Weekly Questions, Beginning 1/5/2017

Happy May Day, everyone! I hope you’re spending it dancing around maypoles and opposing capitalism! If instead you’ve got some Fallen London questions or answers to share, here’s the place for it.


What can I do with 170 Persuasive in the mid-game?
Is there any benefit in choosing the Albino rat over the Big Rat in “Seeking the Meaning of the Plaster Face”?
Is there any other way to Mahogany Hall other than “Find your way to Mahogany Hall”?
Are there any reliable ways to increase “Embroiled in the Wars of Illusion?” It took me ~30 actions to get 3 CP’s and I need another 24(?) for the storylet conclusion.
What is the best way to spend ~600 CP of Connected: Society? I am planning to grind shadowy through lodging’s option and going to lose connected anyway.
What is generally the best way to spend favors (except docks which I use for expeditions)?
Can I use Mood to become a POSI?
What is the purpose of Getting to 10 of the Scholar of the Correspondence?
What is the best way to increase Inspired?


What can I do with 170 Persuasive in the mid-game?
Is there any benefit in choosing the Albino rat over the Big Rat in &quotSeeking the Meaning of the Plaster Face&quot?
Is there any other way to Mahogany Hall other than &quotFind your way to Mahogany Hall&quot?
Are there any reliable ways to increase &quotEmbroiled in the Wars of Illusion?&quot It took me ~30 actions to get 3 CP’s and I need another 24(?) for the storylet conclusion.
What is the best way to spend ~600 CP of Connected: Society? I am planning to grind shadowy through lodging’s option and going to lose connected anyway.
What is generally the best way to spend favors (except docks which I use for expeditions)?
Can I use Mood to become a POSI?
What is the purpose of Getting to 10 of the Scholar of the Correspondence?
What is the best way to increase Inspired?[/quote]

  1. at 170 persuasive, you’re basically at the end game.
  2. Not especially, though it is the moral choice.
    3). There should be, you need to have a name whispered in darkness at 6 to see it.
    4). Calling in favours in the palace or the court, though these will be slow.
  3. urchins is best used for calling in favours in the flit, criminals is best used for pugilism and politics on the implausible penance card (or for the thieves cache expedition). TC is best used on their conflict card with society, or trading in collections of curiosity. Rubbery is best used through conflict cards.
  4. Yes
  5. It unlocks the profession correspondent and will help you in a few scattered options.
  6. If it costs items or connections, it is probably one of the better options.

(Oops, missed mahogany hall, but yes you meed to unlock that through find your way to mahogany hall)
edited by suinicide on 5/2/2017

I’ll answer what I can
albino rat : choosing the albino rat will add the albino rat companion (not very useful, +2 dangerous, +2 persuasive) and a card on your deck which will give about 1 echo worth of rewards.It’s a lousy card, choosing the big rat will give you more useful rewards (such as the best way to raise casing)
mahogany hall: Yes, you can only access it by &quotbuying&quot it. Odd, since every other third tier location becomes accessible for free via the making your name storylets
embroiled in the wars of illusion: Once you reach level 2 (3 CP) in this quality, other storylets appears and the quality will raise much faster.
moods and POSI: I don’t know for sure, but since other equipment can be used, i guess moods are okay too
SotC: Level 10 is required for the correspondent profession. I think that at Christmas there are challenges based on your SotC level. Other than that, bragging rights

EDIT, sorry i didn’t realize suinicide already answered. However, i’m pretty sure that access to mahogany hall can only be bought (with exceptional hats, bats, lizards and whatnot)

What can I do with 170 Persuasive in the mid-game?
Is there any benefit in choosing the Albino rat over the Big Rat in &quotSeeking the Meaning of the Plaster Face&quot?
Is there any other way to Mahogany Hall other than &quotFind your way to Mahogany Hall&quot?
Are there any reliable ways to increase &quotEmbroiled in the Wars of Illusion?&quot It took me ~30 actions to get 3 CP’s and I need another 24(?) for the storylet conclusion.
What is the best way to spend ~600 CP of Connected: Society? I am planning to grind shadowy through lodging’s option and going to lose connected anyway.
What is generally the best way to spend favors (except docks which I use for expeditions)?
Can I use Mood to become a POSI?
What is the purpose of Getting to 10 of the Scholar of the Correspondence?
What is the best way to increase Inspired?[/quote]
edited by DrMoriviri on 5/2/2017
edited by DrMoriviri on 5/2/2017

Favors are also used to increase Renown with each faction. You need to buy the correspondent item at the Bazaar (i.e. a Rookery Password for the urchins, a tankard for the Docks), and then you can use the item to convert favors into renown, which eventually allows you access to some very good items (the items for renown 40 are the best-in-slot).
Some favors are also required for grinding. For example, you need urchin favors to convert aeolian screams and tomb colonies favors to convert presbyterate paraphrases.

SoTC is useful in a few scattered but useful options indeed, and at Christmass you will need it for a rather complicated proccess which gets you some of the best items in game.Writing symphonies at the palace gets it high enough in my opinion.

Also, poor albino rat. I will never abandon you!
edited by Jolanda Swan on 5/2/2017

Yesterday I helped dockers on Wolfstack Docks against Mr.Fires neddies, in memory of the Haymarket affair. Happy Labour Day.

To be honest, that sounds extremely lucky to me. One of my accounts took nearly a week (hundreds of actions) to pick up 3 cp, and the other took several days.
Anyway, as others noted, there are better ways to raise it starting at level 2. I believe it opens up a storylet called &quotbats and cats&quot, although that may be later on. I’d have to go check the wiki.
Edit: just checked, it opens up a one-time storylet called &quotthe wars of illusion&quot in the flit that sets Embroiled to 6, which then opens up bats and cats.
edited by Pumpkinhead on 5/2/2017

I’ve been an Exceptional Friend on one of my accounts for several months, but I’m planning on cancelling the subscription for that account and subscribing on a different account.
On my currently-subscribed account, I’ve completed all 3 monthly stories for this season. If I cancel my subscription now, will I still be able to do the end-of-season content at the end of this month?
edited by lolahighwind on 5/2/2017

I’ve been an Exceptional Friend on one of my accounts for several months, but I’m planning on cancelling the subscription for that account and subscribing on a different account.
On my currently-subscribed account, I’ve completed all 3 monthly stories for this season. If I cancel my subscription now, will I still be able to do the end-of-season content at the end of this month?
edited by lolahighwind on 5/2/2017[/quote]
The only unlock for the end-of-season content is having all the unique items that you receive from each story (e.g. &quotA Story of Clay Oppression&quot). You do not need to be an Exceptional Friend. People who play the stories later by paying Fate also unlock the end-of-season content.

The only unlock for the end-of-season content is having all the unique items that you receive from each story (e.g. &quotA Story of Clay Oppression&quot). You do not need to be an Exceptional Friend. People who play the stories later by paying Fate also unlock the end-of-season content.[/quote]
Awesome; thanks for the info! :)

I disagree on criminals and urchins. The Urchins/Hell conflict card will give you more money than the scraps/bundle from the Flit card (and you probably want to use that card turning in Revolutionary connection), though there are reasons to want scraps specifically (unique items). Criminals will give you more money overall from Crime or Punishment, since Puglism gives ~21 echos on average for 7 favors while Crime or Punishment gives 20 for 5 favors. You can spend excess favors past 5 on Thief’s Cache expeditions or the singular favor Implausible Penance options.

I am about to try my hand on Fidgeting Writer to get hands on Comprehensive Bribes. Is batch of 100 ToT enough for some decent number of those? I am aware that this requires a lot of luck, but the law of big numbers should be on my side. Right?

That should get you roughly 5 Lenses to turn into Bribes and other stuff. But yeah, it’s risky; a low expected number like 5 is generally seen as bad in statistics. The law of large numbers will only really be reliable at ~20+ expected successes for a binomial distribution like this.

edited by Kaijyuu on 5/2/2017

[quote=Kaijyuu]That should get you roughly 5 Lenses to turn into Bribes and other stuff. But yeah, it’s risky; a low expected number like 5 is generally seen as bad in statistics. The law of large numbers will only really be reliable at ~20+ expected successes for a binomial distribution like this.

edited by Kaijyuu on 5/2/2017[/quote]

On to grinding more ToT, then. Thank you for this warning.

I chose… poorly when it came to the final choice in the Fate-locked Aunt storyline. Do we know if there is a way to reset this?

I believe you can under “write letters” in your lodgings.

What is the best way to get 30 Memories of Distant Shores for a very new character who only has the starting areas, Mrs. Plenty’s Carnival, Lodgings, and the Forgotten Quarter unlocked?

Seeking Curios and Secrets in the Forgotten Quarter will net you a variety of potentially up-convertible stuff. Poke About Among the Ruins in particular will get you a Tale of Terror on failure, and 50 of them will let you use the side conversions.

Oh thank you Suinicide! And I had just the Fate at hand. Splendid.

Not sure if anyone else has already addressed this, but I haven’t seen any Clandestine Rendezvous cards or The Noted Orchid-Grower has a Secret card across all of my characters for at least a week now. Can anyone let me know what’s happened with them?