Weekly Questions, Beginning 03/07/2017

I am certain that this has been answered before, but here goes anyways.

What happens first when Time The Healer happens: Making Waves halves or Notability is reduced if Making Waves is lower?

Notability is compared to Making Waves, and then at the end of the message your Making Waves is halved.

Notability is compared to making waves first, then waves halves.

You only need to match your Notability to maintain it, thankfully - 1 Making Waves for 1 Notability, 15 Making Waves for 15 Notability.

What’s the fastest way to zail? I usually don’t spend any resources, then steam prudently until I can’t, then use cards. Is it faster to use only cards, or take the time to gather puzzling maps and zee stories to plan a more ambitious route?
If cards are only slightly faster, I’ll still probably steam prudently because it’s less clicks.

I usually use the Steam Boldly -> Make it up as you go twice, then use cards thereafter. Don’t think it’s the most efficient but eh; using just cards never got me very high troubled waters, so I figured I’d get some early.