The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

It would be my pleasure to receive boxes.

I should very much enjoy a Starveling Cat, I’m going mad you see, nothing wrong with that.

Oh what I wouldn’t give for a Starveling Cat.
I have this rat problem you see and I must have a starveling cat to keep them line as they become my own personal army of rats!
Please do. --Luke allow

Thank you to the gentleman that sent me the cat. Hopefully that is a good thing. Lol
edited by Luke Sallow on 6/8/2015

If any of you ladies, gentlemen and the undefined need a lovable looking, striped, cuddly, yellow eyed kitten answering to the name Starveling Cat!, feel free to contact me and I will send her your way, albeit with a heavy heart and a few tears.

The kitten has found a new home yesterday.
edited by Hargate on 6/10/2015

If anyone would like this horrible cat, I’ve found recently, please message me. Also if anyone has any boxed cats they’d like to get rid of, feel free to send them my way!

Thank you Sz******! I will take good care of this darling feline. :)
edited by LeFoof on 6/21/2015

I have two Starveling Cats somehow. One, I can cope with, but two are giving my poor Grubby Kitten an education that can end in no good. I am happy to share if some p̶o̶o̶r̶ ̶f̶o̶o̶l̶ kind person would like to adopt one.

Update - A brave soul has taken one off my hands. If someone were desperate, really desperate, for the other, I would probably part with it for a minor inducement, a little suspicious lurking maybe?
edited by Snotra on 6/26/2015

Could someone pass on a boxed cat to me? (I am not exactly looking for the starveling cat… But we will see how this turns out)

Also, I have a boxed cat myself, if anyone wants it, just tell me. I will favor those who’ve passed me a boxed cat, however.

edited by Krasudreal on 6/29/2015
Edit2: I’ve passed my cat!
edited by Krasudreal on 7/2/2015

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat! It’s related to Seeking, and I really want that!

I would do many things to have this little bundle of joy in my life.

I want to do a very stupid thing and introduce my grubby kitten to the starveling cat. I shall not be dissuaded. I promise to look after any strays that should come my way.
edited by briarwoods on 7/12/2015

Need a starveling cat

I have a boxed cat. If someone would trade boxes with me? I should like a cat.

Need a boxed cat… no starveling cat as of yet…

Someone gave me a starveling cat out of the blue. I already had one, so now I have an extra if anyone wants it. First come, first serve.

May I have your cat?

It is done.

It is done.[/quote]

Cackles Thank you. I am aiming to collect all kinds of cat. One down, some more to go. :D

Anyone with a boxed cat? I should like to try my luck. I have a boxed cat I can send in exchange.

Edit: I have since sent my cat, but if anyone should like to send me boxes, I will not complain. I’ve had two spiders so far, from two boxes.
edited by Guinevere Morgana on 7/27/2015

Should anyone have an unwanted Starveling Cat at the moment, I would be happy to receive it.

EDIT: Let it be known that I have received my - AUGH! - my cat. Very…spirited creature.
edited by Crocodile on 8/3/2015

Hello there people of Fallen London. I believe this is the spot to go to. I’m in a bit of a pickle. I appear to have come into possession of a rather ravenous cat, and I was wondering if there was anyone who could take it off my hands. I have a bit of an allergy, you see, and I can’t afford to keep the beast. Any of you fine people desire a Starveling Cat of your own?