Weekly Fallen London Questions, 03/06/2024

Here’s this week’s thread for quick Fallen London questions!

So, I equipped a Woesel, drew a black weasel card, and unequipped the Woesel, but the black-bordered card is still there (undiscardable), despite requiring Woeful to play.
Is this intended behavior?

I believe so, since otherwise you could “dodge” at least some of the Woesel consequences.

I suppose that makes sense.

Well, what do you say, folks? Should I return it? It has a glasswork bonus but I have a parabolan kitty so that doesn’t really matter to me.

Well if you return him the opportunity to chase him down again will turn up. So I suppose if you don’t want to go hunting in Parabola keep him; if you enjoy that and think the reward is sufficient give him back.


Well than, I’ll give him back. Thanks you alot!

I would add the recommendation to catch it again before Hallowmas. One of the previous years there was an option to upgrade the bear to a +2 Glasswork companion.
This option may or may not be available again this year or one of the following years.


Is there precedent for returning upgrade chances? I thought they were all once in a playtime chances.

The Extravagantly Titled Tigress from several years ago was available last year. I believe there were others as well.
I remember reading somewhere that on or two fan favourites would be retuurning each year. Not sure if that was official.

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They started bringing back old companions maybe three years ago. There’s still quite a deep backlog, so the odds of any particular companion returning are fairly slim. And if the bear does return, two weeks ought to be enough to recruit a replacement.


Quiet today, are we?

… what’s your favorite master?

Personally I enjoy pages whole thing-literature is great and I think he’s really funny. Nothing deeper than that, really.

(hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhey? anyone here?)

I’m a fan of Pages as well, because it’s the least actively malevolent, (censorship sounds bad, but when the things you are censoring drive people insane and set their eyes on fire you might be making the right choice) but I have a very soft spot for Mr Fires, because when it showed up in my Ambition it seemed to have some really good ideas and a great personality. In addition, Fires may constantly oppress workers and be incredibly evil, but it has principles, damnit! Also, due to my efforts, Mr Fires gives its employees a full day of paid leave every month! That’s more than the other Masters!


While I agree Mr Pages is one of the least evil, I must point out that the Ministry of Public Decency does censor more than just the correspondence.


That’s true, but I was never one for Wilde anyway

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On the principle that the only good Master is a dead Master, I would say my favorites are Eaten or Mirrors. My choice of Ambition does not nominate others.


The jeff bezos master? Alright, your call.

Ay Ay, sibling!


But you see, there’s a difference! Jeff Bezos is a comically evil capitalist and a human with no principles! Mr Fires is a comically evil capitalist and a bat with very few principles. Thus, it’s much cuter and all of its crimes are absolved.
(I will admit part of my love for Mr Fires is an almost Stockholm Syndromesque “I can change him, I swear” feeling, which really isn’t helped by how my Rewards of Ambition keep tantalizing me with how Fires is making slight improvements to the workers’ lives due to my influence.