The Silver Tree

A question, I hope it’s not a breach of premium content information: During the Sketch story, you can get an upgrade to one of your main three skills, yes? What happens if you’re already at the cap (7) when that happens? Can it go up to 8?

I finished The Silver Tree, completing all storylets and both the secret and official missions. What fun!

A question: the final screen said that I have received four metaqualities that will appear in my user profile. Is that the profile for the Failbetter Forum? I don’t see anything in my profile for the forum, so I’m wondering if I’m looking in the wrong place.

We’re sorting out some issues with equipment and usable items. They should start behaving again shortly.

User profile pages aren’t live yet, so you’re not looking in the right place. Hopefully they’ll be along soon.

[quote=Tea Biscuit]I finished The Silver Tree, completing all storylets and both the secret and official missions. What fun!

A question: the final screen said that I have received four metaqualities that will appear in my user profile. Is that the profile for the Failbetter Forum? I don’t see anything in my profile for the forum, so I’m wondering if I’m looking in the wrong place.[/quote]

There is actually a place to see these metaqualities if you play Fallen London (not The Silver Tree), I stumbled over them by accident.

When you go to the Messages tab in Fallen London and click Settings you are taken to a page where your metaqualities are displayed at the bottom.

What story are you exactly referring to? I don’t remember seeing this.


There is actually a place to see these metaqualities if you play Fallen London (not The Silver Tree), I stumbled over them by accident.

When you go to the Messages tab in Fallen London and click Settings you are taken to a page where your metaqualities are displayed at the bottom.[/quote]

Oh! I see them there, Corran. Thank you!

I have a question that was sort of answered by account help but: Will meta-qualities from the Silver Tree affect Fallen London? My long time Fallen London character/account is separate from my Story Nexus account on which I played the Silver Tree with all the nex-locked content. I don’t really want to pay $20 more (well, $13 since I have 25 nex left) to replay, and get the same results on my Fallen London account, or start a new FL character on my SN, buying all the fate-locked content I have done again, since that would cast much more.

  Sorry if this is the wrong place, but I would have felt obnoxious opening up the same help ticket for a third time.

@Tea Also, there is a section for metaqualities if you click on your user name in the upper right corner of any SN game, the same place you add friends now. I don’t know if they show up there or not, since I don’t have any metaqualties yet, but there is definitely a place for them.

@Sarsmos You may want to try and contact one of the actual FBG people and see if they can work something out for you because metaqualities do affect not only FL, but can effect other SN games too, so long as they are set up to recognize them. I know they are all connected to your particular SN account though.
edited by Kitsune on 11/12/2012

Kitsune, you are right! I see the metaqualities when I click on my name in that corner. Figures that a fox would know. :) Thanks!

A concern I’m having is how to get items more readily. It would appear that most cards have several options to raise connections, with varying difficulties and giving more connections at higher difficulties. However, getting items only has the storylets that give 2 items (Plus failures on connections, which also gives 2 items). It is possible to get items as a side-bonus when advancing the stories, but this is rather finite, and you are not told beforehand which item you’ll be getting, if any.

Anyone found a decent way to pick up items, especially with the goal of increasing stats? Best I’ve found so far is using the Place of Whispers to gamble connections, earning five of an item a turn (I just have to remember which connection gives which item. Such as Princess for bribes or Khan for Gifts). Still, that’s far from speedy: Cards give 6 per turn (assuming I don’t get any cards like the Strangeness ones which don’t have an option to just get items), but it’s random and not very useful if I’m trying to get 450 of a certain item :/

Hi everyone - what does the Cup of Cosmos do? I see where it says “use” but don’t want to waste it unnecessarily.

Ernestine - It refreshes your actions. It’s a reward for pledging to Kickstarter.

I don’t know, but, have you tried submitting a bug report?

[color=#000000] [/color] I have just finished playing The Silver Tree, and thought I’d jot down my thoughts. I am buzzing with some of the revelations about Fallen London that I’ve discovered – in particular the identity of the princess! And I found the cloaked emissary storyline really gripping – he was such a menacing character, and although I had a good idea of who he was, details about him and his motivations unfolded brilliantly, particularly at the end of the story.

The writing was great, but I can’t say I am as much of a fan of the layout/setup of ST as I am of FL. I am speaking here as someone who doesn’t game much, but who is a big reader (and who, as someone who says they don’t game much, is one of FL’s hardcore fans.)

I felt that for almost all the individual storylines, they were a game of two halves – eg. the part where I built up a storyline from 1 to 20 (which was mostly grindy and a bit dull) and then the actual storyline, which was where I got rewarded with some interesting text, but not enough of it. This meant that ¾ of the game felt a bit dull, and then ¼ was really exciting. If I hadn’t paid for the game, I probably would have given up and missed the great bits.

I was also not sure that the endings to the various individual storylines felt coherent – I felt with some as if I was playing them out of order, but with no guidance as to which was the correct order. Eg. I finished up the story of the fountain before the cloaked emissary, and that didn’t feel the right way round.

Probably because the storylines are designed (sort of) to be finished in any order, too, I felt that I was able to make contradictory decisions, and I found this a bit frustrating – I don’t really roleplay while playing games, but I felt more like I was reading a book out of order and making ill-informed decisions based on that, rather than knowing my character and making informed choices based on what he knew. (I felt like my character knew more than me, and yet I was the one making choices on her behalf!). I mean - in one storyline I would end up chosing the Khan to ally with, and then the next I’d go for William, and the next the Princess, and this didn’t seem to have any affect, really - I had a ‘betraying the city’ quality (or similar) for a bit, and then I made another choice and lost that, without any consequences.

I think most of these gripes are, as I say, as a result of the format of the game – I would have liked a clearer order for the storylines to be played in (perhaps being unable to start some until I’d finished others, for example), and a way of knowing when the pinned cards had new options to them. It makes for a lot of boring clicking, if you have to go through each pinned card every time to see if a new option has appeared – but if you don’t, you miss options.

[color=white]tl;dr I enjoyed, but thought the gameplay let the game down, and if I hadn’t already paid for it I would have given up before the end (and the end was the best bit, so I would have missed out!)[/color]

Oh, you really wanna go nuts? Realize that the sometimes cards have storyline progress bits as well, not all of which are visible from the start.

It’s basically one of my biggest grips of the game that, unless you wander around with 20+ in everything, you’re going to have little idea of where you can proceed. Oh, and if you do, there’s all those lovely cards that need a quality to be below a certain amount.

Yeah, I definitely missed out on stuff. I never quite did understand the one menace, either - whether I had really high suspicion or really low suspicion, I didn’t come across any cards that locked/unlocked with these values. So it seemed a bit strange to me to keep getting options to raise/lower it, when I never got any options to use it, that I could see!

There’s plenty. Thankfully, suspicion is one of the few qualities where you can see a branch that requires it without having the required amount.

Playing through the game now, and I have the same problem as Lady Red. First day it was fun reading the different tidbits about the city. But that has dried up pretty fast. It’s been several days, grinding the items/connections with no new content. I love having skill ranks and paying with items for training. The problem is, higher ranks cost a lot more, but having higher ranks in skills does not help with grinding those items. And you get three cards per action, so there is almost no reason to use the pinned cards ever. But with the random cards you never know what you get. You get more items per action… but it’s not the items you want… but in the end you will level up faster this way… but I just want more secrets… It’s soul sucking really. And the new layout requires more clicks per action, than in London. Most of the time I don’t even bother to read, what I am clicking on now. Especially since mechanically all the cards are exactly the same.
Also as Urthdigger mentions, there is no clear indication when new options are available. This requires too much reading concentration to find a new story option… which is not new at all, because you spied on those damn sheep like five times already.

I am torn out on whether I should pay to unlock the new stories. On the one hand I want more fluff on the Universe. On the other hand I have a bunch of Fate and no Nex, and I am not sure this is worth to pay money for.

tl;dr The new layout works for stories, that you can finish in one or two days. But it is soul sucking, when you need to grind through 1000 of those near-idenctical random cards.
edited by Fhoenix on 2/2/2013
edited by Fhoenix on 2/2/2013
edited by Fhoenix on 2/2/2013

I have “The Other Place” as a pinned card and Discovering the Other Place 5 but no options on the “The Other Place” pinned card. How much more do I have to raise my Discovering the Other Place before I get options? Is this normal, or should I submit a bug report?