The Starveling Cat! The Boxed Cat!

Thank you! Sending you the mangy beast. May God have mercy on your soul.

Good day fellow feline fanatics, i’m on the lookout for a person interested in a longterm trading arrangement. I do not currently have a cat on hand, having just traded it off, but all of those still to come are without prespectve owners at the moment. And if anyone is simply looking to offload their beast, i’d also be happy to accomodate

I’d like a cat box. My Fallen London name is rosetyleri[quote=Cecil ]Dwellers of a vertically challenged city I cry for your attention!

There’s currently two unorganised threads running around about trading cat boxes, so let’s simplify that.
If you want a Starveling Cat, or have an excess, post here.
If you want to trade Cat Boxes, or just want to send them out, post here.
If you’re interested in a long term trading of cat boxes, for ease, post here.

Long Term Trading Instructions
(Mostly copied and pasted for the rules I wrote for this thread)

  • 1a. Post in this thread stating your availability to trade all cat boxes that come your way with another player OR[/li][li]1b. Respond to an already existing post stating availability either via this thread or via PM[/li][li]2. If an arrangement is reached, edit your posts to state it[/li][li]3. Send each other your cat boxes until the next Exceptional Story comes out, these are Universal Storylets available to everyone and as such, hard to miss[/li][li]4. Unless otherwise stated, repay each Cat Box with another, if the month is up and you find yourself in debt, if your partner has said it’s alright to repay them in either Surprise Packages or First City Coins, do that

[ul][li]Boxes from alts do count, but you will need to state in the message that the box is from you[/li][li]Don’t use alts to put others into debt, only to repay your own, box debt incurred in this manner doesn’t count[/li][li]Be polite, follow through with your deals. If something should occur, please notify this in the thread[/li][li]If for some reason cat box scamming has occured, we will need screenshots, turn email notifications on if you want extra insurance[/li][li]If your long term trading request isn’t on the last 3 pages of the thread, feel free to make another post
If you don’t mind where your box goes, I am a good destination as long as you don’t mind sending boxes to the Starveling Cafe, which already has more than a few Starveling Cats. I also record all cat boxes that come my way as you can see in my signature.
edited by Cecil on 12/11/2015[/quote]

I have a boxed cat!
I’m willing to exchange it with someone as an one-off affair, or find a long-term compaion for cat-swapping!
Send me a note if interested!

If anyone would like salvation from a Starveling Cat, Dom Scorp is always willing to take one in.

With the permission of my previous trader Ridagoth, I offer a long term arrangement for the trading of cats (and spiders, alas).

Hey friends, delicious and otherwise, I’d like to trade cats with someone. I’ve been sitting on one for several days now.

… Or, not literally sitting. But have yet to send on.

[quote=jeidi]Hey friends, delicious and otherwise, I’d like to trade cats with someone. I’ve been sitting on one for several days now.

… Or, not literally sitting. But have yet to send on.[/quote]

Happy to trade with you, and I have a cat in hand. But what’s your fallen London name, just to be sure? My profile is in my signature.

It’s Jei Di. Great!

My heavy enjoyment of suffering and cats leads me to have the slightest interest in obtaining one of the monstrous Starveling Cats, mainly for the sake of the rhymes.

I have a spare that has devoured my pantry. It is now your concern.
edited by Glass Doll on 5/18/2016

I have a spare that has devoured my pantry. It is now your concern.
edited by Glass Doll on 5/18/2016[/quote]
I give my greatest thanks. May you be blessed with less ferocious balls of fur in the future.

Hello delicious friends !

I have a &quotcat in a box ?&quot with at least two layers remaining. Anyone interested ?

(My ingame name is also Lauro)

I have somehow accrued an excess of starvling cats. Three of them must go before they are the death of me. If anyone is willing to take one off of my hands, please send Jazstar an invite in-game indicating your desire[li]
edited by Jazstar on 6/2/2016

At the moment I have two starveling cats, does anyone want them?

I would like one.

I would certainly enjoy some cats, to help with SMEN.

The Straveling Soldier is reunited with his erstwhile companion. A reckoning shall not be postponed indefinitely.
edited by ShroudedInLight on 6/9/2016
edited by ShroudedInLight on 6/10/2016

I have a rustling box I feel I really must pass on as soon as possible, but am willing to accept more such boxes afterwards.

Cats are always welcome at Maison Heidenreich…!