Weekly Fallen London Questions, 26/10/2020

This is Hallowmas, Hallowmas, Hallowmas! But this thread is for general quick questions. They can be as spooky as you like, however!

WooooOooo! WooooOooO! Are there any repercussions for kicking Ancona off the board? Im going full Scrooge with my railway.
WoooOooO! Violation of workers rights!

As far as I’m aware, the only thing it locks you out of is being able to turn your Railway charter into a worker cooperative later on. It sounds like missing out on that won’t be keeping you up at night.

You can also bring board members back after kicking them off. Treat the board as fairly flexible.

Is the Constant Companion ‘A Bewildering Procession of Companions, Lovers, Suitors, and Paramours’ new? I’ve never seen it before and it doesn’t seem to be on the wiki - but equally I am technologically challenged so it could have had a name change that I missed)!
(I’d love to dive right in but if there’s going to be other new Constant Companions I might wait…)

Yep, its new! There are a number of new spouse options.

Did I misunderstand the mechanics of Hallowmas?

It sounded like with 7 of any menace, except wounds, I’d get a special card to convert them into Spirit. I got 8 Nightmares, and was kicked off to Mirror Marches . . . no sign of any such card or storylet, though. I’m worried I just wasted a lot of actions.

[quote=Robin Alexander]Did I misunderstand the mechanics of Hallowmas?

It sounded like with 7 of any menace, except wounds, I’d get a special card to convert them into Spirit. I got 8 Nightmares, and was kicked off to Mirror Marches . . . no sign of any such card or storylet, though. I’m worried I just wasted a lot of actions.[/quote]

It’s not a card, it’s a storylet. You need to leave the revel that got your Menace to 7 right after your Menace in order to do the storylet that turns your Menace into SOH. Once that happens, the relevant Menace goes to 0.

[quote=Catherine Raymond]

It’s not a card, it’s a storylet. You need to leave the revel that got your Menace to 7 right after your Menace in order to do the storylet that turns your Menace into SOH. Once that happens, the relevant Menace goes to 0.[/quote]

I was at the one in Veilgarden, I believe?

I just finished the option with the mask, and I got automatically kicked out to the Mirror Marches.

Is the issue that I need exactly 7, maybe? I think I got to 8 before.
edited by Robin Alexander on 10/26/2020

[quote=Robin Alexander]I was at the one in Veilgarden, I believe?

I just finished the option with the mask, and I got automatically kicked out to the Mirror Marches.

Is the issue that I need exactly 7, maybe? I think I got to 8 before.
edited by Robin Alexander on 10/26/2020[/quote]
If you reach 8, you’ll trigger the respective auto-fire storylet that’ll send you off to your place of punishment. Thankfully, Hallowmas offers a slight reprieve from this arduous process by allowing you to escape at 5. The option you should end up seeing is ‘a face in the mirror.’ You need exactly 7 if you want to sacrifice your menaces to the Fool.

If I (very foolishly) traded a certain bear to the Urchins, is there any way to get another?

Yes. Just wait for a card in Ealing Gardens, you’ll be able to hunt another.

If you want to become Defender of the Public Safety, you’ll become quite familiar with that Urchin and suspicious of how well he takes care of his bear.

[quote=PSGarak]Yes. Just wait for a card in Ealing Gardens, you’ll be able to hunt another.

If you want to become Defender of the Public Safety, you’ll become quite familiar with that Urchin and suspicious of how well he takes care of his bear.[/quote]

Thanks! I was afraid I’d lost the bear forever, and I want that bear with a top hat.

An odd thought just occured to me: A Winged and Taloned Steed, Formerly Mr. Veils can reinforce your paraboln defenses in the base-camp AND help you discover generous amounts of paleontological findings at the Magistracy at Evenload digs card.

The wiki doesn’t seem to list any, but just to check has anyone found any other uses for the Ambition: Bag a Legend rewards during the Ambition proper? I do know your false-star child from Light Fingers can help light one of the lighthouses, and that you can abuse your powers of being Mr. Cards from Heart’s Desire to outskill some urchins. I would’ve thought with the heavy emphasis on spycraft at Balmoral the Society would be immensely useful there, and that the Long-Dead Priests might have something to say about the more eldritch destinations at Jericho Locks. So far all I know is you can become the director they can’t get rid off if you really did finish the job and force the Bazaar into owing you Veils’ bounty.

What are some good ways to raise menaces this Hallowmas? I’m an end game player, POSI. I have been lowering stats as much as possible to fail at Bone Market grinds (mainly Incorruptible Biscuits).

Is there a way to combine what appear to be two “Hallowmas: Confession Trading” threads, or kill one? Seems confusing to have two.

[quote=Hattington]An odd thought just occured to me: A Winged and Taloned Steed, Formerly Mr. Veils can reinforce your paraboln defenses in the base-camp AND help you discover generous amounts of paleontological findings at the Magistracy at Evenload digs card.

The wiki doesn’t seem to list any, but just to check has anyone found any other uses for the Ambition: Bag a Legend rewards during the Ambition proper? I do know your false-star child from Light Fingers can help light one of the lighthouses, and that you can abuse your powers of being Mr. Cards from Heart’s Desire to outskill some urchins. I would’ve thought with the heavy emphasis on spycraft at Balmoral the Society would be immensely useful there, and that the Long-Dead Priests might have something to say about the more eldritch destinations at Jericho Locks. So far all I know is you can become the director they can’t get rid off if you really did finish the job and force the Bazaar into owing you Veils’ bounty.[/quote]
I’m not aware of any consolidated list of secondary-benefits of Ambition rewards. It might be nice, but this is something where the Wiki is likely to lag behind real content considerably. The number of high-volume Wiki editors is smaller than the number of different endings to the Ambitions, so rewards specific to one ending may not end up there for a while. Plus sometimes ancillary benefits get added after the content comes out, and just waits for someone to stumble into it.

The Cabinet Noir does have some extra options for some Ambition endings. Someone posted a comment, just a few hours ago, that the Society of the Three-Fingered Hand does something. But that won’t end up on the Wiki proper until more details are available (like title & description).

This may also be revised when FBG does the reward update they’ve mentioned. I’m personally hoping for more Light Fingers content in Helicon House.

Debonair Paleontologist can be used in Carpenter’s Daughter card. Up to 5 Memories of Light isn’t that much, but still. Can Buccaneering Palaeontologist (upgrade from Hallowmas) be used same way?

I finally have enough stories to get a new companion at Mr. Chimes’ Lost & Found, but am torn between July (a net +1 in Kataleptic Toxicology for me) and the Ebullient Undertaker (a net +1 in Monstrous Anatomy for me). I’m at 6 in both qualities. Does anyone have advice on how to choose?

Did you play either of the ESs with those characters? Did you like one of the stories or one of the characters more than the other?

High values of Kataleptic Toxicology currently have more end-game uses (Attar lab grind), but I wouldn’t bank on that staying true forever. July can also serve on the Railway Board… I have her on mine and I’m not overly enthused. I haven’t taken many substantial votes with her yet, but I haven’t seen any unique replies that reflect the matter being voted on, just some generic text.

Is there any scandal-reducing gear?