Weekly Fallen London Questions, 27/07/2020

In her first act as Lord Mayor, the Viscountess announces a Thread for the Answering of Questions!

Is Mutton Island the best place to go for raising your Stormy Eyed quality? I’m not quite to the point where I can get What Might Be A Thunderbolt, but I want to make sure I can get one sooner or later just in case it unlocks something as the railway goes closer to Hell.

It’s been over a month since I raised both my persuasive and watchful to 100. I still have not received the card for the ambitious barrister. At this point in the game, the storylines I really want to pursue require me to be a person of importance. Is there any way of confirming that I’m not experiencing a glitch and that I need to keep waiting?

I believe Mutton Island is the only way to raise Stormy Eyed to the required level, since the dream cards stop coming when the associated dream quality gets high enough.

That was certainly my experience.

I think you might need all four qualities at 100…? At least, that’s what my read of this wiki page seems to say. It looks like there should be some elements available now if Persuasive and Watchful are at 100 already, but the overall POSI-ness might need the other two up there as well.

I think you might need all four qualities at 100…? At least, that’s what my read of this wiki page seems to say. It looks like there should be some elements available now if Persuasive and Watchful are at 100 already, but the overall POSI-ness might need the other two up there as well.[/quote]

That would explain things! Thank you so much for your help!

You need to get all four of them to 100 eventually, but aren’t you supposed to get individual cards for each of the stats once you get the first one above 100?

Each stat has an individual storylet for when you have it at 100, but that’s after the ambitious barrister card shows up. However, the wiki linked also seems to say that you only need 1 stat above 100… and it occurs at 5x the normal frequency.
edited by Jel on 7/29/2020

I think you might need all four qualities at 100…? At least, that’s what my read of this wiki page seems to say. It looks like there should be some elements available now if Persuasive and Watchful are at 100 already, but the overall POSI-ness might need the other two up there as well.[/quote]

That would explain things! Thank you so much for your help![/quote]

Little hint for that time in the game: during the ambitious barrister (level 7) you get sereval options, to process. One of them is having 5 of the cheap lodgings (A little hideaway). Better take the Handsome Townhouse or take some time and directly buy a 4 card lodgings.
Later in the game, you most likely just discard the cards from the cheap lodgings, so it would be better don’t even getting them in your deck.
edited by Judaspriester on 7/29/2020

I haven’t played in a while - not consistently since before the Heart’s Desire finale was released (which I haven’t yet played - no spoilers, please). What are some of the major “new content” areas I should look for? I’ve run into the Laboratory and the Bone Market on my own, I’ve heard that it’s possible to get into Parabola (via the ambition?) and I know I’ll be able to work with the railway once I get my notability high enough.

Anything else I’m missing?

[quote=Daedalus_Falk]I haven’t played in a while - not consistently since before the Heart’s Desire finale was released (which I haven’t yet played - no spoilers, please). What are some of the major &quotnew content&quot areas I should look for? I’ve run into the Laboratory and the Bone Market on my own, I’ve heard that it’s possible to get into Parabola (via the ambition?) and I know I’ll be able to work with the railway once I get my notability high enough.

Anything else I’m missing?[/quote]

You can unlock parabola via lab. without getting into details, you’ll have to go there for the ambition finale.

Besides that… the only important thing you’ve missed is that they have changed the way you overcap your stats (actually only to 212 in stead of 215). In stead of grinding notability 15, you get different options where you can raise the cap. The options for this are hidden far in the endgame (railway, lab, parabola).

Do I HAVE to unlock it from the lab, or is there a cheaper option elsewhere in the HD ambition?

As far as I remember you’ve got only one alternative: being a Silverer (former known as Glassman).
I think there was a point at the Ambition where you’ll get a free entrance to Parabola, but only with an established base camp.

In Heart’s Desire you can unlock a base camp without the lab. It’s the only ambition to do so.

Because of the election, I currently have Notability at 11. Is there anything I can spend this on other than Favorable Circumstances? I seem to recall that overclocking stats via Notability is no longer an option.

If you’re a paramount presence, raising all the stats at once still works.

Alas, I am not a Paramount Presence (I like the Cave of Nadir so it never seemed worth it).

Thanks very much to Mulligan for the answer to my question re selling the Route to the Nadir in last week’s thread, and to Lucius Vera and NNNobody for the sympathy! Apologies for not answering last week, RL was hectic and I never made it back here.

Mulligan said:

Quite right! Once I recovered from the AUGHH!!! moment, I realized my character had been cunningly tricked by Victoria, which is regrettable, but a known risk when one consorts with devils. All’s well that ends well (until / unless selling the Route turns out to be significant in-game in the future…)
edited by theonie on 7/29/2020

[quote=theonie]Quite right! Once I recovered from the AUGHH!!! moment, I realized my character had been cunningly tricked by Victoria, which is regrettable, but a known risk when one consorts with devils. All’s well that ends well (until / unless selling the Route turns out to be significant in-game in the future…)[/quote]If it ever becomes especially significant I expect (or hope) there would be some sort of buy-back, maybe in the form of expensive items needed for some flavourful heist targeting high-ranking members of the offending Faction, with different targets requiring different approaches–honestly, it sounds like peak Fallen London.

And surely, if anything can be un-shared and forced to be forgotten, it’s the location of the cave that makes you forget things.