Update: Item Rarity?

It’s interesting that these rarities are quite irregular. Low level items can be scarce, high level items can be commonplace and some things that I’d class as precious are “merely” rare.

I wonder if this is purely informational or if there would be a mechanical aspect to this.

[color=#ff9900]Yes! As you’ve noticed, we’ve just added new tags to some items in Fallen London. When you hover over an item in your inventory, you might now see the usual description prefaced with [Commonplace] or [Rare], for example. We wanted to give more indication of how convenient items are to obtain - that way, it’s easier to decide whether you want to sell or hang onto them. [/color]
[color=#ff9900]We’ve grouped items into five broad categories: Commonplace, Scarce, Coveted, Rare, and Precious. These categories don’t indicate the item’s price, but how difficult it is to acquire them. ‘Commonplace’ items can be easily acquired from repeatable storylets, for example, while ‘Scarce’ ones may require item conversion or other effort.[/color]
[color=#ff9900]A couple of points:[/color]

  • [color=#ff9900]Currently, there are very few ‘Precious’ items in the game.[/color] [/li][li][color=#ff9900]In a few cases, items may be classified as more obtainable than they currently are - that’s an indicator we intend to make these items more available in the future. [/color][/li][li][color=#ff9900]We may expand this functionality in the future, but wanted to test it first.[/color]
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It’s a good change - I like it! ^_^
(Especially as this sort of information is helpful when trying to sell large quantities of items, such as when gathering the Echoes to buy expensive equipment / goats.)

Cider doesn’t have a label yet, before you ask (but a bunch of stuff doesn’t, so maybe it’s coming).


  • Mountain-sherd
    *A Sealed Copy of the Crimson Book
  • Judgements’ Egg
  • Vial of Cantigaster Venom
    edited by an_ocelot on 4/13/2016

Oh man, I just saw this as I got my first Impossible Theorem. If that thing is coveted, I wonder what’s precious?

Robin Mask, yes, you caught me while I was editing!

I only appear to hold one Precious item - my Judgement’s Egg. I’m surprised the Fluke Core i’ve spent the past month and a bit acquiring is only Rare.
edited by Lord Hoot on 4/13/2016

[quote=Lord Hoot]I only appear to hold one Precious item - my Judgement’s Egg. I’m surprised the Fluke Core i’ve spent the past month and a bit acquiring is only Rare.
edited by Lord Hoot on 4/13/2016[/quote]
I’m insulted that judgement’s eggs, which can be reliably obtained for a handful of fate and a short jaunt on a single expedition, are precious, while tears of the bazaar aren’t even rare. Clearly, i should disregard this table, or watch fearfully for the new source of ToTB.

EDIT: NVM, confused two items.
edited by Grenem on 4/13/2016

I thought you got a silent soul from the expedition, not a judgement egg?

The Rat of Glory is also Precious.

Judgment’s Eggs are currently only available through a single path in Flint (and were previously very rarely obtained from the charity and Christmas Fate bundles). The expedition you’re thinking of provides a Silent Soul, a less valuable item.

I think a Mountain Sherd is also available simply by playing Flint.
I agree that most of these terms are distributed in a confusing way. Example: all top tier wines are “equaly” Coveted (Airag, Tears of the Bazaar, and Master’s Blood).

Another Precious item: Fragment of the Tragedy Procedures

Hm, I wonder why the Breath of the Void is considered Precious when Veils-Velvet and Rumourmonger’s Networks are simply rare. Are there alternative sources for the latter two that I overlooked? I’m also wondering when Rumourmaster became Rumourmonger, though that’s not terribly relevant.

My understanding of the breakdown:

*Commonplace: Can be directly farmed at a reasonable EPA.
*Scarce: Sources are mostly unrepeatable or inefficient, but there are plenty of sources.
*Coveted: Not many sources, but the ones that exist are pretty straightforward, although they’re all unrepeatable or unprofitable.
*Rare: It’s a bit tricky to figure out how to find these, and you’re not making anything close to a reasonable EPA if you find something repeatable.
*Precious: From what I can tell, these are entirely fate-locked, and except for the odd fate-locked story reset, unrepeatable.

Mostly what I find unclear is the line between Coveted and Rare.[li]
edited by Gilphon on 4/13/2016

Rats of Glory and Crimson Boxes aren’t fate-locked, though they depend on waiting for FBG to make them available.

Seasonal and/or fate-locked, then. Though Breath of the Void is apparently another counter-example. I’m willing to call that one ‘just weird’ for the moment.

[quote=Gilphon]My understanding of the breakdown:

*Commonplace: Can be directly farmed at a reasonable EPA.
*Scarce: Sources are mostly unrepeatable or inefficient, but there are plenty of sources.
*Coveted: Not many sources, but the ones that exist are pretty straightforward, although they’re all unrepeatable or unprofitable.
*Rare: It’s a bit tricky to figure out how to find these, and you’re not making anything close to a reasonable EPA if you find something repeatable.
*Precious: From what I can tell, these are entirely fate-locked, and except for the odd fate-locked story reset, unrepeatable.

Mostly what I find unclear is the line between Coveted and Rare.[li]
edited by Gilphon on 4/13/2016[/quote][/li][li]Nice breakdown. Although we find some examples which are not sitting quite snug in these definitions. Breath of the void, as you corrected yourself. I would have put Impossible Theorem at Rare and nor Coveted. It seems getting this is at the same level as getting Unearthly Fossil (just go for a simple expedition to gain this…)
Things will probably shift and change in the coming days[/li]

Indeed, my definitions are not meant to interpreted strictly, and I doubt there are any strict rules to determine rarity. After all, looking at my definitions strictly, one might argue that Coruscating Souls should be commonplace, which is just so counter-intuitive that it can’t be allowed.

It does, however, make sense to me that Impossible Theorem and Master’s Blood are marked as more common than the other Tier 8 items- the others are card-based and in direct competition with each other. Also, the disparity you’re observing isn’t as significant when you account for value- is an Impossible Theorem really that much harder to get than 625 Unearthy Fossils would be?

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One thing I can’t help but point out is that the diamond ring isn’t ranked “precious”, as it obviously should be.
My precious…

My vial of Cantigaster Venom is Precious; it’s what I got the first time I (accidentally) sold my soul, I believe.