Weekly Questions, 10/04/2017

Got answers? Lurk here long enough and someone’s bound to provide an appropriate question for them!

Good evening.

How do I grind stats prior to POSI?
Is the stat boost from starting profession worth it, or should I choose a more advanced profession?
How can I start &quotThe Soul Trade&quot after purchasing it?

I started the game last week, progressing steadily until I reached plateau of sixth &quotMaking my Name&quot for Persuasive and Dangerous, where many highly skilled challenges present. My unmodified stats are:

Watchful 34
Shadow 34
Dangerous 65
Persuasive 56
edited by Srebro on 4/10/2017

[quote=Srebro]Good evening.

How do I grind stats prior to POSI?
Is the stat boost from starting profession worth it, or should I choose a more advanced profession?
How can I start &quotThe Soul Trade&quot after purchasing it?

I started the game last week, progressing steadily until I reached plateau of sixth &quotMaking my Name&quot for Persuasive and Dangerous, where many highly skilled challenges present. My unmodified stats are:

Watchful 34
Shadow 34
Dangerous 65
Persuasive 56
edited by Srebro on 4/10/2017[/quote]
Becoming a POSI doesn’t really open up any stat-boosting opportunities, except that grinding on repeatable stat-challenges will become more profitable. The standard recommendations for increasing stats are grinding a repeatable action with a success rate of exactly 90%; Social Actions, available from your Lodgings; Cashing in Second Chances (earned from Social Actions or other methods), from the same storylets in your Lodgings; Completing the Making Your Name stories; and cashing in Favors/Connections for lessons.
If your stats are below 70, I would stick with a Training Profession. The stat boost they provide is rather substantial. Note that you can switch professions pretty easily, especially with the low-level ones, so don’t be afraid to experiment.

Progressing through The Soul Trade requires drawing Opportunity Cards at several points. The very very first step might be in Ladybones Road or somewhere, but if you can’t find a bordered storylet in any of the four ‘starting’ locations, then you’re probably just waiting for a card.

Thank you for an answer.

Why 90%?
What are favors/connections worth pursuing? The only profitable that I found as of yet are Favors: Docks with hefty 70 Dangerous per 3 Favors.

Because at 90% you get 2 CP on success and 1 on failure. This is usually seen as a good trade-off between raising your stats and not risking too many menaces on unsuccessful checks. See the table on this link, under “Change points”: http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Beginner’s_Guide

Specifically, because it’s the highest success rate that will give you 2 CP on a success. Anything above just gives you 1 CP either way, and anything lower (naturally) is less likely to succeed. If you’re not desperately min/maxing, you can always hit a challenge with a slightly lower success rate.

Is it possible to be locked out from the boxful of intrigue carousel? Can i continue with the “survivor of the box” storyline safely?

Nope, pretty sure the grind stays open forever.

I’ll raise suinicide’s pretty sure to a dead certain. The Affair of the Box carousel is impossible to get locked out of, although the options to progress the story do end at some point.

A wonderful morning to you all,
I was wondering where is it possible to acquire a slavering dream hound?

The dream hound is a part of the fate locked expansion to the labyrinth of tigers.

Ah, thank you

What’s the best way to farm Souls for a non-PoSI? I need 500 for “Making Your Name: A Raid on the Brass Embassy!” and for now I have only 273 from Scraps trade opportunity cards (and I’m almost out of Scraps). Or is it better to just buy them?

Exchanging 1 Criminal Favour for 160 souls with the ‘An Implausible Penance’ card (unlocked when you have at least 1 Criminal Favour) is the best non Fate-locked way to gain souls. Choose ‘the smuggler’s cave’ and then ‘one stone in a thousand’.
Otherwise, you can buy them, but they end up costing a pretty penny.
edited by Bertrand Lyndon on 4/11/2017

As I understand it, if you finish the Affair of the Box storyline you can’t use the echo grind anymore - I’ll have to double-check that on the wiki, though.

While this is never the cost-effective method, if you don’t want to wait for certain cards you can just buy them at the Bazaar. It will only cost you a handful of Echoes.

As I understand it, if you finish the Affair of the Box storyline you can’t use the echo grind anymore - I’ll have to double-check that on the wiki, though.[/quote]

Finishing the story does not lock you out of the grind.

As I understand it, if you finish the Affair of the Box storyline you can’t use the echo grind anymore - I’ll have to double-check that on the wiki, though.[/quote]
You can’t get locked out of the grind where you collect boxfuls of intrigue. To progress the story, you grind boxfuls and turn them in for more survivor of the Affair of the Box. Eventually that story ends, but the non-story options are still open (turning 13 Boxfuls into absinthe, kisses, candles, or something else that escapes me). The AoTB grind is one of the best because you can’t be locked out of it, and if you choose mourning candles, it’s one of the most profitable actions ingame (1.64 EPA, if I recall correctly.)

Edit: Oop ninjas
edited by Pumpkinhead on 4/11/2017

Not at all. The Affair of the Box carousel always remains available, even after completing the storyline.

Is the impossible requirement a marker that there is content to come or does it have anything to do with the impossible theorum?