The Silver Tree

As apparently no one bothered to head back to the KS update after posting it, and my comment there has been sitting for a week unanswered, I may as well ask here.

[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)]So you get access through the Forgotten Quarter, and if you don’t have access to the Forgotten Quarter yet?[/color]

[quote=Jon Uzel]As apparently no one bothered to head back to the KS update after posting it, and my comment there has been sitting for a week unanswered, I may as well ask here.

[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)]So you get access through the Forgotten Quarter, and if you don’t have access to the Forgotten Quarter yet?[/color][/quote]
Hi there,

Apologies - I saw your comment and then completely forgot to answer it!

If you increase your watchful stat, you’ll find the way to the Forgotten Quarter.

Hey, I’ve a couple of questions about the new content. First - if we restart The Silver Tree, does that reset our metaqualities, allowing us to earn them anew? Second: I’ve not seen any new content relating to my Bitter Falcon in Fallen London yet - is there anything I need to do to unlock it?

[color=#33ffff]Restarting the Silver Tree doesn’t reset your metaqualities - they persist. Replaying will let you earn new ones or increase the ones you have. So it’s possible to have metaqualities that represent different outcomes for Karakorum. If so, when you play a game that responds to those metaqualities, you’ll be able to choose which outcome you want to be the case for that playthrough.[/color]
[color=#33ffff]The Bitter Saker Falcon will open an opportunity card, so it’s possible the card-gods just aren’t smiling on you at the moment. You do need to be in Fallen London to get the card.[/color]

Cheers very much, Chris - that all makes sense. I shall keep casting fresh cards under my falcon-like optic!

I am having a lot of fun playing The Silver Tree. Having completed a large portion of it I believe it has raised more questions then it has answered. What else is new in the Fallen London Universe? I believe the most powerful part of the narrative is how much it makes me want to go visit the mongols. I know that they no longer live the way they do in The Silver Tree. Its just this game has made them seem very interesting and I would love to learn more about them… Also I really want to try Airag even though it would probably cause me to convulse.

I ran into something that I think is a bug.

I got ‘The Khan and his Daughter’ to 20 and after the flavour text it said that I needed to get Trusted by the Khan and Trusted by the Princess to 20 and return to the temple to decide what to do.

However, after clicking Onwards I was immediately moved to the next screen ('I have observed the Khan and his daughter, the Princess Cheren, and I know many things about their relationship. Perhaps too many things…) and am now being forced to make a choice.

I don’t have Trusted by the Princess at 20 and there is no way to change this as I need to make a choice before I can leave this screen…

I really want to select ‘I played peacemaker’ but I can’t for the reason mentioned above.

It might be worth looking into the above as more people will probably run into this.

In addition to my post right above:

I decided to go with the Cloaked Emissary option and on the result screen one of the results was ‘You now have x The Khan’s Ally’.

It seems a number is missing there.
edited by Corran on 11/2/2012

[color=#009900]Sorry about this, Corran. Can you report bugs to[/color]

Er… Strangeness. The “I explored the Place of Whispers” storylet doesn’t boost Strangeness to any higher than 1, and the “I sought out the Copper-Eyed Lady” storylet doesn’t seem to grant any Strangeness at all. Where might a wayward monk come upon additional Strangeness in the world?
edited by featherynscale on 11/3/2012

I wonder this as well.

I believe that the options to trade Trusted qualities give Strangeness, though I don’t recall whether that’s on a success, a failure, or both.

A failure. Once it’s high enough to buy the goods at the market, buying those goods (and interacting with them) will increase Strangeness as well.

Definitely an enjoyable game, maybe I shouldn’t have burned through it so fast.

The choices involved were very difficult at places, though I don’t suppose this is the correct place to discuss the various outcomes. I was happy with mine, though.

The game is a lot of fun so far. A lot of the choices seem like they could have very far-reaching consequences, I like that.

I have a question. I’ve reached the card “My Missions Completed” which has three options on how to proceed. Being vague so as to avoid spoilers, but the option involving the Interpreter is locked without any explanation as to why it’s locked. Is that intentional?

That option was locked for me too.

I’m guessing it was cause I had no ‘Ally of the interpreter’ quality (or whatever it would be called).

I did have a similar quality with the Khan.

My ending got me the metaquality “Silver Tree: The Diplomat,” if anyone is familiar with it.

That ending was great, very amusing. Reminded me of Pratchett’s style of humor.

I am nearing the ending of the Silver Tree and I was wondering, because I bought all the nex-locked content, will I get metaqualities to show that I did them, I don’t want to lose them just because I decide to restart the story…

Hi all

Coran - there is an oddity with displaying certain types of quality when you get them - if you check your Qualities bar, can you see the value you have? We’ll look at this as well, of course.

Strangeness: yes, the Place of Whispers card will offer opportunities to increase it. If you have a Curious Bottle or Fragment of an Unknown Alphabet in your inventory, try clicking on those too…

Kaanyia: sorry about that - there is a display glitch at the moment which means that branches locked on a maximum quality aren’t displaying that requirement. That branch needs you to have Trusted by the Interpreter under 20: I’ve added a note to the branch to clarify this.

Sarsmos: yes, see Chris’s post above - your metaqualities will reflect the choices you made and will stay with your user, not disappear with your character. You can replay and choose a different ending, and gain different metaqualities in addition to those you already have.

Thanks all!

It seems that the Cup of Cosmos is no longer usable with the new inventory system. (Putting the items in rows instead of one big column). Am I missing something?