Weekly Fallen London Questions, 26/02/2024

Here’s this week’s thread for any questions you might have about Fallen London!

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What’s an easy way to raise monogamous? One that isn’t tied to a specific card or story. For a closest to.

The wiki has a guide to raising Magnanimous. If you want to raise monogamous… I guess just marry anyone except the Philosophically Perfect Partnership or the Bewildering Procession, then avoid all romance stories from then on!


That is, unfortunately, not a possibility, since that would be very OOC and the whole point of raising magnanimous is for character reasons. Thanks for the wiki guide, tho!

Is there a use for “Walking the Fallen Cities” 42 or “Touched By Fingerwork” 50 or are they too high to matter anymore?

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I think after you explore the expendable options on the card, they become defunct minus the standard option that raises the quality further. I have yet to find another use for the qualities themselves outside the card

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If you don’t mind spoilers, the wiki pages for both list the storylets with the highest checks:

But the short version is that you’re past those requirements for both :)


Hello. I’m pretty new and working on the “Making Your Name” stories. I keep running into a problem with “Suspicion”. I’ve figured out how to heal wounds, for the most part. How do I lower suspicion? The wiki has not been helpful.


You might not be looking in the right place on the wiki. They have a guide on menaces here:

As with most menaces, social actions can greatly help. Other than that, if I remember correctly, that early in the game I used Opportunism in Spite often. Only problems are that Confound the Constables is also dependent on the Airs of London quality, which is very random, and you’ll also need a few levels of A Name Whispered in Darkness.


Thank you! I very much appreciate your help :)


I learned that the easiest way to manage all your menaces is to create a second character (called an “Alt”). To do this, you need a second email address. Then use social interactions with this Alt to manage all your menaces. Eventually, you will also level your Alt and play that character also but, early on, the main focus of the Alt is to reduce the menaces of your main character.


Also extremely useful for grinding persuasive/shadowy. You can repeatedly loiter around or drink coffee/tea, which speeds up grinding massively.


I still use Opportunism in Spite, and my character is high level/endgame or whatever you want to call it.

Though you are at the mercy of the RNG and don’t always get the right option, while you are waiting for it to come around you can collect SO MANY weasels, and then fill your pantry with them for midnight snacks. :slight_smile:


Feel free to send me a few requests for help with suspicion as well! I’m Anna Libertas in game


I am not sure how to contact people for this kind of help yet, but I’ll learn eventually :) Thank you for offering!


I’d be happy to tell you how! So when you go to the map, in the bottom right there should be a little calendar icon (“Your Social Engagements”)- go here, scroll a bit, and there’s a storylet called “Attend to Matters of Shadows and Suspicion”. Within, there’s the option to request help from a friend!

I can’t remember if this option requires acquaintanceship (my own Suspicion isn’t high enough to check), but if it does then you need to send a calling card: in “Your Social Engagements”, there’s another storylet called “Attend to Matters of Society!”, and the first option therein is to send one. You need to manually type the name (which is why people share their profiles), send it, and wait for it to be accepted.

Please let me know if you need clarification! I love explaining things but am not always great at it.


What’s the best way to get one’s own laboratory? I’ve got the option at the University but it seems I need to get lucky to get the prerequisites.

just to be clear—are you stuck at the “bribe the dean” bit? or do you still need to clear your name?

If it’s the former, the materials honestly shouldn’t be that hard to grind—check out the bazaar side streets for wine, or wait for the calendrical confusion card and pay glim. You can get coins from brawling at the docks or pulling a heist on the admirals widow. Primeval hints are a little bit annoying to get before you’ve gotten into the railroad, but you can grind antique mysteries to up-convert if you want a reliable option, or try the shrine of the deep blue heaven (1/8 chance, but the other rewards are also useful and its a pretty short expedition.) Court of the Wakeful eye is also an option if you’ve gotten there already. If you really don’t want to spend resources and aren’t tied to a specific career path for RP reasons, you can grind notability instead to switch your career to Correspondent.

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Speaking of the calendrical confusion card…

The counter on it is counting down– is there any public knowledge what’ll happen it reaches 0?

It won’t for a while, of course-- I think it’s at 1660 or something-- but eventually…

(perhaps in time for the summer event, so maybe it’s tied to that)