Useless Advancements

Yeah, I just noticed that master thief is locked. I guess I will have to find something else soon. For now, I am somewhat amused by the fact that I can go rob the bazaar and sell the loot right back to the bazaar without them realising anything.

I just drew two moods in an hour worth of cards, after getting one last night that forced me into buying an overgoat. Will I need these for sotc 20 and 21: yes. Can I get watchful up that high without notability additions to my stats, plus a change of profession up three tiers: NO. (RNG WHYYYY)[li]

What do you mean by &quotgrinding&quot? And how do I found my http address for the game? I’m enjoying this game, but am confused on a lot of things.
edited by Lorayna Regina on 7/9/2015

[quote=Lorayna Regina]What do you mean by &quotgrinding&quot? And how do I found my http address for the game? I’m enjoying this game, but am confused on a lot of things.
edited by Lorayna Regina on 7/9/2015[/quote]

To find your profile address, go to ‘Myself’ tab, click ‘View Profile’.
It will be<Your name, replacing each space with ~.>
Grinding is repetitively doing the same thing in order to get a large quantity of the reward (e.g. grinding moon pearls is doing the same action/s again and again to get moon pearls.)
edited by Eru Illuvatar on 7/9/2015

I’ve decided to collect Searing Enigmas because my character likes wasting time and resources for some reason. 777 would be a nice goal (and probably a requirement in the new Eaten storyline, when that comes).

I have yet to succeed at making an Impossible Theorem; I kept getting killed instead. :-) Now I’m grinding at Notability, so I can increase my natural Watchful stat.[/quote]

If I could go off-topic for a moment: I strongly suggest bringing a lot of Second Chances with you to the machine; I got mine mostly by spamming them and noping out of failures.[/quote]

Worth a try Snowskeeper-- I have a lot of Second Chances (though more for Persuasive than Watchful) and I’ll try it at some point. Thanks

My highest Connected is 1109 for Connected: The Church, though I suspect that many people have higher stats.

Do we know what the highest achieved stats are for each different connection? Aiming at one of those could be kind of cool.

This doesn’t bode well…
&quotYou’ve gained 1 x Room Number at the Royal Beth (new total 666).&quot

I’m trying to get 312.50 echoes worth of every grindable item in the game. So that’s Unfinished Business grinds and anything I can convert from that. I may decide to go for other grinds as well, though that’s a long way off. After that… 1562.60 echoes worth of everything, I guess?
Arrogance ahoy!
edited by Theminimanx on 7/23/2015

You missed a few, including Greyfields First Sporing (0.20p) and Ragged Clothing (0.01p). They are, well, grindable by cards. Good luck!

Kasha Cairn still doesn’t have enough weasels:

It will never be enough. Also, they may have just spend multiple hundreds of Echoes on weasels. Was that entirely wise, when they’re currently looking to gain access to the Cave of the Nadir and will almost certainly need those Echoes to buy a Ray-Drenched Cinder in the future? Probably not. But was it totally worth it? Oh, yes.

As Solomon grinds his way to an Overgoat, Connected Hell has risen to 121 and isnt stopping any time soon

It’s going to take a while before I can do any serious grinding into it, but Parvorus is trying to advance the Liberation of the Night as much as possible.

Not something I was doing intentionally but between goat farming and now cider brewing activities my Empire’s Kingmaker quality just passed 1000. Given the popularity of the grind I’m sure other people have higher but it’s a milestone I figured I should mark.

You guys are TITANS among human beings…
Those are the most insane achievements I’ve seen in my short life here at the 'Neath.
All very very inspiring. I just hope to have the chance to be able to play this for the next five years and try my own crazy achievement (hoping the good men at Failbetter Games won’t just say one day &quotmeh. I’m bored. Let’s close this thing and do something else&quot).

Really inspiring stuff, Ladies, Gent’s.
edited by Gonen on 9/2/2015

Yes, these are mind-blowing!
Side note: Closest to the Masters is apparently a thing. The wiki doesn’t say there’s any way to get it, but does anyone somehow have it? (It’s permissible to have it for a few connection-related actions, like trading Marks of Credit.)

There is no known way to become Closest to the Masters.

I went for the Chess Master–and I think I’ve got it. It took awhile, but I was already a 200 watchful character, and I was able to beat the boatman enough times to max it out.