Weekly Questions, Beginning 17/07/2017

I wonder whether previous cities adopted the adjective-noun formulation of naming.

I dunno, it just amuses me to think of Fourth City dwellers calling each other “the Drunken Horserider” and so forth.

What’s the best way to cash out society, bohemian and church connections? I fear I’ve ground them too high as I’m reconsidering shooting for renown 40 with the upcoming conversion.

&quotGoing gentle&quot has been pretty good for Society, but the Church only has two conflict cards, and one of them is with the Bohemians, who don’t have any other conflicts. And the other Church conflict is with Hell, but it’s for -100 CP instead of -500 CP.

edited by Gillsing on 7/23/2017

For Church there’s also The Great Game conflict card, but again, it doesn’t trash 500 CP. So best is to try and keep your Hell and GG favours to 5+ (for Church), Tomb 5+ (for Society) and for Bohemians just cash it calling in favours for some honey.
Another option for Society is to increase your connections with the Duchess as it’s by far the best option at the moment. Or, I heard that if you get a Temple Invitation there’s an option that kills some CP of Society for an average of modified persuasive number of Jade (it’s 1 - mod * 2).

Thanks for those! I just realised that I’m prepping for a wedding so church connections come in very handy. Also, wines conversions are good to do now before they convert to needing limited favours.

I am quite confused. The last time I was playing Fallen London, the new actions came I would say every 10 minutes? Since when did it change to 30? I have a countdown for that now. Was it changed recently?

EDIT: I clicked refresh and now it is on 50 minutes… The confusion is real.
edited by Mallorie Erredy on 7/23/2017

It’s a known bug. Try refreshing? Sometimes it works.

I just got a new action. Good to know it is ‘just’ the timer bugging out. Thanks!

Run out of Foxfire Candles; is making A Rousing Hymn at Court or An admirer among the clergy from Unfinished Business in Veilgarden the better choice? Something else entirely? My thanks.

The unfinished business option is better.

What’s the easiest/most profitable way to grind Scandal?

So I’ve kind of lost my thread with what I have and haven’t done here after such a long period of intermittent play. I seem to recall there being a spreadsheet with a list of various goals and achievements for FL but I can’t seem to find the link. Does anyone know where I can find it? Thanks.

I get tons just by shaking hands with rubberies and getting Hell favors (both their card and the option on &quotAn Afternoon of Good Deeds?&quot). It’s not fast but it’s profitable.

Easiest would be smootching fake heads of John the Baptist, provided you have 12 hedonist and a head handy.
edited by Kaijyuu on 7/25/2017