Weekly Questions, Beginning 1/5/2017

Does going to the tomb colonies reset your dream qualities? If not what menaces reset your dream qualities?

Getting exiled to the Tomb Colonies won’t touch you Dream qualities (though it will play with your Hedonist and Austere quirks).

If your Nightmares get to 8 (or more) then you go Insane. According to the wiki:

  • If you have any Memory of Light with you, then you go to the Mirror Marches. Upon escaping you’ll lose a few CP of Having Recurring Dreams: Is Someone There?.[/li][li]If you have no Memory of Light, you go to A State of Some Confusion. Upon escape you’ll lose a few CP of all Dream qualities.

I don’t think there’s any action which just resets all dream qualities. (except the one action which gives you Stormy-Eyed in exchange of clearing all your What the Thunder Said)


What is the fastest way to get scandal?

Drink some bottles of black wings absinthe (+5 cp of scandal each time). Or fail some checks at the shuttered palace (or empress’ court, if you can access it)

How can i get connected: summerset while kicked out from the university? I need it for my salon (so I need just 6 cp). The expeditions in forgotten quarters come to mind, but is there any faster (and less costly in terms of actions) way?

Ask someone to dupe you for +6 CP Scandal.

Ask someone to dupe you for +6 CP Scandal.[/quote]

Oh, right, i always forget social actions

The option via expedition is locked if you’re unwelcome at the University.

Here are some options, which should raise Connected: Summerset (if the wiki is accurate that they don’t rely on not being unwelcome):

[ul][li]If you already have some Connected: Summerset, then you can use the &quotEndowment of a University Fellowship&quot (bought at the Bazaar) to gain quite a boost. If you don’t have any such Connection, then you can sacrifice a lot of Connected: Benthic for a very modest Connected: Summerset increase.[/li][li]Write A Tale of the Future at the Court (if you haven’t been kicked out, of course).[/li][li]If your’e Closest To either Constables/Society/Church you can use a Mark of Credit.[/li][/ul]Other than that, you’ll need to Re-establish your academic reputation.