The Twelve Days of Mr Sacks have Begun!

Yes, I’m not getting the urchins often enough either, i’m glad someone understands!

At least the 12 Days of Mr Sacks cards eventually turn into pinned storylets as time goes by. So I wouldn’t worry too much about not being able to draw the cards. Even if the RNG postpones you from seeing Mr Sacks, it will not be indefinitely.

It’s always worth thinning your deck out if this kind of stuff annoys you. Even an Abundant card can take a long time to draw if you have a hundred cards in your deck. Call in all those favours, sell off all your pets and accomplices. And just think: if you don’t already have a Remote Lodging, you could get one soon!

Ah, this is very comforting. I haven’t been able to find the Urchins or Mr. Sacks once all December, and I guess it’s just the angry god RNG playing with me. Sad, but at least I haven’t mucked things up.

Running into something odd on Day 3 of Mr. Sacks. The fate option says I don’t have Magnificent Diamonds, but an option above it recognizes the Magnificent Diamonds I have.

I have more than enough fate to cover the modest 5 fate requirement. I’m just confused.

Hover over it and you’ll discover that the option is locked because you have a Magnificent Diamond. The results of the Fate branch and the Magnificent Diamond branch are identical, so this is for the best.

Oh… hey… look… reading. It’s a thing. I swear I hovered over it multiple times. Thanks. sheepishly hides in the corner again

What happens if you miss a days card?

You can still get it on later days, no worries.

I haven’t been approached by Mr Sacks even once yet. Am I supposed to be doing something other than clicking the opportunity deck and hoping for the best?

All you can do is draw cards and hope for the best. They’ll become more frequent as time goes on, thankfully, and at some point the early cards will turn into storylets for the very unlucky to play.

BTW, do we have a list as to the correct identity of the “originals” of each of the different Mr Sacks?

Some are obvious (e.g. Iron, Stones, Pages, Eaten, etc.), but every year I’m scratching my head to identify a few of them…

[quote=dov]BTW, do we have a list as to the correct identity of the &quotoriginals&quot of each of the different Mr Sacks?

Some are obvious (e.g. Iron, Stones, Pages, Eaten, etc.), but every year I’m scratching my head to identify a few of them…[/quote]

This please! Im only sure of a few of them

As far as I can tell:

1: Spices
2: Wine
3: Stones
4: No Mr Sacks
5: Mirrors
6: Pages
7: Fires
8: No Mr Sacks
9: Eaten
10: Veils
11: Iron
12: Hearts?

[quote=RandomWalker]As far as I can tell:

1: Spices
2: Wine
3: Stones
4: No Mr Sacks
5: Mirrors
6: Pages
7: Fires
8: No Mr Sacks
9: Eaten
10: Veils
11: Iron
12: Hearts?
Thanks. Pretty close to what I would have guessed.
I was mostly wondering about number #2 and #12 (also partly about #10, though it becomes obvious considering the rewards it provides).

The question is…why aren’t they just storylets anyways? There is no reason for them to be cards other than make it more luck based and annoying.

I suspect the reason is that Mr Sacks is supposed to feel luck-based and annoying.

I remember being greeted by the &quotFallen London’s Probably Random Number Generator&quot on Advent. Made sure to take note of that.

Emphasis on PROBABLY.
edited by John Moone on 12/30/2015

Random and surprising, which amounts to the same thing.

Mr Sacks! Why are you avoiding me so much?!(the last 2 days were horrible for getting him to come to me)