The Seraphinian Society does not exist.

I request the company of my peers.

Why am i here? Am i here at all? I suppose not, after all, how do you join something that does not exist?

Now I am not here as well.

And progressing!

And found something! What a wonderful day.

Sorry for reporting my progress step-by-step. Should’ve waited until I am done before posting all this.

Upd.: In the next hour I have also discovered A S_____h of I____o I_k. So it took me almost half a year to get there, and then I have completed everything in one day. Amazing.
edited by ropewalker on 2/26/2017

I wish to not-be, and join my fellows in their inexistent state. Perhaps, one day someone will seek us out, and we’ll be created.

Or maybe not.

Please accept me into this nonexistent society; you will find the necessary requirements and also an entry from acquiring something I don’t remember well.
edited by dioscuris on 2/26/2017

I can only remember the faintest scraps of a journey that never happened or began in the first place. I understand your Correspondent’s Lounge to be equitable to individuals of my sort, those with strange items from beyond the world itself? You’ll find them [url=]here.

Amanda Albright was once a tlönic, but has since gone NORTH. None shall speak of her, but she humbly requests to be inducted into the House of Asterion.

Though this society does not exist, I humbly request a place. Thanks to all who answered my PMs with clues. I have progressed through finding A S_____h of I____o I_k.
edited by Tay1or on 3/14/2017

Mm, for something which doesn’t exist, this society is growing quite big. Funny how void can take up space.

Am I here? What a strange place to find myself, here-but-not-here. What is here?

Edit: Fascinating. Having just found the E______l P_____d B___k, after months of searching, I now find myself in possession of a curious S_____h of I____o I_k. Although oddly, I can’t seem to locate it in my inventory…
edited by will408914 on 4/23/2017
edited by will408914 on 4/23/2017

Today i’ve found some progress in my search and so I am here to request a membership in this unexisting society.

As an Imponderable in possession of the requisite knowledge, an obligingly-shaded ovoid, and a small quantity of suitably-forgettable ink, I humbly request access to the non-existent Correspondents’ Lounge.

Special thanks to an_ocelot for subtly informing me that while I had already found the key to the front door, I somehow managed to slip while attempting to fit it into the lock.
edited by checkmate on 5/2/2017
edited by checkmate on 5/2/2017

&quotOh when you’re making an egg, for a good friend, you gotta make the best egg that you can!&quot

It appears that I have fallen into this void.

I’d never realized what this thread was about, until I had to realize no-more. There is no proof that I can not remember, but a Neathbow-Colour lights my dreams (and I might access a storylet to prove it).

&quot… Here.&quot

I have solved the first part of this enigma

Having found something that isn’t, I suppose it’s time for me to join the society that has never been.