Weekly Questions, Beginning 17/10/2016

You will be able to join another club, actually, the whole point of leaving a club is usually to change it(and im pretty sure the game mentions this).[/quote]

My question is if one can rejoin the same club after you have left it previously. I understand that you would be able to join a different one.

You will be able to join another club, actually, the whole point of leaving a club is usually to change it(and im pretty sure the game mentions this).[/quote]

My question is if one can rejoin the same club after you have left it previously. I understand that you would be able to join a different one.[/quote]

There is nothing stopping you from joining the same club as well.

I’m assisting someone with a theft from the Museum of Mistakes. I accepted the invite and got the “Planning a theft from the Museum of Mistakes” quality, and was told to continue in London. Where do I go from here? I’m not seeing any related storylets or cards.

The storylet to progress should be in your lodgings.

Hmmm…there must be something odd going on then, because it’s not there.

I have no idea what it is then, wiki shows no other requirements, you may want to check every other location in London if you didn’t already and if nobody else has anything to say report it to Failbetter.

I also have a question now…though it’s not exactly related to FL, if I get a meta quality in another Storynexus game from winning the game, do I lose the meta quality I gained from my previous ending if I replay the game and pick a different ending? I would guess that I don’t but I would love to get confirmations.

I don’t think you can lose meta qualities.

Out of stories bought with fate what to choose?


Ill try flint and The Frequently Deceased,Lost in Reflections and then 2 of the discounted stories.

How long will a standard seeker (i.e no fate, no absurd fortune/misfortune) take to complete winking isle?

What is the highest Watchful one can achieve with equipment? I am currently at 279 - 200 + 5 Destiny + 1 Spouse + 73 equipment.

304, if you count moods, otherwise 282.
edited by suinicide on 10/27/2016

There’s a lot more discussion about Watchful equipment at

Does anyone know what the story quality “A Moment in Tome” relates to?

I suppose this is the better place to ask. Can one have too many Echoes? I am not yet even a POSI, and have the chance to make ~200.00 Echoes at no loss. By doing this, will I be locked out of any lower level storylets or suffer any Menaces?
EDIT: Keep in mind when answering, the older this post gets the higher the prospective amount of Echoes will become.
edited by Grindin’ McGee on 10/29/2016

Nothing bad will happen because you have money.

That’s a relief, but will I miss any content?

A few things reduce your echoes by a percentage, so having more means more loss. This includes going to jail with high criminal record (10% loss) and getting mugged by devils during SMEN (100% loss).

You won’t miss out on any content though.
edited by Kaijyuu on 10/29/2016

SMEN won’t be a problem for a long while, I hope. And I shall put further research into Criminal Records/Arrests in my own time. Thank you for your help.