could anyone spare one starveling cat?
user: Fallen London
edit: got one!! tysm aria ^^
sent one over. have fun!
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can someone send me a cat that may or may not potentially be one of the starveling variety?
user: Fallen London
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I lost my UP…
By accident, how unfortunate
Good afternoon or evening, seekers.
Do any of you have a Starveling Cat? There’s not much I can offer in return other than my gratitude, but we can always come to an agreement…
User: Fallen London
UPD: I somehow got it from Pass The Cat, from the first try!
All thanks to JefferyHuglle!
One Lieutenant Hireneth has lost his UP and would greatly appreciate a Starveling Cat, if one is available!
User: Caulthurin Hireneth
Currently seeking a Starveling Cat! Please let me know if there’s any favours I could do in return :)
User: Fallen London