Weekly Fallen London Questions, 27/11/2017

The guide to Notability states that the special Christmas Card will only give a point of Notability to the recipient as high as 8. Is that still true? Thanks!

[quote=Jermaine Vendredi]

Are they the kind you can turn down? Rejecting them repeatedly should really be enough to get the message across. If it doesn’t, you have the option to write in game and tell them outright not to contact you again. If that doesn’t work, and you feel seriously hassled, I’d write to FB. I am not aware of an option to block someone as a player.[/quote]

[quote=xKiv]This is on the account setting page, under the contacts section:
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Blocked Users[/color]

Receiving abusive messages via StoryNexus? Report the troublemaker at abuse@storynexus.com[/quote]

It doesn’t really sound like an issue that would make Failbetter officially ban the player. There are no abusive messages or anything, just, well, harmful actions like ones that increase scandal. After accepting this a couple of times, I had enough of it and started refusing them all. Then I removed the person from contacts several times but it didn’t seem to get the message. But it really doesn’t sound like a situation where it’d be fitting for the administration to act. I just hoped there was some small &quotignore&quot button that I missed.

Removing the person from your contacts doesn’t change anything on their end; your contacts is just the list of people who show up when you go to send a social action.

At least rejecting such social actions is easy enough to do and costs no actions.

Since it does cost them an action to send you the request, hopefully they’ll realize it’s not worth it and stop.

If it does get to the point that you feel personally harassed, you should definitely contact FBG. The fact that the game includes harmful social actions doesn’t mean that players should use those to harass others. The game’s Terms and Conditions explicitly forbid conduct which constitutes (among other things) &quotharassment or misinformation directed against other players&quot.

it’s likely they’re not being malevolent on purpose, so you can just send them a letter in-game and tell them you don’t wish for further social actions especially the ones of harmful variety

Am I just having a run of exceptionally bad luck, or is it true that you no longer get that much bang for you buck when you use second chances to improve stats? I remember the change points being variable, and occasionally quite impressive, but for the last dozen or so times I’ve done this I’ve gotten all of 5 CP max.

I can’t speak to the exact range, but the upper limit is still pretty high. I’ve had mostly low rolls like what you describe (~4-10 CP), but I had one ~65 CP on the Watchful option yesterday.