Wedding Plans

I don’t know, for some couples that might be an appropriate choice, in a number of inappropriate ways. :P

Is the wedding suppose p just fizzle out with no real ending? When NY Organising hit 0, the storylet disappeared and that was it. I saw there was an conclusion branch, but I wasn’t able to play it because, well, see above.

[color=#ff9900]This was a bug on two specific branches, which Flyte has immediately fixed. I’ll send you the ending text via private message so you don’t miss out.[/color]

Oh man. Absolutely worth it, especially at the top tier wedding. Regrettably, I got caught up screencapping for posterity and didn’t echo everything, but the stuff I did echo is quite important, or at least very enjoyable. If there are bits you’re curious about, feel free to ask! I won’t completely give out the content, but it’s pretty great stuff.

Hey Zack, I’ma humble man with only 501 organizing. Should I stock up on something to make the experience better ?

Also, because of the time difference, my fiancée is 12 hours away from me. Would it be better for us to wait for the weekend to dedicate an extended period of time, or should make a run for it ?


Zack, thank you for echoing the letter. We went for the 1000 wedding (OMG MASTERS AT MY WEDDING OMG) and it’s pretty much perfect, but being able to read the echoed letter… sniffly sigh

I’m most interested in the description of gant! It gleams silver in the dark. MORE about neathy colors!

Congratulations to all the newly married. I hope your weddings were all you desired.

[quote=RonDune]Hey Zack, I’ma humble man with only 501 organizing. Should I stock up on something to make the experience better ?

Also, because of the time difference, my fiancée is 12 hours away from me. Would it be better for us to wait for the weekend to dedicate an extended period of time, or should make a run for it ?[/quote]
Uhhh, well, real talk time, I had only like, 3/10, maybe 2/5 of a hand in getting our organising to what it was. 2/5 is generous. My partner carried that stable because they had a substantial hoard of items that were worth a lot. Tears of the Bazaar, and lots of nights on the town. They had the items, and lots of them, which netted us the quick rise in organising.
I got where I did by turning my echoes into stolen correspondence into personal recommendations, and drained my connected: the church down from 340 to 10 in the process. I spent something approaching 2000 echoes, maybe more. I don’t recommend my way of doing things. Like, at all. Mostly because having those levels of connected and that much raw echo is not something that’s common. Nights on the town are the way to go if you don’t have exceptionally high notability. I recommend being an author, because your payoff will be 150 organising a week.
As for time differences, wait for a day that works for you both. You experience the content independent of each other, but it’s something worth sharing if you can.

Thank you for your suggestions Monsieur Zack. We’ll definitely try to wait till we can enjoy the celebrations together …

Also, as neither of us are persons of any importance whatsoever, we were a wee bit limited in our means. You do suggest some good ideas though : I’ll try to leverage my Connected qualities some more.

Cheers, and I hope your married life lasts till the end of time.

What a honeymoon that would be![li]

What a honeymoon that would be![li][/quote][/li][li]
[/li][li]I know, right? I might be tempted to attempt matrimony if that ever becomes an option. :P (hint hint Failbetter ;) )


Erm… I sort of have a suite at the Royal Beth. If it weren’t for the relative privacy afforded me by my secluded address I’d be there full time. Though, my newly espoused and I have not yet discussed living arrangements.

… Oh no. After much debate on the venue – the stately St Dunstan’s, or an intimate hilltop church? – I clicked to commence my wedding, and it says: You have no eligible contacts. That can’t be right, can it? I can’t have gone through all that planning only to discover my spouse is ineligible! Further clicking reveals: echo_henrik (echo_henrik) [needs qualities!][color=rgb(255, 255, 255)][/color][li]

What qualities? Has anyone experienced something similar? How can this be resolved?

[quote=theodor_gylden]… Oh no. After much debate on the venue – the stately St Dunstan’s, or an intimate hilltop church? – I clicked to commence my wedding, and it says: You have no eligible contacts. That can’t be right, can it? I can’t have gone through all that planning only to discover my spouse is ineligible! Further clicking reveals: echo_henrik (echo_henrik) [needs qualities!][color=rgb(255, 255, 255)][/color][li]

What qualities? Has anyone experienced something similar? How can this be resolved?[/quote]
Sounds like something you should email support over. Support(at)failbettergames(dotcom) is the way to go for that.

[quote=Zack Oak][quote=theodor_gylden]… Oh no. After much debate on the venue – the stately St Dunstan’s, or an intimate hilltop church? – I clicked to commence my wedding, and it says: You have no eligible contacts. That can’t be right, can it? I can’t have gone through all that planning only to discover my spouse is ineligible! Further clicking reveals: echo_henrik (echo_henrik) [needs qualities!][color=rgb(255, 255, 255)][/color][li]

What qualities? Has anyone experienced something similar? How can this be resolved?[/quote]
Sounds like something you should email support over. Support(at)failbettergames(dotcom) is the way to go for that.

Done and done! Thank you!


[quote=Zack Oak][quote=RonDune]Hey Zack, I’ma humble man with only 501 organizing. Should I stock up on something to make the experience better ?

Also, because of the time difference, my fiancée is 12 hours away from me. Would it be better for us to wait for the weekend to dedicate an extended period of time, or should make a run for it ?[/quote]
Uhhh, well, real talk time, I had only like, 3/10, maybe 2/5 of a hand in getting our organising to what it was. 2/5 is generous. My partner carried that stable because they had a substantial hoard of items that were worth a lot. Tears of the Bazaar, and lots of nights on the town. They had the items, and lots of them, which netted us the quick rise in organising.
I got where I did by turning my echoes into stolen correspondence into personal recommendations, and drained my connected: the church down from 340 to 10 in the process. I spent something approaching 2000 echoes, maybe more. I don’t recommend my way of doing things. Like, at all. Mostly because having those levels of connected and that much raw echo is not something that’s common. Nights on the town are the way to go if you don’t have exceptionally high notability. I recommend being an author, because your payoff will be 150 organising a week.
As for time differences, wait for a day that works for you both. You experience the content independent of each other, but it’s something worth sharing if you can.[/quote]

I feel a bit late to the party in replying to this (I keep forgetting that I have an account here!)

Hello! Zack’s partner here. They already mentioned Tears of the Bazaar (2 of them, when it’s like +313 points of organizing) and Nights on the Town (Of which I had 50, so at +63 points per night, it meant lots of organizing and also 50 new pet weasels at the end considering you’re gifted a weasel a night when you cash it in…), which put in a nice hefty dent for wedding organizing. As for everything else, I had tons of blackmail material (+13 points per blackmail material) and romantic notions (+5) which put some points into organizing, as well as lots of rats and a few odds and ends (silk scraps and things, which are like +10 points a pop).

I also had a ton of sworn statements that I hoarded–I think they all built up over time from profession payments, and I might’ve sold a ton of whispered secrets to buy some more items to grind, but it’s all kind of a blur at this point hahaha.

With all of that, the points really added up.

Best of luck to your wedding planning! :D

[color=#ff9900]Let’s all just take a moment to imagine what this wedding must have looked like.[/color]
[color=#ff9900](Congratulations, you two! You are, so far, the only people to have married in St. Fiacre’s.)[/color]

[color=#ff9900]Let’s all just take a moment to imagine what this wedding must have looked like.[/color]
[color=#ff9900](Congratulations, you two! You are, so far, the only people to have married in St. Fiacre’s.)[/color][/quote]

If you consider that odd, ask the Ninth Space Marine about his wedding.

(Congratulations, Zack and anonymous!)