Urchins: Favours/Renown

Got one more source for you, and likely to be a good source latter for other factions too.


“assist the urchin” is good for 1 favour

As a note, giving away the grubby kitten for 1 favor, when it now COSTS 1 favor to get, not a reliable gain.

If that card lies about its frequency (like the “Valuable Secrets” card in Ladybones Road does), it could be a very good source indeed.

Valuable Secrets claims to have infrequent frequency but my experience pegs it at more like Ubiquitous. I’ve spent something like 7000 whispered hints on it in ~4 months, which implies hundreds of draws, when standard frequency cards like faction ones I’ve drawn maybe a hundred or two.

Urgh the last 6 points of renown to reach 40 are really painful to get. I’m testing this with Criminals, but I think is still true for Urchins and the other factions…

Eh, it’s only 56 favors, usually, 63 if you’re unlucky.

Eh, it’s only 56 favors, usually, 63 if you’re unlucky.[/quote]

It’s not a matter of favors, it’s the challenge (which from renown 26 on I can fail multiple times) combined with the fact that from Renown 56 one Item use is not enough for raise a level anymore.

Turning in 7 Favours on the Docks conflict card gave 1200 Rat on a string, 1 cp SiC, 20 Morelways, and -5(?)CP wounds.

Will report on 5 favour turnin when able.

First, trading in 7 Favours gives 28 CP of Renown, so technically, starting from Renown 28, one conversion is not enough to fully raise you a level of Renown. (Of course, 28 CP is close enough to what you’ll need, that most conversions do raise you a level, just with more CP needed to reach the next one).

Second, at least for some of the factions, the challenge seems to be fake - i.e. despite the listed challenge, there’s no possibility of failure. You can see this by the game not actually increasing the relevant stat (as it should in a real challenge, whether it’s a success or failure).

From the wiki or seemed that for the Urchins and the Criminals it’s a real stat challenge (i.e. there’s a failure condition and the start is increased), but from my experience for the Tomb-Colonists, the Docks, and the Rubberies it’s a fake challenge.

I can confirm Criminals’ challenge is real; I failed it six times and losed half the amount of required amount of ragged clothing, greyfields and stolen correspondence (I gained suspicion too) for each failure.
edited by Chronos on 1/26/2017
edited by Chronos on 1/26/2017

Raising Renown now currently accounts for 75% of my use of Second Chances. I can confirm I’ve lost the first challenge quite a few times, at lease on Criminals and Rubberies, and I think Tomb-Colonists as well. I’ve only lost the re-roll once, on Criminals. You lose some of the items you were going to spend but thankfully do not use up any favors.

If you’d rather not lose your items, you can “perhaps not” out of Renown challenges. This costs twice as many Second Chances on your next attempt but if the expense is a bother it’s rather nice.

It’s ~90% of all second chances except insights for me. I don’t consider that to be a problem, though.

Quick question does anyone remember if Mind of a Long dead card refills opp deck or just doubles remaining cards?

Probably doubles. Infinite deck areas are the only ones that completely refill, iirc.

[quote=Ben ]Got one more source for you, and likely to be a good source latter for other factions too.


&quotassist the urchin&quot is good for 1 favour[/quote]Good source while it lasts, at least. The Tomb-Colonist and the Footpad has gained an additional lock condition to keep it from being repeatedly played since both factions on the card were converted. It’s likely the other Clandestine Rendezvous cards will go the same route.

[quote=Wiwo]Turning in 7 Favours on the Docks conflict card gave 1200 Rat on a string, 1 cp SiC, 20 Morelways, and -5(?)CP wounds.

Will report on 5 favour turnin when able.[/quote]

5 Favour turnin gave 800 rats, 1 cp sic, 10 morelways, and -5(?) cp wounds.

That one seems… incredibly awful. Apparently the Devil and the Child conflict card is the only worthwhile one. Unforunate since I plan to keep Docks above 5 favors in the future.

A familiar face by the school railings was my main way to decrease Nightmares and that no longer seems very worthwile considering how long it takes to collect enough favours.

According to the wikia The Somnolent Hyaena is now the most effective option (not counting social actions): http://fallenlondon.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Nightmares_Loss

Is it missing any options though? Considering A familiar face by the school railings is not listed, more might be missing.

Yeah, it’s severely underwhelming, especially given the fact that Urchins favours are more expensive than any other factions’ favours to date.

[quote=suinicide][quote=Ben ]Only the 25 and 40 found?
First one would be on the card, right?[/quote]

Yep, its a hat.[/quote]

That’s correct; I’ve finally obtained it.

It’s a Feathered Bonnet, obtained as you’d expect any quality headwear given by Urchins would have to have been obtained. It’s only good for Persuasive +4, but in my opinion the flavor text is priceless.