Weekly Fallen London Questions, 29/03/2021

Here’s this week’s quick questions thread!

What if I don’t have any questions?

Wait a second… ::

I’ve been to Port Carnelian and had successful governorships in the past but I can’t seem to get back there when I take a zee voyage. I want to return to open the option to invite the Captivating Princess, and hopefully regain access to the Shuttered Palace. Is there something I need to do in Wilmot’s End first before I can return to Port Carnelian because I’ve been playing storylets there with no success so far? Any advice welcome. I took a long break from the game so I’ve forgotten a lot, or maybe the rules have changed?

I believe you just need to have completed 5 terms as a governor, i.e. your Successful Terms as Governor should be at least at &quotA popular role model.&quot No requirements in Wilmot’s End or anywhere else as far as I (or the wiki:https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/Host_a_State_Dinner) know.

Oh ok. I can’t remember how many terms I’ve done but I don’t think the last one was successful. The thing is though I can’t seem to get back to PC. I went to zee but the option was missing. I could go to the Court of the Wakeful Eye but not PC.

It seems that you have lost all Imperial Legitimacy and so got kicked out of PC. You need to complete a carousel in the Foreign Office (which is now a separate location close to the Wilmot’s End on the map) and choose The Value of Good Names option to regain Imperial Legitimacy, link: https://fallenlondon.wiki/wiki/The_Value_of_Good_Names.

Has any one of you lately/ever encountered a bug where you can’t change equipment, at all?
The outfits all disappeared (both drop-down menus), and while I have bonuses from my Shadowy equipment, the relevant items show in the unequipped stuff and nothing can be equipped.
Kind of makes the game unplayable…

I’ve sent an e-mail to the support, so far no reply. Any of you have ever experienced anything like this?

[quote=Sir Reginald Monteroy]Has any one of you lately/ever encountered a bug where you can’t change equipment, at all?
The outfits all disappeared (both drop-down menus), and while I have bonuses from my Shadowy equipment, the relevant items show in the unequipped stuff and nothing can be equipped.
Kind of makes the game unplayable…

I’ve sent an e-mail to the support, so far no reply. Any of you have ever experienced anything like this?[/quote]
My first thought is to ask if you are in an area or story where you aren’t allowed to change outfits? And are you saying that the drop-down menu is no longer appearing on your screen? Or is it there but locked (has a little lock symbol on it)?

The outfit menus simply disappeared, including the entire upper part of Possessions tab, where you choose, modify and save the outfits. I’ve tried going into an outfit-locked area and out again - little locks appear and disappear on the empty spaces where my equipped stuff should be, but that’s it.
It’s been happening to me in Chrome (where it started), Firefox (where my alt works normally) and Edge (yes, I even tried that).

Is there only one campaign for each faction in the Parabolan war currently? If not, how would I access new campaigns/progress?

There are currently six campaigns. One for the Viscountess, one for the Gentleman, one for the Cats, one for the Fingerkings, one for the Chessboard, and one unlocked with a completed Ambition and Mirror-Fed 7. I did the Viscountess’s, the Cats’ and the Fingerkings’, and that unlocked the Chessboard one for me. (I’m a Cats supporter generally, but did the Fingerkings one with the “to learn more about them” justification, and made anti-Fingerking decisions along the way.)

I do like how they’ve added in that little bit of justification for each campaign, so you have narrative reasons to play the content that has you technically siding with your enemy.

Since some of the new Parabolan War content seems to strongly hint that players are expected to have completed their ambition by that point… I’m wondering what the collective wisdom is about relative difficulty/effort for the various long term goals.

How would people rank these in terms of overall cost (mainly counting in actions):

  • Ambition[/li][li]Railway (to Moulin)[/li][li]Pre-war Parabolan content[/li][li]Poet Laureate / Defender of the Public Safety / SotC / whatever the Shadowy one is[/li][li]All the Tiger Ministers[/li][li]Paramount Presence[/li][li]Cider

I’m also curious about the relative marginal cost for each station. Do they get more expensive or is just getting to Ealing the biggest hurdle? It certainly looks as though obtaining Steel gets much easier/cheaper from that point.

Dagforth reached Jericho Locks some time ago, has thoroughly explored pre-War Parabola, and merely dabbled with the Bone Market. Took a bit of a break to get an Übergoat and the Ministers so not exactly swimming in free resources. Currently mulling whether to push on with the Railway or Ambition having thoroughly explored Parabola except for the new campaigns. One assumes the Cider is still an order of magnitude harder than the rest!

Aside: Dagforth was musing going for PP, perhaps prematurely, around the time the Ambitions were finished, but was a bit dismayed to see it get locked behind further stations. At that point getting to Notability 15 was looking feasible but not several times before the advertised deadline.

Cider is as long as everything else in your list in sum. Tiger ministers are super easy. Other than that it’s too long to describe. Many things also depend on your roleplay or willing to explore all content. For example for PL you could do it optimal way or try every option and work and collect everything.

Thank you, Menaulon. That is very much appreciated.

Is there any particular reason to retain the services of the Numismatrix? If I dismiss her, can I have two different types of student to fill out my lab, or will I have to wait until I qualify to hire someone else in her place?

You can staff your lab as you want, as long as you satisfy the requirements for hire/student. You can even work alone, although that’s not profitable.

Thanks - I definitely don’t want to work alone, since I need to keep advancing students and whatnot. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to lose productivity for being understaffed or need to rehire her later for some content or something. Also, wanted to make sure you really can have two kinds of student at once.

You can hire her later, but so far her expertise isn’t used anywhere else.
You can have 3 different students at the same time, but not multiples of the same.

There’s a cost to dumping her and hiring someone else. Look very carefully into her replacement and what she/he can provide – I regretted my choice.