The Seraphinian Society does not exist.

The record keeping of the Grand Inspector is impressive, my gratitude for being added to society without even knowing of it, nor being a regular on the forums. I guess my presence on the subreddit has allowed this fortune. Or maybe I’ve been here many times, only to be washed with irrigo and forgetfulness.

My thanks, in any case. Now that I’m at the current assumed enigma cap, I can’t wait for the release of a new challenge.

What a delightful idea!

I’m pleased to report that I have found certain items conducive to earning elevation in our most esoteric society.
edited by Israfel on 6/18/2016

It saddens me to say that I have to leave this non-existent society altogether. I still have my items; I do not have my ambition. It along with the rest of my future was washed away in the Nadir.

Guy, I will of course let you stay in some kind of honorary membership! As soon as I can come up with a name, that’s gonna be the status of all Seraphinians-turned-Seekers! :)

:edit: Seraphinian Seekers will be inducted into the House of Asterion! Which we never speak of! ;)
edited by phryne on 7/9/2016

I should visit this part of the forums more often, this is delightful. Also a nice way to commemorate an achievement many of us should be losing soon. For now, I think I qualify for the lounge:

And done!
Incidentally, will all Seekers have to give up their Ambition(s) in the Nadir? I seem to remember reading something somewhere about ways to circumvent certain of SMEN’s harsher requirements…

I qualify for the Lounge as well, and I’m looking forward to immediately losing that status as new content is released.

You don’t actually have to give up anything at that particular stage if you don’t want to, but it’s clearly encouraged.

I believe I fulfill the conditions to enter the lounge. I have put item A in my mantelpiece and echoed the proof for item B.

Congratulations to Barselaar for achieving Officer status in our non-existant Society! Since they were the first Seraphinian to travel North and return, I thought that deserved a special acknowledgement.

Concerning induction into the House of Asterion, I have made exceptions for Spacemarine9 and an_ocelot because I think they deserve it! ;)

I think that I’m qualified for the &quotImponderables&quot,

Thank you very much, Phryne! It’s an honour.

I very much hope that we will, however slowly, continue to be given things to do as group of people that almost certainly doesn’t exist!

I qualify for Basic Membership. May I join?
(Link to profile is in my signature).

I would quite enjoy some rousing note passing with those imponderable fellows in the Correspondents’ Lounge.

May I join? I have the splotch and the Eggshell, and I’ve echoed both those options as proof. My profile’s below.

I believe I qualify for access to the Correspondents’ Lounge now. The proof is on my mantelpiece.
edited by TeslaWalker on 7/26/2016

Wrong thread. You want the Off-Topic section.

(can’t resist the urge to agree it’s a fantastic game, though.)
edited by Teaspoon on 7/26/2016

fair enough

I appreciated the recommendation, Dean