Tournament of Lillies

Ruddertail; cathyr19355 is also seeking a Contest of Blood. I’m out of actions right now, but that should change shortly.

My plant is still at ‘Attending to the Needs’ Level 13, and now seeking a Contest of Mysteries.

As before, I’d greatly appreciate it if challengers either put their current Attending level in the invite, or updated me on it after the event via PM. No request refused, whether my own plant is higher or lower. I’d like to garner more information on this demented botanical pyramid scheme.

Since starting this grand project I have fought…two battles, won both, and got the following info from helpful fellow combatants:

A 13 v. B 10 – A wins
A 13 v. B 15 – A wins

A natural reaction to the see-sawing woes of the Tournament is to max one’s plant before entering any battles…but AFAIK two maxed contestants are no better off than if they were both at level 10.

So, given that it gets progressively slower to raise Attending, it seems to me that it must be better for Plants to start the Tournament as soon as they’re eligible, against opponents known to be fairly-matched, and possibly for owners of lower-level plants that have been victorious in a number of Contests to occasionally fight higher-level plants by prior arrangement, in return for a consideration such as a mystery box.

I don’t think we’re still looking at a system where an Attending 18 plant sometimes beats one at Attending 10, but I don’t know. And I want to know, dammit. Any information gratefully received.

I’ve been thoroughly thrashed, so I’m looking for Strength again. None of my usual oponents are available, so I’m asking here again.
edited by Ketchua on 9/27/2016
edited by Ketchua on 10/8/2016

Greetings, I am nearly done with the Tournament, but have run out of opponents within my contacts. Currently I am searching for an opponent for a contest of Mysteries, but I will also will participate in any contest I am eligible for after I win or lose this one. My Attending is level 19, but I do not believe it matters. If someone is concerned, I will send a mystery box to anyone that I defeat.

My profile link is:

Have sent you an invitation; I’m still Attending 13. Nothing is required if my Plant is turned to guacamole, as I’m in this for science. It’s just that if the Plant level does effect the outcome, then early participation by matched opponents might make the Tournament procedure slightly faster and thus less annoying, via not involving more plant-levelling than is necessary, after defeats, to re-hit the minimum level to enter the Tournament (which I think is 10).

I did say slightly faster.

If plant battles are indeed decided on a coinflip basis, I’m overthinking this.
edited by Vexpont on 9/23/2016


I am new in the Tournament, currently Seeking a Contest of Cunning (which I will probably fail, becoming open for a Contest of Strength again), so please feel free to invite me.


UPD: Now looking for Voices.
edited by ropewalker on 12/9/2016

Krawald is looking for a contest of blood and would be grateful for any opponents. (Profile is the first in my signature.)

DavidJ is now, finally, seeking a contest of voices. Let us see whose botanical beauty can pierce the heavens in song and emotion.

Looking for the first one, uh… Strength. 10 points in the quality.

Edith is looking for a contest of strength. Profile is here:

I’m new to the contest! Looking for a contest of strength. :)

Look at your messages, I’ve sent you a challenge.

Look at your messages, I’ve sent you a challenge.[/quote]

Thank you so much. ^^

I’m currently available for a contest of cunning. :)

Available for blood feuds. Rawr.

My plant continues to humiliate me and lose.

Who wants to embarrass my plant next?

Looking for a Contest of Mysteries!

My green thing will fight you, And I’m not talking about my lizard, nor my liver.

My green thing will fight you, And I’m not talking about my lizard, nor my liver.[/quote]

Clever repartee, I’ll give you that. Still, my plant bested yours in that contest! Thank you for the challenge.

On another note, now I’m seeking a Contest of Voices.

Edith would like a contest of whatever. I keep changing categories, so just feel free to invite her. Currently, she’s at level 12, I think.


Sent, Edith.