The Viric Survey

(Yes, yes, someone would have done it eventually…)

The introduction of dream-marriages sparks researchers’ interest: who else would you choose?

Vote here!

I’d really love to share a dream of marriage with the Bishop of St. Fiacre’s.

Being married to one Snuffer, Cora is curious how others live.

The Day of the Exceptional Rose has come! The Nocturnal Nostalgist received a wonderful collection of amorous confessions and special orders from the Shopkeeper in Viric Suit. Excited bohemians, inquisitive spies, anxious Auditors all hover around like Renaissance cupids to have a chance to eavesdrop on the announcement of results.

127 voters
50+ options
…and 7 on top:

None other than the jewel of the Feast herself! It may be easy to forget her, but not when it comes to matters of love. 28,3 % of respondents have the elusive image of the Lady in Lilac so deeply tattooed on their hearts that no amount of irrigo can erase it.

True eternal devotion is just as alluring as mystery, wealth, passion and charm. Or was it the mention of a &quotrenowned lover&quot in that interview? Or would you prefer to add a spicy taste of nightmares to your all-too-sweet viric dreams? In any case, the Manager of the Royal Bethlehem Hotel ignites desire in 32,3 % of hearts.

Devilishly clever and more beautiful than infernal dark roses, our current Lord Mayor Virginia has surely attracted a lot of attention lately. Have you ever wanted to hear a declaration of love… in Correspondence? Then it’s doubly recommended to put on something fireproof, because your marriage will be hot as Hell! And 33,1 % of Londoners know that Devils have the best honeymoons.

Long past the Election, once again they are fated to meet in a fervent competition! Wit or whim? Revolution or royalty? Irradiating charisma or irresistible beauty? Why not both? The Jovial Contrarian and the Captivating Princess shared the same positions almost until the very end! Now they have 37,8 % and 35,4 % respectively, so finally there’s no doubt about who’s more august of these two.

One of the sweetest fruits of temptation is an apple that falls far from a tree: the Last Constable, an incorruptible warrior of justice and coffee. 40,9 % of respondents wish she could find family happiness again… with them.

Scandalous as it may be, 45,7 % of Londoners confess attraction to no less than a Master of the Bazaar! Vigilant censors persuaded me to politely refrain from asking which one in particular, but no doubt, the choice is rich. Is it mere curiosity or genuine willingness to belong to them in an entirely new sense? Are all the respondents aware that the Masters are… not quite human? Well, the point of this whole viric affair is to savour the forbidden and the unattainable, so I bet you’re not even surprised!

In short:

Among non-companions and non-romanceable characters:

  1. Masters of the Bazaar (58 votes - 45,7 %)
  2. Virginia (42 votes - 33,1 %)
  3. Manager of the RBH (41 votes - 31,7 %)

Among companions or romanceable characters:

  1. Last Constable (52 votes - 40,9 %)
  2. Jovial Contrarian (48 votes - 37,8 %)
  3. Captivating Princess (45 votes - 35,4 %)
  4. Lady in Lilac (36 votes - 28,3 %)

The rest is still available at the end of the survey. (The results may change in the future because I’m not closing it.)

edited by JaneAnkhVeos on 2/14/2020

I’m not surprised the Master won. Tumblr has introduced me to an entire subfandom of people who just really love the Master. In fact, one person has taken matters into their own hands and is working on a Masters dating sim.
edited by AbsolxGuardian on 2/14/2020
edited by AbsolxGuardian on 2/14/2020

Six votes for the Amanuensis. Huh.

Nah, Six votes for the Implacable Detective. ;-)

How am I the only one who voted for Doña Villar?

Meh, the results are a total clambake. I suppose that means the only new guy we might have a chance of getting next year is the Manager of the Royal Beth, and I’d honestly rather marry decaying corpse than that loser. Guy cries about his ex so much I’d feel like I was married to a high school girl.

looks longingly at Poor Edward, Once-Dashing Smuggler, Affectionate Devil, and Mooching Artist

So many cool, fun, and entertaining men in this game. Must you be forever out of my reach?

[quote=Kukapetal]Meh, the results are a total clambake. I suppose that means the only new guy we might have a chance of getting next year is the Manager of the Royal Beth, and I’d honestly rather marry decaying corpse than that loser. Guy cries about his ex so much I’d feel like I was married to a high school girl.

looks longingly at Poor Edward, Once-Dashing Smuggler, Affectionate Devil, and Mooching Artist

So many cool, fun, and entertaining men in this game. Must you be forever out of my reach?[/quote]

In our version of the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh decides to do whatever he can to obtain immortality after Enkidu dies. I think he’s allowed to mourn Enkidu for all eternity in Fallen London.

I doubt that FBG will pay any attention to this fan-survey, but even if they do, it seems to depend on which tier-3 professions they can involve.

(Though I can already see the exciting potential of options like Correspondent+Virginia or Glassman+Manager. Not to mention how much I dream to teach the Jovial Contrarian to debate in Correspondence.)

While I don’t think that a couple of subtle references to the Epic were really meant to put an unambiguous &quot=&quot between its characters and FL’s ones (the discrepancies are way more numerous anyway), but don’t reject it either (after all, in FLverse, the Epic of Gilgamesh may be loosely based on their story), there is still a considerable difference between &quotmourns a loved one, goes to seek immortality for himself, fails but eventually cheers up because he still has his kingdom and undying glory&quot and &quotseeks immortality to save a dying loved one, sacrifices everything&quot. Even further, the King with a Hundred Hearts repaid him with bitterness if not hatred, while Enkidu remained a loyal friend of Gilgamesh in the underworld.
So the problem is not that the Manager mourns his love (understandably), but that he has been indulging in sorrow for millennia. Just like Gilgamesh, he needs to move on. (And the player characters may assist in that :naughty: )

[quote=Kukapetal]looks longingly at Poor Edward, Once-Dashing Smuggler, Affectionate Devil, and Mooching Artist

So many cool, fun, and entertaining men in this game. Must you be forever out of my reach?[/quote]
At least the last three are dateable… glances at an even longer list

I guess that’s because she is an ES-exclusive character, and a rather new one.

Seems like I was right to suspect that the sudden bat-romance in Sunless Skies didn’t just come out of nowhere :)

edited by JaneAnkhVeos on 2/16/2020

In our version of the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh decides to do whatever he can to obtain immortality after Enkidu dies. I think he’s allowed to mourn Enkidu for all eternity in Fallen London.[/quote]

Yeah, and I’m allowed to think he’s an utter bore for doing so.
edited by Kukapetal on 2/17/2020

Wouldn’t dream-marriages to the Red Handed Queen, Ophidian Gentleman and July count as real marriages?

No one forces the players to do quests/options they don’t want to.
4 Viric dreams this year + 4 or less the next year = plenty to choose from
edited by JamesSilver on 2/17/2020

I just chose them based on how nightmarish their marriage would be. AKA I chose every Parabolan horror on the list.

No one forces the players to do quests/options they don’t want to.
4 Viric dreams this year + 4 or less the next year = plenty to choose from
edited by JamesSilver on 2/17/2020[/quote]

Very true. And why keep throwing money at something that just makes me miserable at this point?

Why is January not an option?

I wrote one in, so I got curious about what other people wrote in - curious enough to want to pull together the answers people phrased differently!

Myself 5
The Bazaar 3
Opal-Eyed Shopkeeper 3
Injurious Princess 2*
The King With A Hundred Hearts 2
November 2
Tentacled Entrepreneur 2
All of them 1
Alice the Cheesemonger 1
The Blind Pianist 1
Any Clay Men 1
Doña Villar 1
Kashmiri Princess 1
Some Khagagian lady preferably a catar… 1
The Melancholy Curate 1*
Northbound Parliamentarian 1
A One-Time Prince of Hell 1
Ophidian Gentleman 1
Prim Baronet 1
A rubbery man 1
Sister Lydia 1
Soft-Hearted Widow 1
Sophia (the monster hunter from the comic) 1
The Turkish Girl 1*
The Voracious Diplomat 1
Any tiger 1*
Urchins 1*

(The asterisks are ones where someone gave more than one write-in choice. I’m not math-y enough to do anything with the numbers, but it changes the percentage calculations a little, at least theoretically. One submission included three choices, one included two.)
edited by string on 3/28/2020

I would gladly list the whole Council (and choose them all myself), but I had to stick to a reminder to keep it as concise as possible, since the Shopkeeper mentions only &quotmajor figures&quot. There even was a separate fervent debate whether to include July…

The write-in option is always here, though (and quite… interesting, I see).