesterday because of the card not showing up for two weeks straight.

I get the card way too much, I’ll probably never see it when I actually need it just because the RNG God is usually a very cruel God