Weekly Fallen London Questions, 19/02/2024

Here’s this week’s thread for any quick Fallen London questions you’d like answers to!

New acquaintances aren’t showing up on my contact list (including the contacts I can’t invite list). My Influence is 87, so I don’t think I’m past a cap. Is this a known problem … with a known fix, or do I need to submit this to support?

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Good day my fellow folks! :wave:
I hope you don’t mind if I decided to pick your brains a little - I am on early PoSI stage and looking for the best option to efficiently increase my money pouch :moneybag: . I got overwhelmed with options to choose from and got confused what path to take to get echoes.
I just acquired 4-cards lodging :house_with_garden: and swift zee-clipper :anchor: and now working on getting lab :microscope: up and running but that costs; and the more I look - the more echoes I will see needed in nearby future. Is there anything that you can recommend me? :money_with_wings: :innocent: :charcutier:


Continuing the discussion from Weekly Fallen London Questions, 12/02/2024:



BoogieCookie, I recommend that you take a look at the FL wiki guide titled something like, “Money making”. It has a TON of info on what you ask. Best of luck. Do you have a top tier profession yet? If you do, the “Business of a ???” (insert your top-tier profession for the ???) is a simple method and earns over 4 echoes per action on average. This does require significant progress in the railway and other areas but perhaps you have these.


There’s a guide on the wiki, but I personally vote Godfall grinding. I think it’s probably the best bang for your buck, especially if you have Flute Street and have unlocked Shapeling Arts.


Hey Vinish,
Thanks for suggestion. Little bit ashamed that didn’t think of it myself. I am reading various guides non stop but when time came I assumed I am still lacking some parts (which I still do in most cases)
I do have tier3 profession indeed as a Monster Hunter, so I will start at that. Even forgot about “Your activities” tab :sweat_smile:
Once again thank you for your time and effort on this one! :raised_hands:


Hey HexBeloved,

You help me once again! :slight_smile: Thank you for your dedication with newbies :blush:
I have to admit that I never encountered anything with Godfall grinding or flute street yet, but that’s a good food for thought! I will research more and will get there eventually!
Thank you for your suggestions! :100:


Flute Street is fatelocked just fyi, but it’s only 10 fate and I think it’s a good investment.

Godfall is unlocked by zailing, but it’s a good early POSI grind because it gives a lot of items you need for Parabola stuff in addition to good cashflow and skill leveling with 3/4 base skills and Shapelimg Arts!


Generally at your stage in the game I’d recommend focusing in grinding specific items that you need rather than trying to maximize raw echoes–not everything can be purchased from the bazaar & even for the ones that can it’s usually one of the less efficient options


Thank you for your insight annalibertas!
I got few items stacked already but at this point I am so broke that I can’t afford favour items to increase renown :sweat_smile::joy:

I am shocked how many good suggestions I received in such short time. Thank you all! :man_bowing:t3:


Ah, a fellow hunter! Good to meet you lass(lad? Neither? Please do tell me)!

Silently writes that down

Been meaning to ask this for awhile but I’m doing it now because of the update notes: should I do more stuff w the bone and rat markets? I honestly find them both annoying and confusing so normally I wouldn’t bother, but they seem very useful. Thank you anybody for the help.

I personally detest the Bone Market with all my heart and soul, and only use it to get a couple of resources that it’s really good at generating when I absolutely have to, so I can’t help with that. But the Rat Market, on the other hand, is your best friend. There is one 12.5 echo item, one 62.5 echo item, and one 312.5 echo item you can sell each week, and they rotate each week on a predetermined schedule that you can check at the Wiki. You can sell that item for a significant markup at the Rat Market when it is open, which starts on Friday and ends early on Monday, and then buy any of the .10 echo items available. It also has a more randomly rotating selection of rare and valuable items, including powerful gear you can buy at a discounted rate or some exclusive items only purchasable at the Rat Market. But essentially, the basic thesis of the Rat Market is that you can sell certain items for more than you could sell them for normally, and buy certain items than for less than you could normally.



And thank you for the explanation of the rat market :rat: , I went to it recently and honestly had no idea what was going on.

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Definitely lad :grin:
A honour to meet you too! :raised_hands:

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(Is that a “I’m a lad” or are you referring to me?)


Importantly the Rat Market also enables the best bone market grind (with Inklings of Identity to trade for Custom Engraved Skulls during FotR), and can be used to launder easier echo grinds into Hinterland Scrip.

Bone Market is, in my opinion, far better for making quick cash if you know what you’re doing as it really only takes sporadically restocking (usually when you have spare actions between grinds) and ~12 actions at most with high stats to make ~300-900 echoes of items. Rat Market is WAY more universally needed but Bone Market can get you flush with cash quickly and before the weekend.

Also, personally, I just find it fun!