The Seraphinian Society does not exist.

I humbly request admittance to a such nonexistent society.

A mild foreshadowing:

Nothing interesting ever happens on Codex.

Oh. I am apparently a Member, though I forgot to officially join. This is pretty typical for me, since I disappeared for something like five years. I was actually playing the game at launch, which means I have been in London longer than both Nite-Brite and SpaceMarine9. I’m not as cool as them though.

I have found a thing in Mahogany Hall, but I have been told that I should wrap up any unfinished business before fiddling with it.

edit Ah yes, profile:
edited by Lucien Serafim on 12/11/2016

I have found a thing that is not a thing for a club that is not a club.
edited by qwints on 12/15/2016

I have seen nothing, and buried myself within it.

An update: I am now in A Place Where There Is Very Little Screaming.

Now to figure out how to get out…

Apologies for the double post, but I have left A Place Where There is Very Little Screaming, and am now a Full Member (Uqbarian).

I humbly request access to the Library of Babel.

I qualify for Full Membership and request admission into the Library of Babel
edited by thisisnotjasper on 12/31/2016

I, with much help from a very helpful ocelot, qualify to be a lowly Tlönic. Since I happen to be two people, both of me qualify at the moment.
(Both my profiles below qualify).

I have the B___k-P___t_d E__s___l.
Let me in.

hello all!! i’d like to extend a kindly thank you to barselaar, for his immense help and mentorship in seeking the mysteries!

all the necessary items should be on the spacecatte’s mantle, accessible in its link below. as well, while I have the extreme premonition i might have a S______, i can’t seem to remember what happened to it. if any of the mods are curious for further evidence though, i would certainly not mind sending a pm demonstrate further proof!

Rather chuffed to have finally figured out Enigma and got the Eggshell too! Thanks to an_ocelot for giving me the final push I needed! You’ll find my credentials on my mantelpiece (Gideon is my current main, after Jimmy expired in an unfortunate well-related incident). The Correspondent’s Lounge is three turns to the right and one inclination towards the impossible, correct?

Capital. I’ll try not to set anything too important on fire.
edited by JimmyTMalice on 1/9/2017

The Black Eggshell will go North.

For now, though, the Seeker is just hangin’ around London with it.

update: I now have a Splash of Irrigo Ink to go with it.
edited by Teaspoon on 1/10/2017

I have acquired that which does not exist at 2 as well as a [color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]B___k-P___t_d E__s___l, I humbly request membership.[/color]

My sincere thanks to an ocelot and surreyjack for their time and patience in guiding me.

I did the thing! AND the other thing! \0/

It is fitting, I suppose to have been an Uqbarian unbeknownst to oneself.
I overthought matters, at first, but an encounter with a curiously patterned feline set my course, well, not true, exactly.
edited by AndreasG on 1/22/2017

In my search for some clues as to the 3rd part of the thing which does not exist I’ve run across this thread.

If indeed such a society that does not exist continues to not exist I would be honored to be a not-part of it.

If this society existed, I would submit myself as a candidate for membership.
But since it doesn’t, I’m… actually not certain why I am here…