Weekly Fallen London Questions, 16/04/2018

Hi everyone! I’m sleepy. Here’s this week’s short questions thread!

I have gotten four mood cards in under a week. Does anyone know if they have become more frequent? Or have I merely had an obscene amount of luck in drawing them?
edited by Akernis on 4/16/2018

You’re just lucky! Keep it quiet, or the RNG will brutally redress the balance. ;)

You’re just lucky! Keep it quiet, or the RNG will brutally redress the balance. ;)[/quote]
Got it :)

Hello friends. Does anyone suffers inaccessibility and unstability of FL today?

I do. But I’m from Russia and I thought it might be caused by struggle of our government against Telegram. If someone else experiences that, however, it shouldn’t be so

My question: does anyone know, why was Renown built as a standrard quality, with change points, while it would be much more logical to be a one-step - one-level quality, like Terms As Governor etc with each conversion of 7 Favors bringing in 1 level of Renown?
edited by Wojciech on 4/18/2018

I suppose they wanted Renown to get more difficult as the number climbs. It is a little more granular with change points (for some one-shot stories to give them out) than straight levels.

Of course, the downside is that CP is less than easy to check for things you grind slowly.

You’re correct about bigger granularity, but the amount of it feels negligible, frankly.

In total it takes about 43 Favour >> Renown conversions to get to 40 (which is really the maximum level there’s any gameplay reason to go to).

I don’t think changing from 43 to 40 would create a significant difference, and the system would look slightly more neat.
edited by Wojciech on 4/18/2018

Wojciech, me too, poor we.
And about your question: current system makes building Renown more flexible as you may spend less than 7 Favours per action until you are at level 15. Don’t know if one would do that, but one may.
edited by curtistruffle on 4/18/2018

Hello friends! I’ve joined a Sanguine ribbon activities, and I see people stating they do duels to get on the boat instead of to get said Ribbons. Why would they do that? How such travel may benefit one?

I can think of at least two reasons. At least one of the faction renown reward items is located on the river the boatman sails on, and one of the paths to becoming a Paramount Presence requires you max out the quality gained by playing chess with the Boatman.

There are probably other reasons I can’t immediately call to mind, but those are two reasons I personally have had to go there.

[quote=Plynkes]I can think of at least two reasons. At least one of the faction renown reward items is located on the river the boatman sails on, and one of the paths to becoming a Paramount Presence requires you max out the quality gained by playing chess with the Boatman.

There are probably other reasons I can’t immediately call to mind, but those are two reasons I personally have had to go there.[/quote]

The lore regarding the boatman is also interesting, particularly as regards his agreement with the Revolutionaries. Who IS Charon anyway?

If I go to Winking Isle, do my cards go with me? (In particular, I’d love to bring along a little omen and use it at a time of my choosing, rather than cash it in for a disappearing mood right before I go.)
edited by Javelin4201 on 4/19/2018

Winking Isle has no cards, nore anywhere to hold cards. But your mood will still be there when you return to London.
edited by suinicide on 4/19/2018

[quote=suinicide]Winking Isle has no cards, nore anywhere to hold cards. But your mood will still be there when you return to London.
edited by suinicide on 4/19/2018[/quote]

Thank you! Actually, now that I think of it, I’m not sure there are any challenges there where it would help anyway.

Thanks Plynkes & Kowth!

Hello again. Tell me please what exact is spirifage? Is it a word for any unlicensed soul trade (including, say, early Sunless Sea activities with a Blind Bruiser), or is it points specifically towards spirifiers who extract souls?

I even remember from Trade in Souls that certain spirifiers activity falls under Masters’ protection, and C.V.R. is illegal organisation because they cause violation of trade.

edited by curtistruffle on 4/20/2018
edited by curtistruffle on 4/20/2018

So, yeah, technically, dealing with the Blind Bruiser makes you a spirifer - but most Fallen Londoners, when they use the term, are specifically thinking of those who directly deal in soul-taking.

Hey all
I’m currently doing the season of skies expectional stories, and i just considered what i’ve learned and used the red seal thingy.
now, it seems to have been used. am i locked out of the final, full season reward?

Barring a bug, you should be able to get to the season conclusion if you play all the stories.