The Seraphinian Society does not exist.

I personally think this society is an exercise in the elitism of masochistic lateral thinkers.
edited by Bertrand Leonidas Poole on 7/26/2016

Mr Poole, you’re perfectly entitled to that opinion. Though I personally think the real masochists gather over here

Heh, no prob Barselaar! And I agree whole heartedly Bertrand. This does bring up the question of what shall the lounge do from here?

Enigma is not really an in game thing, much more of a player quest imo. I remember Phryne discussing roleplay being a possible future for this society. I think that’s an awesome idea!!

How are we planning on dealing with the out of character nature of enigma within this thread?
edited by Dean Lee on 7/26/2016

Hi Dean,

I actually have a pretty good idea for an Enigma-themed RP (Zero/Daniel Ember came up with at least half of it, actually), it’s just that I don’t really have any time for stuff like that right now. If somebody else wants to start something, of course you’re perfectly good to go ahead with that! :)

This thread is basically intended just for membership appliance/&quotofficial&quot Society announcements, not for any ongoing RP.

(btw Dean, I recently browsed through your delightful Rambling tumblr, and enjoyed it. Not having a tumblr myself, I couldn’t write it there, so I’m writing it here now ;))

Awesome!! (Also, I hope I didn’t come across as rude!)

And thank you :)

Addendum: At roughly 11:45 AM 8/2/16, The IRC has helped me find the answer, and I now have enigma 1.

My prior point about obtaining the B___k-P___t_d E__s___l and the Irrigo splotch before obtaining enigma 1 still stands, however.
edited by Arcanuse on 8/2/2016

I have obtained Enigma 2, the B___k-P___t_d E__s___l and the Irrigo splotch, and proudly ask for a membership to that which doesn’t exist
edited by timelessparadox on 8/4/2016

I’d love to join the club! On a somewhat related note, I would also be extremely grateful if someone could direct me towards the “what happens beyond the gate” doc, if possible.

I did not knew this place existed but since no-one is suppose to talk about it, it makes sense. I have completed all the requirements earlier this year so I would be thrilled to be added to the Club.

Edit : Yeah since you are my Mentor in this Topic, I am already member w[color=#c2c2c2]ithout knowing it and I find this wonderful ![/color]
edited by Flynneldariel on 8/4/2016

I hereby officially announce that the esteemed Mrs Brite has been granted the title of “Heptavalent Eminence and Septentrional Authority”, and has been inducted among the ranks of the Ascended.

May the sky open to you!

After a full year, I finally had the moment of clarity which rewarded me Ambition: Enigma 1, and I humbly request admittance into your number.

I have finally figured out how to get the ink, so it is time for me to ask admittance to the Correspondents’ Lounge. The proofs are on my alt’s profile, linked below.

Whilst it was just a week… I’m still flabbergasted at how much I overthought this. I humbly request admittance!

Phryne Amarantyne, dear lady, thank you ever so much for your lovely letter informing me that I am indeed part of that which is not. I am, in fact, delighted.
Further to this, imagine my surprise when, upon perusing these pages, I find myself actually eligible for entry into a higher rank - or am I? Please see my profile to judge for yourself.

I have never been here,
And never will be.
Memories disappear,
Hazy mist at zee.
Exist? You must mishear.
Remember with me
Experience of the beir.

I have found myself in possession of two nonexistent items, and would therefore like to join this nonexistent club.
edited by djcooland on 11/25/2016
edited by djcooland on 11/25/2016

I think I am welcome, where nothing exists.

With the help of The Master, I found nothing, and then carefully placed it in my scrapbook. Not entirely sure why I’m here, but I would like permission to stay.
edited by Aardent Lore on 11/27/2016


Yes, well, there is the matter of that of course. I normally keep my spider-council there, but I suppose for the occasion it would be best to move it out of the way. I have many ideas, you see. They take up a lot of space.

Upon my mantelpiece sits a B___k-P___t_d E__s___l.