Urchins: Favours/Renown

As with our previous friends, Urchins has been converted over to Renown.
Please post cards and actions which use or give Favours and Renown Unlocks.

Most options below are cards; the storylets are listed as - with a [bracketed italicized location] first
Cards which must been drawn in particular locations have their [requirements shown in brackets]

Renown Conversion: R = (C - 21) / 7
Renown increase past Level 15: Increases Daring, decreases Melancholy

= Favour Sources =
[Mrs. Plenty’s Carnival: Sideshow] - 1 Favour, 3 CP Renown up to Level 5
[Fate Locked] Finishing School

Urchins: 1 Favour, cost Lucky Weasel
Turning in a hard-working Mark of Credit Page: 1 Favour (also gains 1 Favour Docks)
Grubby Kitten (connected pet): 1 Favour
Implausible Penance: Arson and Avarice - Tip the Squatters Off: 1 Favour, requires min Criminal Favour 3 to use, Criminals Favour 1 to draw
Invite a Correspondent acquaintance to educate the orphans: ?
Your Winsome Orphan is out of contro(purchased Companion): 1 Favour, costs 1 or 2 Memory of Distance Shores, requires bottle of Laudanum
The Urchin and the Monkey (purchased Companions): 1 Favour, costs two Compromising Documents, requires 1 x Malevolent Monkey, 1 x Grubby Urchin
Your Grubby Urchin is becoming troublesome (purchased Companion) [card drawn in Your Lodgings]: 1 Favour, cost 2 Tales of Terror

A scuffle on the street: Assist the Urchin (No connected pet) [card drawn in Veilgarden]: 1 Favour

One Time/Lower Stat Levels (thanks to rahv7 and Reddit for these additions)
A task from the Cheesemonger: requires An agent of the Cheesemonger 1-3
The kidsman recruits [card drawn in The Flit]: requires Shadowy 69–106
They’re coming for you! - Run! Hide! To the Flit! [one time]: requires Plotting against the Masters 2

= Renown Unlocks: =
[The Flit] Fun with the Fisher Kings - Join in their ‘games’: Renown 5
[The Flit] Gather urchin informants: Renown 20, War of Assassins 1-3

= Favour Use =
Call in Favours in the Flit [card drawn in The Flit] : 3 Favours - 25 scraps + Bundle of Oddities
Pursue a Scheme: offer some Urchins a place in your Orphanage: 5 favors

Urchins: Out you go, longshanks: 5 Favours, 20 Glim

Upconverting Wild Word items
T3 to T4 (plaque to scream): 1 Favour
T4 to T5 (scream to threnody): 1 Favour

= Renown Items =
Renown 10: Urchins Card
Renown 25: Wolfstack Docks
Renown 40: Mind of a Long-Dead God
= Conflict Cards =
Docks/Urchins: 5 Favours each - 800m(5) to 1200 (7) Rats, 1200 Rat on a string, 1 cp SiC, 10-20 Morelways, and -5(?)CP wounds.
Widow/Urchins: 30 Widow/Urchins 5 Favours - 350 (5) to 700(7) jade, 1 cp Someone is coming, 4-6 Identity Uncovered, Nightmare drop
Hell/Urchins: 30 Hell/Urchins 5 Favours

= Details required =
Invite a Correspondent acquaintance to educate the orphans: who gets the Favour, the Correspondant or the Orphanage owner?
Increase in Rare item payout from Favours to upconvert?
Payout for selling Location of the Nadir to the Urchins?
Devil & Child details

Thanks to all on this thread and elsewhere who contributed, but particularly to the Reddit Communty and rahv7 for his thread there:

edited by Parelle on 1/31/2017

Favor Grant: Opportunity Card from your Winsome Dispossessed Orphan. Guaranteed, costs Memory of Distance Shores (either 1 or 2, forget which).

Also, spelling is “Renown” not “Reknown.”

Sources to be confirmed: Grubby Kitten, Urchins faction card, Arson and Avarice (Implausible Penance), Hard-Working Mark of Credit.

There should also be a Hell/Urchins conflict card.

There is a Fate-locked source I’ve just confirmed. As I’m not sure whether I should put it in this thread, I will only say it is a recent piece of content. VERY recent.

I’ve confirmed Arson and Avarice awards an Urchin Favour.

If you mean the Finishing School, that’s already been brought up in the main thread.
edited by Optimatum on 1/18/2017

Not that this helps, but just saying:

Renown 40: The Mind of a Long-Dead God
edited by idyl on 1/18/2017

The Urchin and the Monkey conflict card gives a favor for a cost of two Compromising Documents.

Conflict card devil/urchins:

The devil and the child, still discardable, unlocked with 30 C hell and favours urchins 5, the option &quottake the devil side&quot tells you &quotThis will lose you all of your Urchin Favours but give you a gain in Connected: Hell&quot, &quotPropose an alliance&quot option still present. I won’t try any option so I don’t know what each option actually does.


Conflict card Widow Urchins:

A familiar face by the school railings, still discardable, unlocked with C Widow 30 favours Urchins 5, the option favoring the widow says you’ll lose all your favours criminals (I think I’ll send a ticket for this), no more &quotSet her to spy on the Gracious Widow&quot option. I won’t try any options.
edited by Chronos on 1/18/2017

Question: Is any of the renown items a companion? Trying to figure out if it’s worth even bothering.

The renown companions are the 1st tier docks, 2nd tier rubbery, 3 tier colonist and criminals. Unfortunately none of the Urchins ones are companions.

The renown companions are the 1st tier docks, 2nd tier rubbery, 3 tier colonist and criminals. Unfortunately none of the Urchins ones are companions.[/quote]

I meant urchins in particular, but A+ answer. Thanks!

I’d just like to ask how people know urchin 40 is in the mind of a long dead god. Has anyone been in there? Also if it really is in there that may be a bad place for it as people spend months getting anywhere near there. Also anyone know what the conversion formula was?

Rahv7 was there:

edited by dov on 1/18/2017

The formula this time seems to be R = (C - 21) / 7

&quotPursue a Scheme: offer some Urchins a place in your Orphanage&quot requires 5 favors.

Would have thought you’re the one doing Them a favor, but sure :)
edited by Alysian on 1/18/2017

Awww…kind of bummed none of the items is a companion. I was hoping the factions would have one Renown companion each. On the other hand though, now that I know some of them don’t, I can hope Hell is one of those factions. It would be nice not to have to worry about grinding Renown: Hell. I do so enjoy seeing the Brass Embassy STILL in disrepair every time their card comes up :P

Thanks everyone - and pardon my obviously dumb errors while typing in a hurry. I’ll make the changes as soon as I get to a proper keyboard.

Only the 25 and 40 found?
First one would be on the card, right?

[quote=Ben ]Only the 25 and 40 found?
First one would be on the card, right?[/quote]

Yep, its a hat.