Tournament of Lillies

Have I posted here already? Apologies if I have. I’m Little The, and I’m looking for a contest of mysteries at the moment.

I’m an absolute newcomer who just got her Menace to level 10 today. I would very much like to take part, although I’m worried about losing my plant. I’ve grown rather fond of it, you see. Can that happen? [li]

As far as I know you won’t lose your plant, but if your level drops below 10 you will have to build it back up again. It might be a good idea to get that level a bit higher before competing.

I’ll accept any challenges. At the moment I am at the contest of strength stage.

I’ll up my plant’s level a bit more before challenging anyone, in that case. Thanks!

Looking for Contest of Beauty!

Just to say… still looking. I know my plant is fearsome and all, but I’ll go easy on ya.[li]
edited by mblamar on 10/17/2013[/li][li]
edited by mblamar on 10/20/2013
Menace 19 looking for competitions.

Looking for a match after having come away the winner of the first such engagement.

Anyone looking for a Contest of Mysteries? Yarr, have at you!
profile name: “Dr Octagon”

Alas, my beautiful weed has suffered a defeat. Now seeking a Contest of Voices.[li][/li][li]
edited by Cortexikid on 11/3/2013

Looking for a Contest of Beauty… who’s got the hottest plant in the hothouse?

I’m new to the tournament and am looking for people to play. Profile name’s nikrke.[li]

Defeated! D: Now looking for Contest of Voices…

I actually just got the storylet offering the Tournament to me last week. Anyone willing to share a first battle with me?
My name is the same here as in the game, Emryss.

I retired from the contest some time ago but for some reason I am getting new invites. If possible try and find other opponents; one tournament was enough for me.

seeking a contest of strength!

I also am new to the tournament; I seek a contest of cunning

Looking for a Contest of Blood, otherwise known as &quotMonday&quot. In game as cannedwombat.[li]
edited by cannedwombat on 11/11/2013

Apologies to Vines and cannedwombat but my plant has advanced to the Contest of Cunning. Will be trying to send invitations soon…

Currently seeking a Contest of Mysteries, if we’re not all too busy running around town hearing one another’s confessions …[li]

Penknife in Fallen London

My plant requires one to challenge it to a Contest of Blood. Any takers?

Edit: Alas, I have been defeated and knocked down to Cunning.
edited by Alexander Feld on 11/16/2013