Tournament of Lillies

Ah… someone please whack my kudzu lily hybrid (Seeking a Contest of Mysteries)!
edited by londonist on 12/4/2021
edited by londonist on 12/21/2021

Looking for a Contest of Beauty. IGN is Fungo Maddens.

Stretcat is looking for a contest of Cunning.
Of the only two eligible contacts it had, one turned it down and the other simply won’t respond.

Looking for contacts for the Contest of Cunning.

Currently out of the Plant business (edit: updated)
edited by elderfleur on 5/3/2022

Contest of STRENGTH!

I’ve added previous contestants I’ve found above.

Finally at: Beauty (lvl 6)


(I know, I know)
edited by UserWithNumber on 2/18/2022
edited by UserWithNumber on 4/23/2022

WhoCares? would like a contest of strength, if you may.

Would love a contest of strength

Nandova, same as forum name

Houkeraid II is trying to prove he’s the best botanist.
Check profile (link below) for current status of the Competing in a Tournament of Lilies, I will always accept challenges while in London
edited by kronosaurus on 31/03/2024

Oh, I’ve nearly forgotten about that particular horror… I don’t see why it can’t take on a few challengers. Have at it!

I’m new and seeking a Contest of Strength,username:ZRNP

I would like to battle someone if they are available, I am level one ( I am just starting, You don’t start at level zero, right?).

No, level 1, strength. :slight_smile:

Looking for some friends. I will always accept challenges if in London.

Julio’s plant is competing on a contest of mysteries.

Rhirath is looking to compete.